Elderly Man Receives Father’s Day Card 26 Years Late From Gay Son Who Died Of AIDS

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Elderly Man Receives Father’s Day Card 26 Years Late From Gay Son Who Died Of AIDS

Screen Shot 2015-07-09 at 11.17.37 AMFather’s Day was nearly three weeks ago, but Dwayne Schrock only recently received a card from his son, Dwayne Jr. Oh, and it was 26 years late.

The year was 1989 when Dwayne Jr. wrote to his dad, and their relationship wasn’t exactly rock-solid.

Schrock didn’t approve of his son being gay, opting to be largely absent from his life as Dwayne Jr.’s health deteriorated due to AIDS-related illness.

The card bounced around the nooks and crannies of the U.S. Postal Service, continuing its bizarre journey well past Dwayne Jr. died in 1995.

And while it’s not exactly poetry, the message couldn’t be clearer — Dwayne Jr. wanted to bridge the gap with his father:

Dear Dad,

We haven’t been in touch for quite a while. I’m doing fine, and am very happy in Richmond. I’d like to hear from you. Have a happy Father’s Day.



Now 87 years old, Dwayne is appreciative of the long-lost note.

“I still kind of tear up when I think about it,” he told ABC News.

Schrock said that before his son died, he had asked him “if he made peace with God because I want to see him in heaven.”

While we can’t say much to meeting in heaven, we hope Schrock has made his own peace with the son he loved.

Watch the news clip below:

Dan Tracer


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