Ellen Tortures Neil Patrick Harris at Target: WATCH

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Ellen Tortures Neil Patrick Harris at Target: WATCH
Neil Patrick Harris

Ellen sent Neil Patrick Harris to Target to pick up some bubly, a new carbonated beverage that NPH is pushing which she later gave to her audience.

NPH was instructed to take directions from Ellen through his earpiece and roped in a customer who fed him the drink because he was in too much pain to hold it due to his fake injury.

This prank could have benefited with a little for freedom for Mr. Harris, who probably could have taken it to town with some impromptu humor, because all the vamping kind of gave away to the customer that something was going down.

NPH also appeared “magically” in Ellen’s studio.


The post Ellen Tortures Neil Patrick Harris at Target: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Ellen Tortures Neil Patrick Harris at Target: WATCH

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