Channing Tatum Surprises Fans at 'Magic Mike XXL' Screening with a 3D Performance: VIDEO

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Channing Tatum Surprises Fans at 'Magic Mike XXL' Screening with a 3D Performance: VIDEO


With Magic Mike XXL a little less than a month away from its release on July 1, Channing Tatum’s charm offensive is in full swing. The actor joined forced with Omaze, a non profit group that auctions events to benefit charitable causes, to surprise some fans at a screening of the stripper sequel not only with his presence but also some of the moves that made the first movie famous.

Tatum disguised himself as a creepy, bearded and balding marketing exec asking audience members focus group style questions about Magic Mike. For instance, Tatum asked one woman which part she would most like to see in 3D. The woman responded, “The part where there’s pelvic thrusting.” 

Tatum then gave that one woman (and everyone else in the audience, which included at least a handful of men) exactly what they wanted: a 3D Magic Mike. Complete with back up male strippers and loads of pelvic thrusting.


Getting in on the fun, Tatum twerked on a fan’s lap and finally revealed his true identity, making fans nearly apoplectic. 

Needless to say, fanning was required. 


Watch Tatum twerk it, AFTER THE JUMP…

[h/t BuzzFeed]

Sean Mandell

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