Chris Pratt Elaborates On Getting Naked At A Gay Man’s Penthouse To Launch His Career

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Chris Pratt Elaborates On Getting Naked At A Gay Man’s Penthouse To Launch His Career

prattnortonWe don’t care that we’ve already heard Chris Pratt tell this story to Jimmy Fallon, it’s that good.

On a recent Graham Norton Show appearance, Pratt elaborates on how his first professional head shot came to be. And for a second there, it almost sounds like there was actual head involved from the gay man who picked Pratt up at a West Hollywood post office. A girl can dream.

Related: Chris Pratt Loves To Get Naked, Doesn’t Understand How Taking Out His Junk Could Offend

Takeaway? Sometimes when someone is nice to you, they’re actually just being nice. Who would have thought?

Below, Pratt details his utterly naive thought process that may very well have resulted in the world-wide success he’s now enjoying:

Dan Tracer

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