D.C. Meteorologist Strikes a Pose with Sassy Madonna Forecast: WATCH

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D.C. Meteorologist Strikes a Pose with Sassy Madonna Forecast: WATCH

Mike Thomas Madonna forecast

D.C. meteorologist Mike Thomas, you may remember his Taylor Swift forecast back in July, spent four hours with his team on Friday concocting a Madonna forecast ahead of her Rebel Heart Tour opening night.

“Now some boys try and some boys lie but I don’t let them play. I’m gonna nail this forecast today, says Thomas, diving in to his material girl forecast. “Don’t just stand there, let’s get to it. Strike a pose there’s nothing to it.”

Adds Thomas: “Life is a mystery and everyone must stand alone. And I will stand alone as I predict yes, we have seen the last of the 90’s for the year here in Washington so cherish this cooler air moving in from the west….Some parts of the region will be touched for the very first time by rain this month on Saturday, so grab, grab that umbrella as you head down to the concert….Yes, rain, feel it on my fingertips and hear it on my window pane. Now you’re thinking, papa, don’t preach, we’re in trouble deep, but fear not there is a ray of light.”

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Andy Towle

D.C. Meteorologist Strikes a Pose with Sassy Madonna Forecast: WATCH

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