Category Archives: NEWS

These Are The States Where Students Get Harassed The Most For Their Sexual Orientation

These Are The States Where Students Get Harassed The Most For Their Sexual Orientation
Students in states such as South Carolina and Alabama face significantly more bullying over their sexual orientation than students in states like Connecticut and Massachusetts.

In October, the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a group that works to make schools safe for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students, released its 2013 National School Climate Survey. On Thursday, the group released further information about what these survey results look like by state, revealing the varying challenges faced by LGBT students in different areas of the country.

The 2013 National School Climate Survey asked almost 8,000 students between the ages of 13 and 21 from all 50 states about the type of environment they face at school. Overall, the results showed marked improvements from previous years, although more than 55 percent of those surveyed still reported feeling unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation.

However, as shown in the state profiles released Thursday, some areas of the country clearly provide friendlier learning environments than others — although every state has substantial room for improvement. The organization provided results for the 29 states where it had the most data to validate its findings.

The chart below shows where students reported facing the most verbal harassment, physical harassment and physical assault over their sexual orientation.

10 Things The KKK Should Do Now That It Has Decided To Diversify

10 Things The KKK Should Do Now That It Has Decided To Diversify

Now that one arm of the vile KKK announced plans to drop the whole homophobic/racist/anti-semitic messaging and welcome gays, blacks and other minorities, it’s time to kick in some marketing suggestions of our own.

Scroll down for 10 things the KKK should do to extend its newly revamped brand…

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Sponsor a float in next year’s Gay Pride parade

Application deadline is April 1, 2015.


Launch a support group for displaced immigrant children

Or as Michele Bachmann likes to call them, dark-skinned “invaders.”

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Volunteer to register voters in the Castro

The 2016 election will be here before you can say “Keep America American.” (That’s the former Triple K slogan Mitt Romney later recycled for his 2012 campaign.)

Screen shot 2014-11-10 at 4.14.42 PMRelease a sexy “Men of the KKK” calendar

We’ve seen calendars featuring sexy priests, sexy Jewish pinups, and sexy redheads. Now how about one showcasing sexy klansmen in varying degrees of undress? Presumably, the new Klan would feature a diverse range of sexy guys of color.


Accompany Madonna on a humanitarian trip to Malawi

And pose for lots of inspiring photos with African children before breaking ground on a new English language school for orphan girls.

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Pose for the NOH8 campaign

Because everyone knows that’s what you do when you want to prove you’re not a bigot anymore.


Donate to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation

Just don’t ask her where the money goes. She couldn’t tell ya.

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Take the “It Gets Better” pledge

And spread a message of hope.


Apologize for the decades of horrific crimes the members of your organization have committed against humanity

And then…


Eat shit


Graham Gremore

Michigan House Speaker Proposes 'Religious Freedom' Act As Debate Over LGBT Job Protections Bill Continues

Michigan House Speaker Proposes 'Religious Freedom' Act As Debate Over LGBT Job Protections Bill Continues

As lawmakers in Michigan debate on whether to support legislation that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation (but not gender identity or expression), Republican House Speaker Jase Bolger has proposed a bill that would allow businesses to discriminate against gays based on religious beliefs. 

MLive reports:

Jase Bolger“I believe workers should be hired and fired based solely on their work ethic and their work experience,” Bolger told reporters during a media roundtable. “And nobody should be discriminated against based on their sexual orientation or their religious beliefs.” […]

Bolger, offering an analogy, said he does not think a baker should be able to fire an employee for being gay or refuse to make a birthday cake for gay customer.

But that same baker should not be forced to make a cake for a same-sex wedding if such a union would run counter to his or her religious beliefs, according to Bolger, who said courts would ultimately draw that line.

“This does not presume an outcome, and it clearly does not provide a license to discriminate,” Bolger said. “It provides a test of balance.”

Bolger is hoping to pair both bills together, a move that has angered State Rep. Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor):

“If you’re going to act in the public space, you must act in a way that is fair and equal to all citizens regardless of skin color, national origin, religion and hopefully sexual orientation and gender expression,” Irwin said. “If they don’t believe in that compromise, they don’t believe in it. They can’t have it both ways.”

