Devin Nunes on the Mueller Report: ‘We Can Just Burn It Up’

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Devin Nunes on the Mueller Report: ‘We Can Just Burn It Up’

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) told FOX & Friends that the Mueller report, which nobody has yet seen, should be burned up.

Said Nunes: “The Mueller report … we can just burn it up. I mean, it is a partisan document. So there’s going to be a lot of calls for that. And the Democrats are going to be saying we need to see the underlying information. … What we really need to see is what was the FBI’s involvement with Fusion GPS. Who did they know about? I don’t want to gloss over this for the viewers, but Fusion GPS was essentially the Hillary Clinton campaign — they were hired by the Clinton campaign.”

Devin Nunes tells Fox & Friends that Mueller’s report should be burned and that Trump’s DOJ should instead launch an investigation of the Obama administration.

— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) March 24, 2019

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Devin Nunes on the Mueller Report: ‘We Can Just Burn It Up’

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