Chuck Renslow, Michael Flynn, Annie Lennox, Ellen Page, Indonesia, Trump Subpoena: HOT LINKS

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Chuck Renslow, Michael Flynn, Annie Lennox, Ellen Page, Indonesia, Trump Subpoena: HOT LINKS

RIP. Chuck Renslow, founder of International Mr. Leather and Chicago gay bars, dies at 87: “Renslow reigned over a seven-decade empire, starting more than two dozen businesses—bars, discos, photo studios, health clubs, bathhouses, gay magazines and newspapers, hotels, restaurants and bookstores. He fostered organizations and dealt with Mafia and police payoffs, the Chicago Machine, anti-gay government policies, and controversy within the gay community.”

MICHAEL FLYNN. GOP operative who sought Clinton emails from hackers implied that Flynn was an “ally” in that effort: “The Journal reports a Republican group trying to obtain 33,000 Hillary Clinton emails they believed were stolen by Russian hackers appeared to be in communication with Michael Flynn, who was serving as a senior adviser to the Trump campaign at the time…The Journal’s source, a Republican opposition researcher named Peter W. Smith, mounted an independent investigation into the missing Clinton emails and in the process, interacted with 5 groups of hackers who claimed to have the emails, two of which were Russian. Emails by Smith to close associates reveal Flynn and his consulting group to be ‘allies in their quest.’”

SUBPOENA? House Intel Committee threatens Trump over Comey tapes: “The top Republican and Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia probe threatened to subpoena the White House if it doesn’t give more information about whether there were recordings of meetings between President Trump and former FBI Director James Comey. Reps. Mike Conaway (R-Tex.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Thursday that a letter from the White House last week referring them to Trump’s tweets on the matter wasn’t a satisfactory response.”

ANNIE LENNOX. Radio station claims she has potential as a singer.

Indonesia gayINDONESIA. Gay community driven underground by police raids: “Indonesia’s Islamists have long sought to criminalize gay sex. The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), the vigilante group that threatened the now defunct Q! film festival in Jakarta, has previously broken up what they said were gay parties and then urged the police to detain the men. But what is sending a new chill through the gay community is that police seem to have taken on the vice patrol role themselves.”

XI JINPING. Revival of the term “comrade” by China’s leader floods livestream feed with rainbow emojis because the term has a different meaning now.

Xi Jinping: “同志 hello! 同志 you’ve worked hard!” #HKSAR20 #pride

— Larry Au (@larryau) June 30, 2017

500 MILES ON A CHARGE. Electric car charges itself with sunlight. “The startup unveiled its Lightyear One concept earlier this week, touting a battery that can constantly replenish its power using the sun and travel a range of up to 800 km (almost 500 miles) when fully juiced. That’s just the start: The company claims that in the right sunny environment (say, Hawaii), the One could potentially drive for months at a time between charges.”

TRAILER OF THE DAY. Identify, a new series on the Olympic Channel profiling five trans athletes.

GOOD BOY. Dog wanders on stage, sits down with Vienna Chamber Orchestra in Ephesus, Turkey.

COVER OF THE DAY. Ellen Page covering Britney Spears “Lucky”.

FRIDAY FLASH. Robert Oliveira.

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Chuck Renslow, Michael Flynn, Annie Lennox, Ellen Page, Indonesia, Trump Subpoena: HOT LINKS

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