(NEW) Bristol Pride 2022, At the End (2/2)
jacklowry47 posted a photo:

File: 2022004-0748
Loverose Way, Bristol, South West of England, United Kingdom, on Saturday 9th of July 2022.
About the photograph.
This was shot outside of the Za Za Bazaar restaurant (behind me) and the PRYZM nightclub (seen in the background on the left side of the photo), at Loverose Way.
I had been walking alongside the parade, doing documentary and photojournalism kind of photography as I went along with the Pride march.
Anyone in the parade would take up to about an hour to get from the starting point to the end point. However, as I sometimes walk back and forth while trying to find some shots, it had taken me about a couple of hours to go from the start to the end.
Those people in the photo have reached the end of the march, but for me, I have not finished, so I went back to Anchor Road to try to grab more shots.
At one time between 1987 to 1989, I did try taking photos of a protest march while at college, but have not done any photojournalism kind of photos for a few decades, until that day, so I was still inexperience in the field of photojournalism.
The Bristol Pride was the first of big current affairs event that I attended and took photographs. For me, this event acts like a refresher course, to practise doing a photojournalism kind of photography.
I hope I’ve done okay with those the event, if you want to see more of the Bristol Pride photos, there is an album on this subject in my Albums section.
About the event.
Bristol Pride is an annual festival held over couple of weeks, promoting equality for the various LGBT+ people, with a march through the city at a weekend.
The Bristol Pride started life in 1977 as a fundraiser for the local LGBT community, and evolved into an annual event held every year. There was a gap of only some years between 1994 to 2010 when it was restarted.
The 2022 march started at Castle Park, near Castle Street. The route took them past Cabot Circus, and went around the major shopping area by using The Horsefair and Union Street, and as they went down Union Street, they headed towards Castle Park. When they reached Castle Park, they turned into Wine Street, went into High Street, and into Baldwin Street, headed towards the A38 which is Anchor Road. This route took them into Canon’s Road, and ended up near the Bristol Aquarium.
The march was said to take about an hour, but as a photographer whom would go back and forth, up and down the line, looking for good shots, it took me at least a couple of hours to complete the route.
After the march, those whom bought tickets, can attend an evening musical festival at The Downs, approximately to the north-west of city centre. I did not attend this event, and by the time I got back to my friend’s home, I was worn out from the heat.
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