Don’t Judge Boys Who Like To Do Things Girls Do
Julie Bracken posted a photo:
We are complex creatures. Any child consists of his mother’s DNA and his father’s, but then there’s always the rest of him. Where that comes from—genetics, DNA and heritage all play a role—is a mystery, but every human being today and over the history of the world, is unique.
Biological sex is part of that unique complexity and so is each person’s masculinity and femininity. Boys’ and girls’ masculinity and femininity, different from each other and varying widely within each sex, springs from sex. Masculinity and femininity differences—real or imagined—are then shaped in childhood and even throughout life, but are nurtured, encouraged or discouraged by individual choice and example.
So let’s not be hasty to judge boys who like to do things girls do and girls who like to do things boys do, but neither let us be naïve nor think individual choice and example play no role. Our choices build on what we are.
Our choices strengthen who we are and what we become, for what we do with our bodies shapes our minds.
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