LGBT advocates, meanwhile, continue to push for a fully inclusive non-discrimiantion bill, Buzzfeed reports:

Chad griffin“A fully inclusive non-discrimination bill that covers both sexual orientation AND gender identity is the only acceptable option,” HRC president Chad Griffin said in the release. “The Human Rights Campaign and our coalition partners will oppose anything less.”

The coalition partners include state groups like the ACLU of Michigan and Equality Michigan, as well as national groups that include the American Unity Fund and Gill Action — the political arm of the prominent donor Tim Gill’s efforts.

Kirk Fordham, the executive director of Gill Action, echoed Griffin and Cook-McCormac’s remarks, writing, “We, too, support only and inclusive bill and would oppose anything less than that. We’ve made that position clear to the GOP and Democratic leaders in the state.”

The sexual orientation-exclusive bill is being introduced by Republican state Rep. Frank Foster. Foster plans on holding a hearing on the bill, along with a Democratic alternative that includes trans protections, some time after Thanksgiving. 

Kyler Geoffroy

BET Editor Clay Cane Slams Black Church For Conversion Therapy: ‘Being Gay Is Not A Sin'

BET Editor Clay Cane Slams Black Church For Conversion Therapy: ‘Being Gay Is Not A Sin'’s Entertainment Editor Clay Cane joined HuffPost Live Tuesday and expressed his extreme disappointment in the black church for actions that were exposed in a viral video that surfaced earlier this week.

The video is of a young man who declared his “deliverance” from homosexuality before the Church of God in Christ’s 107th’s Holy Convocation in St. Louis, Missouri and claimed he has now been “cured.”

The unidentified man stood before the church and announced that he now “loves women” and further proclaimed that he no longer “likes mens anymore.”

“I’m not gay,” the man tells the crowd. “I would not date a man! I would not carry a purse! I will not put on makeup! I will, I will love women!”

The video, which can be seen below, quickly spread and fueled a firestorm of controversy with many slamming the black church for its actions.

Cane shared these same sentiments and criticized the contents of the video, saying “being gay is not a sin.”

“Whatever happens to that young person or the young people who see that, the black church must take responsibility,” Cane told HuffPost’s Marc Lamont-Hill.

He continued to share his views on the video and exposed some of the deeper issues embedded within.

“The reason why HIV rates are so high among black, gay men is because of self hate — and part of that self hate is because of the black church,” he said. “The reason why there are so many unhealthy and destructive relationships is because of the hate that comes from the church.”

Hear more from Clay Cane in the HuffPost Live clip above.

Sign up here for Live Today, HuffPost Live’s new morning email that will let you know the newsmakers, celebrities and politicians joining us that day and give you the best clips from the day before!

USA Today: HRC’s Municipal Equality Index Prove Cities Lead Way in LGBT Equality

USA Today: HRC’s Municipal Equality Index Prove Cities Lead Way in LGBT Equality

Yesterday, HRC Foundation released the 2014 Municipal Equality Index (MEI), proving that America’s cities are way ahead of states in LGBT equality, according to USA Today.

PHOTOS: Sunday Service In NYC Proves To Be Irreverent

PHOTOS: Sunday Service In NYC Proves To Be Irreverent


John Blair & Beto Sutter teamed up with Sunday Service at Cielo Nightclub in NYC over the weekend. DJ Escape, the “holy (resident) DJ” led a special edition of Sunday Service with Stephan Grondin and a live performance by Inaya Day who debuted her new single “Workout” for a steamy downtown crowd. Worship beings at 10 p.m. every Sunday when reverent and perhaps even more irreverent DJs like Hex Hector, Danny Tenaglia, Chad Jack, and Steve Travolta come out of the woodwork to shake the devil out of all the Chelsea boys. Next week Nita Aviance joins Escape in yet another Musical Ministry through the valley of darkness and into the light.

Photography by WilsonModels


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'American Horror Story: Freak Show' RECAP – 'Bullseye' [Spoilers]

'American Horror Story: Freak Show' RECAP – 'Bullseye' [Spoilers]


OK, so a bit of a lull this week on American Horror Story, no? Some interesting pieces are being moved into place, but on its own, tonight’s installment felt like a bit of a set-up episode.

