The $5 Million Fondle: Hospital Sued After Nurse Molests Male Patient On Video
Photo credit: Local 10
A patient who claims an ER technician fondled him while he was sedated at a Florida hospital is suing for $5 million, Local 10 in Miami reports.
“He put his hand on my boxers,” the victim, whose name has not been released, said. “He grabbed my private part, and he started playing with it and squeezing it.”
The man was under sedation and being treated for leg and back pain when police say ER technician Rene Martinez grabbed him by the crotch.
“I was like, ‘What’s going on?’ and he was like, ‘I was just checking to make sure you’re OK.’ That’s when I say, ‘OK this guy is up to something,’” the victim said.
Martinez then left the room. He returned a few minutes later to grab the man’s crotch again. Unbeknownst to him, however, the victim had switched on his cellphone camera and was filming the entire thing.
“He was saying I could make money from one of his friends by showing my private parts,” the victim alleged.
Afterwards, he complained to the hospital. Two weeks later, he handed over the video to police. Martinez was arrested and charged with two counts of simple battery and two counts of an unnatural and lascivious act.
Despite the rather damning video evidence, Martinez insists he’s innocent.
“We are going to fight this,” his attorney, Sabino Jauregui, said. “The video doesn’t tell the whole story… We believe the action might have been consensual.”
The victim is now suing the hospital for $5 million for not protecting him from the sexual assault. He also claims his life has been ruined and that the incident stirred painful, long-buried memories of the time he was molested as a child.
So far the hospital is not commenting on the incident.
See the NSFW video, obtained by Local 10, below. What do you think? Does it look consensual to you?
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Graham Gremore is a columnist and contributor for Queerty and Life of the Law. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
Graham Gremore