Chelsea Clinton Says She “Absolutely” Helped Hillary Evolve On Gay Marriage
We’re still days out from the first Democratic debate and months away from the first primary, but team Hillary is already playing full-court press, hitting media outlets like Ellen and Saturday Night Live. And now Chelsea has been called to follow suit.
The former (and possibly future) first child sat down with Ellen, and wouldn’t you know it, Hillary’s much-discussed stance on gay rights came up. Chelsea told Ellen that she “absolutely” pushed her mom to support gay marriage.
“When I got married in 2010 to my best friend it just crystallized so fundamentally to me that everyone should be allowed to marry their best friend,” Clinton said. “And so I joined the equal marriage fight in New York and we got equal marriage in New York in 2011.”
Last month, a recording was unearthed from 2000 of then-president Bill Clinton cautioning a close friend that then-New York Senator Hillary’s “general discomfort” around gay rights could get in the way of her political ambitions.
So we have Chelsea’s wedding to partially thank for her mom’s evolving view on the issue. Wait, don’t say evolving.
That, and the Human Rights Campaign.
At HRC’s annual National Dinner, Clinton said, “You’ve helped change a lot of minds, including mine, and I am personally very grateful for that.”
Well whatever it was that finally tipped the scale, we’re happy to have her on our side now.
In the same speech, she promised:
“You know the obstacles that remain better than I do, but I want you to know that I get it. I see the injustices and the dangers that you and and your families still face, and I’m running for president to end them once and for all.”
Dan Tracer
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