Dating apps are causing people to lower their standards, study finds

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Dating apps are causing people to lower their standards, study finds

Hooking up has never been easier thanks to apps like Grindr, SCRUFF, and Tindr. But does having an endless supply of eager guys at your disposal make you more or less picky when it comes to selecting just who you get naked with?

A new study from the Queensland University of Technology finds that hookup apps are actually making people less choosey about their sexual partners.

Researches poured over the dating profiles of more than 40,000 singles ages 18 t0 80 and looked at nearly 220,000 contact decisions in an effort to determine how people are selecting mates in the digital age. What they discovered was that online daters are becoming more and more lax about their “check list” of criteria potential partners must meet to be considered a viable option.

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“We looked at whether or not people actually contact people who match what they say is their ideal partner in their profile, and our findings show they don’t,” researcher Stephen Whyte says. “Stating a preference for what you are looking for appears to have little to no bearing on the characteristics of people you actually contact.”

Whyte believes one of the reasons people are more likely to settle could be because they’re tired of trying to find that perfect person in a cornucopia overflowing with options. It’s like searching for a needle in a haystack. Eventually, you just give up and go for the next best choice.

“People may state a preference for an ideal partner,” he continues, “but they are more than happy to initiate contact with potential love interests that bear no resemblance whatsoever to that ‘Mr or Mrs Perfect’ they initially think they prefer over all others.”

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So what’s the takeaway?

“Disclosure of ‘ideal’ partner preferences is a widely offered and commonly-used option for people creating a profile on online dating websites, but whether it’s effective or useful in helping people find that special someone is unclear,” Whyte says.

Or, as the Independent puts it: “So if you lower your standards, the chances are everyone else has too, so you may just meet the one as a result.”

What do you think? Do you find yourself lowering your standards when it comes to online dating? Or are you just as picky as ever? Share your experience in the comments below…

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