Disrupt Trump Inauguration, Cabinet Hearings, Comey/Clinton, Deportations: DAILY RESIST

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Disrupt Trump Inauguration, Cabinet Hearings, Comey/Clinton, Deportations: DAILY RESIST


Disrupt Trump Inauguration

DisruptJ20, Tillerson, Comey, woman who confronted Ryan


DISRUPT THE INAUGURATION. A total of 27 different protest permits have been granted for D.C. the weekend after next. That’s four times more than for past inaugurations. disrupt trump inaugurationThe groups DisruptJ20, ANSWER and Refuse Fascism are all planning a series of traffic disruptions, protests and more.

CABINET HEARINGS. Trump’s Cabinet picks are disagreeing with him left and right. Defense secretary pick James Mattis said he supported the Iran nuclear agreement, secretary of state pick Rex Tillerson called Putin a threat and denounced a ban on Muslims, and CIA head pick Rep. Mike Pompeo defended the intel community.

COMEY, CLINTON & JUSTICE. The Justice Department will investigate FBI director James Comey’s decisions regarding Hillary Clinton’s emails. That will include Comey’s choice to reopen the email issue only days before the election. In response, Trump tweeted that Clinton was “guilty as hell.”

DEPORTATIONS. House speaker Paul Ryan told an undocumented woman and her child that there would be no deportation squads. “I can see that you love your daughter and that you’re a nice person who has a great future ahead of you, and I hope your future’s here,” he said. His promise contradicts Trump’s.

OBAMACARE. The House is set today to follow the Senate’s lead and take the first step toward repealing the program. But both extreme and moderate GOP reps are anxious about repealing with unclear plans for a replacement.



At Trump’s press conference yesterday, he shut down questions from CNN because they reported on the spy dossier of unproven claims about his ties to Russia. It’s not the first time he has demonized and punished media outlets for reporting or writing critically on him. Take ten minutes to watch this interview (starting at 26:55) that Democracy Now! did with Joel Simon, head of the Committee to Protect Journalists (the group Meryl Streep urged people to donate to in her Golden Globes speech blasting Trump).


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As Simon notes, it’s actually Obama who began the trend of prosecuting journalists for investigating and reporting leaks–but under Trump, that could have devastating consequences for a free press. “We’re very concerned that there will be a weakening of the protections that journalists have relied on to be able to carry out their communication with confidential sources,” he says. Give it a watch.


From the long list of protest permits filed in D.C. to affiliates of the January 21 Women’s March in countless cities including San Francisco and New York, Americans everywhere are planning to hit the streets to protest Trump’s inauguration on (and even well before) January 20.

Have you thought about going to D.C. for the weekend if possible? Groups including DisruptJ20 are lining up transportation, food and housing. If you can’t travel, all you have to do is Google “Trump,” “protest” and the name of your city or state to find a myriad of options.

Personally, we’re thrilled by this sweeping, detailed nationwide vision of resistance in the coming several days put out by the collective Refuse Fascism, which plans to have a major presence in D.C. starting this weekend (Jan 13-15). Give it a read and be inspired by what could be. Then figure out how to be a part of it–wherever you are. Here’s a short video call to action from Refuse Fascism:



disrupt trump inauguration

Trump at his press conference this week.


This important petition comes from MoveOn, which wants to send a mass message to media: “If Trump blacklists or bans one of you, the rest of you need to stand up. Instead of ignoring Trump’s bad behavior and going about your business, close ranks and stand up for journalism. Don’t keep talking about what Trump wants to talk about. Stand up and fight back. Amplify your colleague’s inquiry or refuse to engage until he removes that person/outlet from the blacklist.”

Daily Resist is a new digest from the LGBTQ blog Towleroad on efforts to block Trump and right-wing extremism and how you can get involved. Follow, like and share us here.

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Disrupt Trump Inauguration, Cabinet Hearings, Comey/Clinton, Deportations: DAILY RESIST

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