Ethan Dvash-Banks, Scotty Bowers, Sandra Bland, Taron Egerton, Adam Lambert, Joan Collins, Elizabeth Warren: HOT LINKS
ETHAN DVASH-BANKS. U.S. State Department appeals decision granting citizenship to child of gay bi-national couple: “The government refuses to recognize the validity of Andrew and Elad Dvash-Banks’ marriage, and continues to defend its discriminatory policy, which conditions the recognition of birthright citizenship on a biological link to a U.S. citizen parent.” Our earlier report HERE.
MIA. Mike Pompeo and the White House press corps: “The press pool traveling with Pompeo has not been told where they are going next, and have been warned they may not be able to report from the country they are going to until after their departure.”
GILLIBRAND. I’ll only nominate judges that back Roe v. Wade: ‘As a candidate, Donald Trump said he would punish women for accessing abortion, and as president, he’s made good on that promise by stacking the Supreme Court with anti-choice extremists Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch. Republicans nationwide push these bills because they want a court ruling that guts abortion access nationwide, forever. We simply cannot let that happen. The decision about if and when to start a family should be made by a woman and her doctor — not Republican legislators, not Brett Kavanaugh and certainly not Donald Trump.’
GEORGE CLOONEY. On Brunei backing down from its death by stoning penalty for gay sex: “This is a huge step forward after a giant leap backwards. It promises that the citizens of Brunei won’t be executed for being gay. It also sends a very crucial message to countries like Indonesia and Malaysia that there is a cost for enacting these laws. And the cost isn’t folks boycotting their hotels. The cost is that corporations and big banks won’t do business with you.”
SHAME. Elizabeth Warren shames Mitch McConnell by reading from the Mueller Report on the Senate floor. “If any other human being in this country had done what’s documented in the Mueller report, they’d be arrested and put in jail,” she said. “The Majority Leader doesn’t want us to consider mountain of evidence against the president. That is wrong.”
WARREN: “That’s over 600 former prosecutors saying that if we were talking about anyone other than POTUS, they’d be prosecuted for obstruction…the only mechanism to hold POTUS accountable & to ensure he’s not above the law is for Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings.”
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 7, 2019
KAMP. They wanted camp and the Kardashians came up with this.
DYNASTY. Joan Collins just wanted to go as Alexis again.
UNDER THE BUS. Trump inaugural committee contractor and adviser to Melania disputes account of her departure: “Was I fired? No,” Ms. Winston Wolkoff said in the statement. “Did I personally receive $26 million or $1.6 million? No. Was I thrown under the bus? Yes.”
SANDRA BLAND. New video reveals that Sandra Bland filmed police arrest herself: “Ms. Bland, a 28-year-old African-American from Chicago, was taken into custody in southeast Texas following the confrontational 2015 traffic stop and was found hanging in a jail cell three days later in what was officially ruled a suicide. The case, which drew international attention, intensified outrage over the treatment of black people by white police officers and was considered a turning point in the Black Lives Matter movement.”
NEGLECT. Migrant children in U.S. custody are facing a horrific reality.
TENNESSEE. House Speaker Glen Casada won’t resign after being caught up in scandal with former chief of staff. “I was wrong,” he said, adding he has not participated in similar talk in recent years. “I got caught up in the moment.”
BILL DE BLASIO. Holding off on 2020 announcement: “It’s not the night, no,” de Blasio said on NY1 when host Errol Louis asked if he planned on breaking the news. “And not the week.”
BUCKLEY ON BUTTIGIEG. Former Democratic party chair on Mayor Pete’s candidacy: “As we move forward, what is fascinating about this year is that while in theory people support marriage equality, you’re seeing it with Chasten [Mr. Buttigieg’s husband] and Pete. And the visual from last weekend — for it to be absolutely normal as the spouse to come out, hug, embrace, kiss, hold hands — for the generation over 30, that was an amazing thing to witness. I talked to some folks in New Hampshire who are in their 20s, and it was nothing to them. Because their adult life has been marriage equality. They can’t imagine the sort of sense that we all felt. But there was still a tremendous sense of progress and pride with that picture.”
AUSTRALIA. Prime Minister Scott Morrison got hit with an egg that didn’t break, and then an older lady got knocked over. ‘The incident happened when Morrison met with delegates from the Country Women’s Association in Albury in order to drum up support ahead of the country’s general election.’
We will stand up to thuggery whether it’s these cowardly activists who have no respect for anyone, or militant unionists standing over small businesses and their employees on work sites.
— Scott Morrison (@ScottMorrisonMP) May 7, 2019
NEW EYES. Adam Lambert announces new single. “I’m back in my power.”
REAL ESTATE. Scotty Bowers house up for sale: “The Hollywood Grove home was once owned by Scotty Bowers, who originally purchased it with proceeds from a prostitution and pimping business which counted the likes of Cary Grant and Rock Hudson among its clients.”
A LITTLE SH*T. Find out what happened when Taron Egerton tried to raid Elton’s fridge.
The post Ethan Dvash-Banks, Scotty Bowers, Sandra Bland, Taron Egerton, Adam Lambert, Joan Collins, Elizabeth Warren: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.
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