Category Archives: NEWS

James Franco’s Resume Grows Longer With New Album, And It’s Surprisingly Good

James Franco’s Resume Grows Longer With New Album, And It’s Surprisingly Good

daddy-x-wide-communityJames Franco has already checked off movie star, scholar, Broadway thespian, teacher, director, author, playwright, and Oscar host off his bucket list, so why stop there?

The almost annoyingly busy renaissance man is now coming out with an album, of course. The band is called Daddy, and in typical James Franco fashion, instead of pop beats and silly unrequited love stories, we get lyrics like, “The love life of the octopus, groping and grabbing.”

And even truer to form, there’s this heady explanation:

“[Daddy goes] beyond the ‘art of sampling’ into the act of appropriation. Not just appropriating a genre of music, but the moments it inhabits, and the characters that embody it.”

Franco, along with Daddy co-creator Tim O’Keefe, also enlisted the help of original Smiths bassist Andy Rourke for their Smiths-esque post-punk sound, and were audacious enough to release a debut single called “This Charming Man.”

Which would all be easy to shake your head at, except it’s actually quite good. Give a listen below:

Dan Tracer

Nebraska ACLU Plans to Challenge Marriage Ban

Nebraska ACLU Plans to Challenge Marriage Ban

6a00d8341c730253ef01a3fb6c106a970b-250wiNext Monday, the American Civil Liberties Union of Nebraska plans to file a lawsuit challenging the state’s gay marriage ban. reports that in a recent email sent to “same-sex marriage supporters,” Executive Director Danielle Conrad announced the suit, and that it will ask for same-sex couples to be able to marry in Nebraska, and also that out-of-state gay marriages will be recognized within Nebraska’s borders.

This would be something of a landmark moment for nationwide recognition of same-sex marriage — as of right now, Nebraska is the only state without either same-sex marriage or a federal lawsuit seeking approval of same-sex marriage. In 2000, the state’s ban, Nebraska Initiative 416, was passed with a staggering 70%. The text of the initiative reads:

Only marriage between a man and a woman shall be valid or recognized in Nebraska. The uniting of two persons of the same sex in a civil union, domestic partnership, or other similar same-sex relationship shall not be valid or recognized in Nebraska.

The names of the plaintiffs in the new ACLU suit have not yet been released.


Jake Folsom

Supreme Court Lifts Hold On Gay Marriages In Kansas

Supreme Court Lifts Hold On Gay Marriages In Kansas
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court says same-sex marriages can go ahead in Kansas.

The court on Wednesday denied the state’s request to prevent gay and lesbian couples from marrying while Kansas fights the issue in court.

A federal district judge last week blocked the state from enforcing its ban, saying it was in keeping with an earlier ruling by the federal appeals court that oversees Kansas that struck down bans in Oklahoma and Utah.

The judge’s ruling was supposed to go into effect Tuesday, but Justice Sonia Sotomayor (SOHN’-ya soh-toh-my-YOR’) temporarily put it on hold while the high court reviewed the case.

Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas would have sided with the state.

Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

The $5 Million Fondle: Hospital Sued After Nurse Molests Male Patient On Video

The $5 Million Fondle: Hospital Sued After Nurse Molests Male Patient On Video


Photo credit: Local 10

A patient who claims an ER technician fondled him while he was sedated at a Florida hospital is suing for $5 million, Local 10 in Miami reports.

“He put his hand on my boxers,” the victim, whose name has not been released, said. “He grabbed my private part, and he started playing with it and squeezing it.”

The man was under sedation and being treated for leg and back pain when police say ER technician Rene Martinez grabbed him by the crotch.

“I was like, ‘What’s going on?’ and he was like, ‘I was just checking to make sure you’re OK.’ That’s when I say, ‘OK this guy is up to something,’” the victim said.

Martinez then left the room. He returned a few minutes later to grab the man’s crotch again. Unbeknownst to him, however, the victim had switched on his cellphone camera and was filming the entire thing.

“He was saying I could make money from one of his friends by showing my private parts,” the victim alleged.

Afterwards, he complained to the hospital. Two weeks later, he handed over the video to police. Martinez was arrested and charged with two counts of simple battery and two counts of an unnatural and lascivious act.

Despite the rather damning video evidence, Martinez insists he’s innocent.

“We are going to fight this,” his attorney, Sabino Jauregui, said. “The video doesn’t tell the whole story… We believe the action might have been consensual.”

