Dolce & Gabbana sorry for anti-gay, ‘synthetic’ babies comments

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Dolce & Gabbana sorry for anti-gay, ‘synthetic’ babies comments

It’s five months late but Domenico Dolce has finally apologized for negative comments he and partner Stefano Gabbana made about same-sex parents and calling babies conceived via in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination ‘synthetic’.

The Italian designers, who make up luxury fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana, are gay and were once a couple.

Dolce was quoted as saying in a Vogue magazine article published on Friday, ‘I am so sorry. It was not my intention to offend anyone.’

‘I’ve done some soul-searching,’ he added. ‘I’ve talked to Stefano a lot about this. I’ve realized that my words were inappropriate, and I apologize. They are just kids… You don’t need labels, baby labels.’

On IVF births, he said, ‘I think everybody chooses for themselves. I don’t know everything about IVF, but I love it when people are happy. It’s like medicine. Science has been put on the table to help people.’

In March, the pair told Italian magazine Panorama, ‘We oppose gay adoptions. The only family is the traditional one. No chemical offsprings and rented uterus: life has a natural flow, there are things that should not be changed.’

Dolce said, ‘You are born to a mother and a father – or at least that’s how it should be. I call children of chemistry, synthetic children. Rented wombs, semen chosen from a catalog,’ while his partner added, ‘the only family is the traditional one.’

They later issued a statement but stopped short of making an apology after their comments sparked a sparked a backlash and angered gay celebrity fathers such as Elton John and Ricky Martin.

John, who has two sons conceived via IVF with husband David Furnish, called their thinking ‘archaic’ and called for a boycott of the fashion brand.

‘How dare you refer to my beautiful children as “synthetic”,’ Elton John wrote on Instagram. ‘And shame on you for wagging your judgmental little fingers at IVF — a miracle that has allowed legions of loving people, both straight and gay, to fulfil their dream of having children.’

Ricky Martin said, ‘Your voices are too powerful to be spreading too much hate. Wake up, it’s 2015. Love yourself guys.’

Gabbana also told Vogue he has pondered becoming a father and/or adopting a child.

Their home country however does not recognize same-sex marriage or civil partnerships.

‘When they ask if I wanted to be a parent, I say yes, of course, why not? But it’s not possible in Italy,’ he told Vogue. ‘I had thought of going to California and having a baby, but I couldn’t bring the baby back to Italy, because you need the mother’s passport. I asked about adoption in Italy. It’s very hard for a straight couple here—imagine if you are gay!’

Dolce also said in the interview that certain choices other gay men and women have made for themselves are not open to him because of his Catholic beliefs.

The post Dolce & Gabbana sorry for anti-gay, ‘synthetic’ babies comments appeared first on Gay Star News.

Sylvia Tan

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