PHOTOS Hani Ahmed Entertainment & We Act Radio Present "Listen Up!", March 20th 10pm-3am, 1918 MLK Ave SE; live performances/interviews/radio broadcast/DJ; musical & poetic talent welcome (artist must bring music on CD); free admission; no backpacks or walk-ins; March 15, 2015
PHOTOS DHDaHitwryter and @listen_up_starr #Baltimore #Bmore #WashingtonDC #DC #Virginia #VA #Lesbian #Lesbians #DMVlesbian #DMVlesbians #DMVlesbianz #Gay #Gays #GayEvents #BmoreLGBT #dmvlgbt #dcgay #dcgays #dcgaynightlife #lesbianevents #dmvgayevents #women4wome March 15, 2015
PHOTOS ITS GOING DOWN TONIGHT TONIGHT RIGHT NOW at Yolo Bar & Lounge @YagElite presents 👭 "#LGBTQ Nightlife, Baltimore Edition" 👬 🎤 Hosted and 🎬 Performances by @DH_Dahitwryter 🎶 Music by @dc March 15, 2015
PHOTOS #SpringBreak is approaching and @IgniteDMV & @K5Entertainment are giving you the hottest #2K15SpringFling Club Crawl to hit the #DMVGayNightLife Friday, March 20th @ #CAPTALE with #SunshineAnderson taking the stage to perform her #GreatestHits!!! #CodeSun March 14, 2015