Crowd at NC Edward Sharpe Concert Goes Wild as Gay Couple Renews Vows: WATCH

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Crowd at NC Edward Sharpe Concert Goes Wild as Gay Couple Renews Vows: WATCH

Edward Sharpe

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros took a different approach to protesting North Carolina’s HB 2 at a Friday night concert in Raleigh,

Alex Ebert, the band’s frontman, told the crowd of 2,500 that he had to miss his friends’ wedding, so he thought it would be a good idea if he could officiate at a ceremony renewing their vows.

He then invited those friends, PETA Senior VP Dan Mathews and his husband Jack Ryan, on stage to do so.

Said Ebert to Rolling Stone:

“HB2 was passed by an immoral minority – North Carolina has many thriving, creative, modern communities. We were tempted to cancel the show, but decided at the last minute to rally the crowd instead by renewing the vows of our good friends onstage.”

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