Donald Trump’s disastrous first week as POTUS told in memes

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Donald Trump’s disastrous first week as POTUS told in memes

It’s hard to believe that we’re only week two into Donald Trump’s presidency, but it’s true.

Related: Donald Trump just issued a press release boasting about how great he is; internet begs to differ

In the last seven days, Trump has signed an executive order to begin dismantling the Affordable Care Act, green-lit the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline projects, signed several executive orders on immigration to begin constructing the #WallofHate, argued with the Pope, ordered a communications blackout at multiple government agencies, banned Muslims from entering the country, launched attacks against several media outlets, and called Madonna “disgusting,” among other things. And we still have another 3 years, 11 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days to go!

Related: Melania Trump granted permission to sue blogger for $150 million for calling her an escort

To help get you through this difficult time, we’ve scoured the internet for the best memes that help illustrate Mr. Trump’s first week as POTUS. Scroll down for the story…

?? this killed me ?? #trumphate #fucktrump #trumpisacunt #lego #wall #trump #donaldtrump #donaldtrumpmemes #donaldtrumpsucks #donaldtrumpisanidiot

A photo posted by D&B and HipHop Producer (@fatality_chameleon) on

I would gladly build it myself ?? #fuckdonaldtrump #donaldtrumpsucks #fucktrump #dumptrump

A photo posted by Annika (@varmkorvboogie) on

@boycotttrumps Politicus By Jason Easley Transcript via Fox News Conway: “There’s no question that when you look at the contributions made by the media, money contributions, they went to Clinton. We have all the headlines, people should be embarrassed. Not one network person has been let go. Not one silly political analyst and pundit who talked smack all day long about Donald Trump has been let go. They are on panels every Sunday. They’re on cable news every day. Who’s the first editorial — the first blogger that will be left out that embarrassed his or her outlet? We know all their names. I’m too polite to call them by name. But they know who they are, and they’re all wondering, will I be the first to go? The election was three months ago. None of them have been let go. If this were a real business, if the mainstream media were a thriving private sector business that actually turn a profit, which is not true of many of our newspapers, Chris, 20 percent of the people would be gone. They embarrassed, they failed to protect their shareholders and their board members and their colleagues. And yet we deal with him every single day. We turn the other cheek. If you are part of team Trump, you walk around with these gaping, seeping wounds every single day, and that’s fine. I believe in a full and fair press. I’m here every Sunday morning. I haven’t slept in a month. I believe in a full and fair press. But with the free press comes responsibility. And responsibility is to get the story right. Biased coverage is easy to detect. Incomplete coverage impossible to detect. That’s my major grievance, is the media are not — they’re not giving us complete coverage.” In case you didn’t catch the reference, Donald Trump is Jesus walking around with the gaping, seeping wounds that are caused by “biased media coverage.” Kellyanne Conway and the rest of the White House are the disciples who are turning the other cheek while being ..

A photo posted by whosbp8 (@whosbp8) on

Steve Bannon leading America #nobannowall #muslimban #notmypresident

A photo posted by Don Schwartz (@newhampster) on

This fucked up dumb ass will kill us all with his cavemen diplomacy??? #donaldtrumpsucks #heismad #help

A photo posted by JJ (@juergenland) on

#Becareful what you asked for….Ya’ll elected #donaldtrump ???

A photo posted by NView/ Trendy News (@buksqueenbeenyc) on

#iliveforthis . #humor might not save the world but it #helpsalot . Whoever created this #awesomepiece: this is #hillarious ! #donaldtrumpsucks #sausageface #awesomehairstyle #fourmoreyearsofthis ? #dianaapotheke #mypharmacy #politics #godhelpamerica #whocanstopthisman ?

A photo posted by Diana Apotheke Güssing (@dianaapothekeguessing) on

???????? TRUMP TROLLS…Conservatives and republicans rather have a con artist instead of a  well educated man with nothing but the good of this country in his heart for this he was mock and made fun of . Dont ever let no one tell you racism is dead because if so so is the holocaust. We can all do likr Donald and say dont burn the flag burn the country down thats donalds  stand…..#trumpuniversity #trump #donaldtrump #fuckdonaldtrump #trumpuniversity #KKK #ivankatrump #melaniatrump #WHOSBP #whiteamerica #makeamericagreatagain #makeamericahateagain #drbencarson #duckdynasty #guiliani #murica #pence #sillyrepublicans #notmypresident #nevertrump #dumptrump #pelosforpresident #FTP #georgelopez #notmypresident #trumpforprison #pence #sheriffdavidclarke #hillary #showmethetaxreturns #recount #trumpforprison #mittromney #dakotapipeline

A photo posted by whosbp8 (@whosbp8) on

By the end of this week, you will start pining for this guy.

A photo posted by Rogue Melania (@roguemelania) on

#donaldtrumpsucks #assface

A photo posted by Susanna Petersson (@sussepetersson) on


A photo posted by Gemini of Color (@problack.princess) on

#twatzi #funnybutscary #trump? #batshitcrazy

A photo posted by Jeremy Houle (@jeremyhoule73) on

Gguurrll, you is a mess, Bish. #donaldtrump #notmypresident #trump #trumpsrump #donaldtrumpsucks #dumptrump

A photo posted by Kevin Charnas (@kevincharnas) on

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