Department of Justice Highlights Law Enforcement Training and the Trans Community in Mississippi

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Department of Justice Highlights Law Enforcement Training and the Trans Community in Mississippi

On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Community Relations Service (CRS) released a video highlighting law enforcement training and the transgender community in Jackson, Mississippi. 

“CRS worked with the Jackson Police Department and members of the Transgender community to deliver cultural competency training for law enforcement officers,” the DOJ explained on their website. “CRS Conciliation Specialists presented the training in an effort to increase understanding and improve relations for all involved.”

Members of the transgender community took part in the training, speaking directly to law enforcement officers. A transgender police officer, Tyler Gibbs, and the mother of transgender son, Maureen Whann, also spoke. 

“Focusing on LGBTQ — and especially transgender — cultural competency moves the needle of equality and equal treatment in the right direction,” HRC Mississippi State Director Rob Hill said. “It’s heartening to see that the U.S. Department of Justice takes cultural competency training so seriously, and we are glad they’re focusing resources here in Jackson, Mississippi. All law enforcement officers should know how to serve and protect all members of their community, especially LGBTQ citizens, who can be targeted for who they are.”

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