Category Archives: NEWS

The KKK Is Rebranding, Gays and Blacks Are Now Welcome

The KKK Is Rebranding, Gays and Blacks Are Now Welcome

kkkWhile conservatives may be intent on getting back to America’s puritanical roots, at least one white supremacist is looking to the future.

John Abarr, one of Montana’s most notorious Ku Klux Klan members, says he’s recruiting members for an all-new, all-inclusive KKK, one that will not discriminate against people because of their race, religion or sexual orientation, the Great Falls Tribune reports.

“The KKK is for a strong America,” Abarr told the newspaper. “White supremacy is the old Klan. This is the new Klan.”

Abarr is calling the group the Rocky Mountain Knights. The non-discriminatory chapter of the KKK will seek to fight against a “new world order,” whatever that means. Members will still be required to wear the creepy white robes and hoods and participate in “secret rituals,” but they will not longer burn down churches or lynch people.

Abarr says he hopes to partner with the NAACP, calling it “a really good organization.”

“I don’t feel we need to be separate,” he said.

Naturally, KKK leaders are not pleased with him. Embracing blacks and gays, they say, is like spitting in the face to their hate group’s founding fathers.

“That man’s going against everything the bylaws of the constitution of the KKK say,” Bradley Jenkins, the KKK’s “imperial wizard,” said. “He’s trying to hide behind the KKK to further his political career.”

Human Rights leaders are also not sure what to make of it.

Rachel Carroll-Rivas, co-director of the Montana Human Rights Network, said if Abarr really wants to form an inclusive organization, he should reconsider his approach.

“They know that their beliefs aren’t popular, so they try to appear moderate. I think it’s just a farce,” she said. “If John Abarr was actually reformed, he could drop the label of the KKK.”

But Abarr says he hopes people will “give him a chance.” If they only got to know him, he claims, they would see he’s ready to lead the KKK in a different, more loving direction.

Related stories:

WATCH: Mother Defends Son’s KKK Costume, Says Man Should Be With Woman

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Hitler, Termites, And Other Things Right-Wingers Compare Gay People To

Graham Gremore is a columnist and contributor for Queerty and Life of the Law. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Graham Gremore

Concerned Christian Woman Rails Against Satanic Monster Energy Drinks – WATCH

Concerned Christian Woman Rails Against Satanic Monster Energy Drinks – WATCH

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Did you know the Monster Beverage Corporation, manufacturer of the popular line of Monster-themed energy drinks, is also a front for the anti-Christ? Emblazoned across every single can of the taurine-rich brand of super soda, according to this concerned Christian woman (who bets you don’t know what a “MILF” is,) is proof positive that Monster portends the imminent apocalypse.

MonsterNot only does Monster invite you to “unleash the beast” in its tagline, but the iconic (debatable) M logo associated with the brand also appears to be made of three vavs, a Hebrew numerological value associated with the number six. Three vavs, three sixes. It’s all so clear.

To the woman’s credit Monster has dealt with its fair share of health-related criticism in the past. In 2011 a 14-year old girl died after drinking two cans of Monster that, in total, contained about 475mg of caffeine.

While “cardiac arrhythmia due to caffeine toxicity” was determined to have been the cause of her death, it seems worth mentioning that the girl had a pre-existing heart condition as well as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a chronic disease that weakens the connective tissues crucial to healthy muscle function.

The following year another teenager died after consuming two cans of Monster per day for three years straight. Earlier this year a third family filed a lawsuit against the company for the untimely death of Shane Felts, an adult man who died after drinking Monster regularly for a week. Since 2004 there have been 34 documented deaths that have been linked to energy drink use.

The FDA, in response, has made moves to require manufacturers to prominently display warning labels on the beverages, and a number of local legislators have attempted at prohibiting their sale to minors. Generally speaking, however, the push to crack down on Monster and similar energy drinks has more to do with their concentrated amounts of sugar and chemicals as opposed to, you know, the Devil.

Watch a video clip of a concerned consumer dabbling in a little bit of light-hearted anti-semitism in the name of scourging Satanic soft drinks AFTER THE JUMP


Charles Pulliam-Moore

Wait for Me Until I Welcome: Further Reflections From an Orthodox Rabbi to His Gay Children

Wait for Me Until I Welcome: Further Reflections From an Orthodox Rabbi to His Gay Children
As a religious person, I am moved by a sense of divine purpose. While we as Jews do not use the word “calling,” I do feel that I work in the service of realizing God’s will on Earth. As a rabbi and Jewish communal servant, I have a sense of what it means to sacrifice happiness for a cause. How many nights do I spend away from my own children working to enrich the lives of other people’s children? Avraham is a model of someone who lived with divine purpose. Even if God directed Avraham, as a father it is hard for me to imagine that Avraham kicked Yishmael out and almost sacrificed Yitzhak. Did he not love his sons? If he did, why didn’t Avraham protest on behalf of his sons as he did for the people of Sodom (Genesis 18:23-33)? In that case, God actually listens to Avraham and engages him in debate. Or, even better, why didn’t Avraham just politely “take leave” of God for the sake of his sons? At the beginning of the Torah portion, three strangers approach Avraham in the desert. Commenting on this, the Midrash says that “he turned to God and said, ‘With purity of heart, Master of the world, let the Shekhinah [the divine presence] wait for me until I welcome these guests'”(Midrash HaGadol on Genesis 18:2).

