Cher Laughs At Trump’s Promise To Protect LGBTQ Community: “Oh, Come On!”

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Cher Laughs At Trump’s Promise To Protect LGBTQ Community: “Oh, Come On!”


Cher. Photo by David Carroll, CC 2.0.

When Donald Trump promised to protect the LGBTQ community in his fear-mongering speech at the RNC this year, only the most gullible fell for it. Count Cher as among those smart enough to know a conman conning when she sees one.

Cher spoke with Lawrence O’Donnell on his MSNBC program The Last Word on Tuesday and made clear just how silly she found Trump’s empty promises.

Related: Donald Trump Promises To Protect The LGBTQ Community, Twitter Reacts

After playing the footage of the speech, O’Donnell asked what she thought when she heard him speak those words.

“Oh, come on!” she said, laughing. “And he says it, he says those letters like a child that’s just learning the alphabet.”

“He’s the most disingenuous man I’ve ever seen,” she added. “And I want to tell you, my people will not believe him for a minute.”

Cher referenced his closed door meeting with 400 antigay evangelicals shortly after claiming to be more of a friend to the LGBTQ community than Hillary Clinton.

“How does he go from that meeting to telling my people that he will protect them?” she asked.

Trump has also said he sides with states like North Carolina when it comes to transgender bathroom laws like HB2, has routinely spoke out against same-sex marriage and in support of discriminatory Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) laws.

On top of that, he selected antigay Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate, and together they are running on an antigay platform that’s so bad even the Log Cabin Republicans are upset about it.

“I fear for (LGBTQ) people, and not just for my son,” she said. “I fear for what (a Trump administration) will do to those people.”

Related: Trump Supporters Too Intolerant To Pass His “Extreme Vetting” Test

This is not the first time Cher has sounded off on Trump.

Speaking at a Clinton rally in Provincetown, Massachusetts on Sunday she called him a “f***ing idiot.”

“He doesn’t mean we want to ‘Make America Great Again.’ He means: We want to make America straight and white,” she added.

Watch the video below.

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