Chick-Fil-A Isn’t Antigay Enough For These Crazed Conservatives

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Chick-Fil-A Isn’t Antigay Enough For These Crazed Conservatives

chick2A group of irate Christian extremists have launched a petition demanding an explanation from Chick-fil-A as to why the fast food chain is sponsoring Level Ground (which they mistakenly refer to as “On Level Ground”), an organization that hosts a yearly LGBTQ Christian film festival.

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“Per our research and findings, Chick-fil-A is a sponsor of ‘On Level Ground’ ( which is ‘a movement’ that ‘creates space for dialogue about faith, gender, and sexuality through the arts,’” the petition reads.

It then goes on to attack Level Ground’s other sponsors, who petitioners feel “promote an agenda which is contrary to Chick-fil-A’s corporate stance on Christian values regarding marriage and stewardship.”

“In light of these findings, we ask that Chick-fil-A issues an official response regarding this sponsorship,” the petition demands.

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The petition has roughly 650 signatures and counting, with more than 100 new ones collected over the weekend, which is a little odd seeing as how Chick-fil-A issued its response three days ago.

In an email to the website Eater sent last Friday, the company explained that it’s not sponsoring any LGBTQ Christian film festivals. The sponsorship is from a single franchise owner in Nashville.

“The operators make decisions on local sponsorships,” Chick-fil-A told Eater.

Yet people continue signing the petition anyway. Go figure.

Related: Iowa’s Pride Picnic Is Being Catered By… Chick-Fil-A?

h/t: The New Civil Rights Movement


Graham Gremore

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