Dan Savage To Ben Carson: 'Suck My D**k' To Prove Being Gay Is A Choice

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Dan Savage To Ben Carson: 'Suck My D**k' To Prove Being Gay Is A Choice
Responding to Ben Carson’s remarks this week that being gay is a choice, columnist Dan Savage invited the Republican presidential prospect to “suck my dick” to prove it.

Carson on Wednesday told CNN that prisoners are an example of how homosexuality can be a choice, so Savage challenged Carson in an open letter:

If being gay is a choice, prove it. Choose it. Choose to be gay yourself. Show America how that’s done, Ben, show us how a man can choose to be gay. Suck my dick. Name the time and the place and I’ll bring my dick and a camera crew and you can suck me off and win the argument.

Carson later apologized for his remarks, but not before catching major heat for his exchange with CNN’s Chris Cuomo. He said in the interview there was no comparison between civil rights and gay rights because citizens have no choice of their race, while homosexuality is “absolutely” a choice. “A lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight, and when they come out they’re gay,” he said.

In his essay, published March 4 in The Stranger, Savage, who writes a syndicated sex column, wrote how religious conservatives use the “choice” argument to deny civil rights to the gay community.

“Like truthers (9/11 was an inside job), birthers (Barack Obama was born in Kenya), and deathers (Osama bin Laden is alive and well and living in West Hollywood), choicers are another group deranged conspiracy theorists who can’t be dissuaded by science or evidence or facts. They insist that being gay is a conscious choice that a person makes,” he wrote.

Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who recently finished fourth among potential 2016 GOP presidential candidates in a straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference, has previously compared homosexuality with bestiality and pedophilia. He apologized for those comments as well.

H/T Raw Story


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