The victim is now suing the hospital for $5 million for not protecting him from the sexual assault. He also claims his life has been ruined and that the incident stirred painful, long-buried memories of the time he was molested as a child.

So far the hospital is not commenting on the incident.

See the NSFW video, obtained by Local 10, below. What do you think? Does it look consensual to you?

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Graham Gremore is a columnist and contributor for Queerty and Life of the Law. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Graham Gremore

SCOTUS Gives Same-Sex Marriage the Go-Ahead In Kansas

SCOTUS Gives Same-Sex Marriage the Go-Ahead In Kansas


The U.S. Supreme Court has denied Kansas’ request for a stay of a lower court’s decision striking down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, effectively allowing same-sex couples to say “I do” in the Sunflower State. Justice Sonia Sotomayor had granted a temporary stay of the lower court’s ruling until the entire Supreme Court could review the matter. Buzz Feed reports:

Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas would have granted the stay, according to the brief order issued by the court’s Public Information Office a little past 5 p.m. ET Wednesday.

On Nov, 4, U.S. District Court Judge Daniel Crabtree struck down Kansas’ ban as unconstitutional, putting the ruling on hold until 5 p.m. CT Nov. 11.

In the meantime, the state sought a stay pending its appeal from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, which denied the request on Nov. 7. On Monday, state officials sought a stay from Sotomayor, who oversees such requests out of the 10th Circuit. Sotomayor issued a stay, pending further order by her or the court.

After the same-sex couple plaintiffs filed a response with the court opposing the stay on Tuesday, the court was silent. Crabtree’s temporary stay expired, and all that remained was word from the justices.

On Wednesday, the court answered, with the justices denying the stay request and vacating, or ending, Sotomayor’s stay.

With the order issued before 5 p.m. CT, Kansan same-sex couples could yet marry on Wednesday.


Sean Mandell

Wikipedia's SeedFeeder Is The Weirdest Sex Illustrator You've Never Heard Of (NSFW)

Wikipedia's SeedFeeder Is The Weirdest Sex Illustrator You've Never Heard Of (NSFW)
Sure, we read Wikipedia for the articles. But the work of one anonymous artist with his eye on the erogenous is probably worthy of its own entry.

He goes by SeedFeeder, and almost all of his drawings are sexually explicit. But he’s no pornographer.

As Gawker’s Andy Cush gleefully outlines in his must-read exposition of the illustrator, from 2008 to 2012, SeedFeeder populated a multitude of Wikipedia articles on sexuality with about 48 frank, graphic drawings.

The acts SeedFeeder depicts aren’t weird, but the plastic, detached style in which they’re rendered is bizarrely matter-of-fact, like the airline safety pamphlets that the illustrator says inspired them.

Read Gawker’s deep-dive on SeedFeeder here.

As demanded by their subject matter, the drawings are anything but shy. They boldly run the gamut of sexuality, from deep-throating to tribadism, pegging to the ol’ Viennese Oyster (much more vanilla than it sounds).

Some wouldn’t consider it art, but it’s not porn, either. The drawings are educational, but they serve a purpose beyond illustration. By rendering intense acts of coupling in a sterile, almost instructional manner, Seedfeeder’s drawings have a normalizing effect on bedroom play that some might consider taboo.

Click To Reveal Sex Illustration Gallery (NSFW)

Although he isn’t solely responsible for all the depictions of sex acts on Wikipedia, SeedFeeder’s work has been a magnet for both ridicule and controversy. As Gawker notes, some Wikipedia users saw racist or sexist undertones in his work, which ultimately led some of the images to be removed from English-language versions of the site.

The artist has dismissed such criticism as “the prejudices and concerns of the small-minded.” On his user page, SeedFeeder has choice words for users who suggest that a description of the acts he depicts would suffice:

I come from a philosophical viewpoint that every Wikipedia article should have all forms of media available associated with it. Images, audio, and video. All articles, without exception. So any argument predicated on “an image isn’t necessary” is one that carries absolutely zero weight. None.

He’s been similarly blunt towards those concerned that kids might find his work, writing that “if your children are actively searching for these kind of topics… it’s because they already have a slight idea of them… and they feel ready to know more.”

Despite those strong words, it seems SeedFeeder has given up illustrating sex acts. He retired from Wikipedia in June 2012.

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