What was Avraham thinking when he drove his son Yishmael away and made him wander in the desert? What was Avraham thinking when he brought Yitzhak up to Mount Moriah to sacrifice him? In the case of Sodom, God is willing to engage in debate. In the case of the strangers, God understands that Avraham’s turning away is not disrespectful but in service of another value. Is anything so sacred that we would be unable to welcome those who feel marginalized, are in danger, and need our help? What if they are our own children?

Since the publication of “Promises for My Gay Children,” Pastor John Pavlovitz and I have carved out some time to Skype. We have only begun to talk, learn, and reflect together, but we have much to share regarding how we decided to come out in support of people who might be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). We realized that despite our differences of our faith, religion, and culture, we both share some fundamental things. The most obvious one is that we both have a profound love of our children as well as a deep love of all God’s children. For both of us, it is our faith itself that has led us to where we are. We were also both moved to speak about the staggering statistics. Here are a few:

  • An LGBT youth is more than twice as likely to be homeless. (National Coalition for the Homeless)
  • Family rejection of gay and transgender youth often leads to attempted suicide. According to a 2009 study, gay youth who reported higher levels of family rejection in adolescence were 8.4 times more likely to have attempted suicide than their gay peers who did not experience family rejection. They were also 5.9 times as likely to have experienced depression, 3.4 times as likely to have used illicit drugs, and 3.4 times as likely to have had unprotected sex. (Center for American Progress)
  • A Columbia University study showed that roughly 20 percent of LGBT teens have attempted suicide, compared with 4 percent of straight teenagers. That is five times more likely.

Rejecting who our children are is tantamount to asking them to sacrifice themselves on the altar of our expectations. With these stark numbers, we cannot be silent. Shetikah KeHodaah Damia — silence is acquiescence (Ketubot 14b). We need to argue and debate as if our children’s lives depended on it. Not being intentional and explicit about our unconditional love might drive them out of our lives.

In Vayera, last week’s Torah portion, we read all these stories of Avraham’s trying to manifest his divine purpose on Earth. We should humbly choose which narratives of Avraham to tell in order to ensure that our children are not made to feel like strangers. In the Midrash, Rabbi Aha depicts a speculative dialogue between Avraham and God at the binding of Yitzhak. There we read, “When I [God] commanded you [Avraham], ‘Take now your son [to sacrifice him]’ (Genesis 22:2), I will not alter that which has gone out of my lips. Did I tell you, ‘Slaughter him?’ No! But, ‘Take him up’ (Genesis 22:2). You have taken him up. Now take him down” (Genesis Rabbah 56:8).

If we think our tradition demands we risk our children’s lives by not accepting them, like Avraham, maybe we are misreading our tradition. God does not need our defense, and God will most certainly be there when we get back. All our children are angels who are just waiting to be welcomed into the tent.

This post originally appeared on

Forget Gone Girl, Matt Damon Has Seen Ben Affleck’s Penis “Many Times”

Forget Gone Girl, Matt Damon Has Seen Ben Affleck’s Penis “Many Times”

Warner Bros. "Argo" Premiere At 2012 Toronto International Film FestivalPromotion for Gone Girl may have slowed down in the interview circuit, but that doesn’t mean the film’s not-so-biggest star is out of the media cycle for good. And now Matt Damon has added his two cents, for what it’s worth.

First Ben joked that “the penis is in there! It costs extra — it’s IMAX penis. You’ve gotta pay fifteen bucks to see it in 3-D — it looks better in 3-D,” adding, “you should know it was a very cold set.”

That set the internet off on a rampage, and inspired one especially hilarious response from Conan.

And now the investigative folk at TMZ have asked Ben’s old writing buddy Matt if he’s caught a peek at his friends full-frontal debut.

His response? “Oh, I’ve seen it many times before that.” We bet you have, Matt.

For his part, Matt sent Ben a fax of his ass earlier this year. Wonder what he got in return?

Here’s the video of Matt’s response:

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Dan Tracer

South Carolina Seeks Dismissal Of Gay Marriage Challenge

South Carolina Seeks Dismissal Of Gay Marriage Challenge
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — South Carolina’s attorney general is asking a federal judge to toss out a challenge to the state’s gay marriage ban.

Attorney General Alan Wilson argues in court documents filed Monday that a federal case brought by a same-sex couple in Charleston should be dismissed. He cites last week’s federal appeals court decision upholding such bans in other states. Wilson said the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision that states have the right to set rules for marriage supports South Carolina’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Wilson noted the decision came in a case in which a court found no fundamental right to same-sex marriage.

The Charleston couple has asked a federal judge to rule in their favor without a trial.