Die Antwoord Calls Drake A “Massive Faggot” On Instagram, Then Deletes It

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Die Antwoord Calls Drake A “Massive Faggot” On Instagram, Then Deletes It

Screen Shot 2015-03-06 at 10.22.47 AMNobody ever said South African musical duo Die Antwoord was supposed to be the model of political correctness, but this just seems like pushing it.

Drake and Die Antwoord are both touring Australia as part of the traveling Future Music Festival, and apparently Die Antwoord member Yolandi Visser was not a fan of Drake’s set.

So much so, in fact, that she posted a photo of Drake to her Instagram with the quote, “I’m a massive faggot” overlaid. The cation read, “Fuk. Drake was kak.”

Here’s the post, which has since been deleted:


Yolandi, for her part, doesn’t see this as homophobic. Or something.

Here is what partner Ninja had to say about word sensitivity in a previous message. DJ Hi-Tek is the group’s DJ, for clarification:

I’d like to set the record straight here once and for all. Number one: DJ Hi-Tek is gay. So there you go. Now you all know. Number two: Dj Hi-Tek says the word faggot doesn’t hold any power over him. Hi-Tek says faggot all the time cause he’s like, kind of taken that word and made it his bitch. Number three: Just to be fucking clear, the Antwoord is not homophobic… Number four: It comes across to us that some people from America are heavy sensitive about the use of certain words. But the thing is, what you need to understand is, we’re not from America. We’re from South Africa. And South Africa people aren’t so pumped up about these words.

You can see that video message below:

h/t Crave

Dan Tracer


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