Donald Trump’s State Of The Union Address – HuffPost UK Verdict

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Donald Trump’s State Of The Union Address – HuffPost UK Verdict

  • Donald Trump heralded a “new American moment” for US in an inaugural State of the Union address that was notable for its optimism and self-congratulation.
  • “There has never been a better time to start living the American dream,” said the President.
  • In a plea for unity, the Republican President said: “I am extending an open hand to work with members of both parties, Democrats and Republicans, to protect our citizens, of every background, colour, religion and creed.”
  • The economy was the centerpiece of Trump’s address, hailing a booming stock market and more to come thanks to his recently-secured tax cuts.
  • Trump lauded 2.4 million new jobs, rising wages and unemployment at its lowest ever rate – though critics pointed out much of this was inherited from the Obama era.
  • He called on Congress to advance a $1.5 trillion plan to ‘rebuild our crumbling infrastructure’, which even Democrats applauded. 
  • But there were cracks emerging on the call to unity with a dig at football players who have knelt during the National Anthem in protest against injustice against black people.
  • He unveiled “four pillars” of his immigration plan to put “America First”, but a wall on the Mexican border and a new merit-based system has long been his goal.
  • On foreign policy, Trump highlighted his successes in fighting ISIS, which largely continues Obama’s strategy.
  • In the big news from the speech, Trump also signed an executive order to keep Guantanamo Bay prison open, reversing Obama’s executive order to close to Cuba detention centre.
  • On North Korea, Trump railled against the “depraved character” of the regime, but made no explicit mention of military action.


‘Twitter Trump’ had the night off. For his first State of the Union address to Congress, ‘Teleprompter Trump’ took centre-stage.

There were very few ad-libs. No cries of “drain the swamp”. A lack of inappropriate and lewd stories about New York cocktail parties, as he offered when regaling 40,000 Boy Scouts at their annual jamboree.

On script, this was as close as Trump has come to being a conventional politician,  opening with tributes to the heroic responses to a series of natural disasters that have devastated America in the last year and piling platitude upon platitude.

“If there is a mountain, we climb it. If there is a frontier, we cross it. If there is a challenge, we tame it. If there is an opportunity, we seize it,” he opined, wistfully, in remarks so bland they could have been uttered by any president from any party at any time.

We’ve been here before, though.

In March last year, Trump addressed Congress for the first time and shocked the world by his low frequency. CNN political commentator and Democrat Van Jones even said it was the moment Trump “became president”. Yet Trump was soon after calling Kim Jong Un “Rocket Man”, defending white nationalists as “good people” and damning the “fake news” industry whenever possible. 

Advanced warning of Tuesday’s the State of the Union emphasised that Trump was in conciliatory mood. Certainly more optimistic than his inauguration speech warnings of “American carnage” that could have been delivered by Gotham City’s newest villain.

And, yes, talk of the ‘new American moment’ and “extending an open hand” hinted at a light-touch rarely seen with Trump. Glum-faced and sceptical Democrats even cheered when Trump promised to lavish money on new infrastructure, and few would not be moved by the many stories of everyday American heroics.

But if ‘Teleprompter Trump’ is a mask, on occasion it slipped.

Trump pointed to “why we proudly stand for the national anthem”, a barely-disguised dig at NFL players who have taken a knee to protest injustice faced by black people. There could not have been a bigger symbol of divided America. 

And with the line that “Americans are dreamers too”, Trump was differentiating between the DREAMers – youngsters brought to the US illegally who face an uncertain future – and those born in the US. 

There was a flashpoint, too, when Trump suggested migrants can bring “an unlimited number of distant relatives” under the current system. “That’s lies!”, a Democrat reportedly shouted.


From an ex-Obama staffer …

Ted Cruz is on his feet! Trump called his wife ugly and said his dad killed Kennedy and never apologized and Cruz took it. America!

— Jon Lovett (@jonlovett) January 31, 2018

From the Press …

Here’s the front page of tomorrow’s Washington Post:

— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) January 31, 2018

From the right …

Make no mistake, this was a State of the Union for THE PEOPLE. @realDonaldTrump put the square and sole focus on the forgotten men and women that make our country the greatest on earth! #SOTU

— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) January 31, 2018

From the far right …

Thank you President Trump. Americans are “Dreamers” too.

— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) January 31, 2018



W H A T  N E X T?

All eyes will be on Donald Trump’s next tweet and whether ‘Teleprompter Trump’ slips back into the shadows for another year.

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