It was great to spend some time with Paul (Matt Fraser) tonight. He gave an incredible performance, and I hope we see more Fraser on our screens soon. 

Something I’d like to see a lot less? These sort of fantasy sequences we keep getting, especially from Stanley (Denis O’Hare) and Esmerelda (Emma Roberts). I think they’re jarring, and, while the first one was a fun sort of bait and switch, it’s just starting to feel like a way for AHS to show something shocking without committing.

Despite lacking some of the punch of other episodes, there’s still lots to discuss. Spin the wheel and catch up, AFTER THE JUMP

Love is in the air all over Jupiter. Even our poor, twisted Dandy (Finn Wittrock) has been bit by the lovebug. He’s smitten with Bette and Dot (Sarah Paulson). His mother, Gloria (Frances Conroy) is less enamored by the twins. She offers Finn a silver platter of prophylactics so that he won’t further dilute the gene pool that’s already been tainted with so much in-breeding. Dandy is mortified that she would suggest he is using the twins for sex. He’s in love with them! They’re going to get married!

Bette definitely seems on board with this whole plan. She loves shacking up at Chateau Mott and all the fancy caviar she can stomach. Predictably, Dot is not into it. Sure, they aren’t beaten or kept in chains, but she still has to suffer through Dandy’s boring stories and general creepiness. He’s so in love with them, but Dot is just biding her time until she can milk enough Mott money from Dandy to get the operation that separates her from her sister. The sisters continue to collect their private thoughts in their diaries. They even maintain a pact to not look at the other’s diary or listen to her thoughts while she writes. All their most private feelings go in there.

That’s too much for Dandy to handle. He’s not exactly a personal boundaries kind of guy. So he volunteers a game. Let’s all tell secrets! Dandy will even go first! He tells them that it was he who stopped the killer clown while Jimmy (Evan Peters) was unconscious. Psshh. Dot knows Jimmy wouldn’t lie about something like that. Her suspicions begin to infuriate Dandy. When she won’t play the game and share a secret, he goes into full rage tantrum.

Later, his mother finds him in tears after breaking into Dot’s diary and reading all the terrible things she had to say about him. Being with freaks like them was the only thing to make him feel normal. Now he knows he’s not meant for love. He’s meant to bring to death. (5) (4)

Back at the campgrounds, everyone’s getting ready to celebrate Fraulein Elsa (Jessica Lange)’s birthday. Ethel (Kathy Bates) makes some mutterings about where those twins ran off to, but Elsa poo-poos it, saying the twins snuck away when she took them dress shopping. When the festivities begin and the performers start sharing their gifts, there are more mutterings about the Tattler Sisters’ strange disappearance. Elsa plays it real cool. GUYS IT’S FINE, THEY RAN OFF, LET’S STOP TALKING ABOUT IT, IT’S NOT AT ALL WEIRD THAT I’M GETTING SO EASILY UPSET ABOUT THIS QUESTION, SO STOP MAKING IT A THING. IS IT HOT IN HERE? IT IS, RIGHT? WHEW. WHERE WERE WE? OH, YES, MY BIRTHDAY.

So the performers keep showering Elsa with gifts, including Ma Petite (Jyoti Kisange Amge), whose gift is basically her sitting inside a crocheted snuggie as a tiny human hot water bottle. The best gift is probably from Paul the Illustrated Seal (Fraser), who gives one of my favorite gifts, the gift of the schwanz. That’s right, he’s schtupping the fraulein. When they finish, he leaves her with her Ma Petite pillow pet (which is weird, because it seems like she was there in the room the whole time they were schtupping). (6) (3)

But where is he heading? Why, he’s going to visit the candy striper (Grace Gummer). After that scandalous romp they had way back in episode 1, he just can’t get enough. They’re in love! Just don’t tell her crazy overprotective daddy!

Paul stops at the local pharmacy to pick up some of the candy striper’s favorite perfume, but he runs into Dandy buying supplies for the twins. Paul’s no dummy, and there are only so many explanations why Dandy — who tried to buy the twins before — would need two sets of girls’ beauty products, including headbands. When he gets back to camp, he tries to share his suspicions with Jimmy, but the lobster boy is having none of it. Elsa saved them; she wouldn’t do something so terrible.

Back in Elsa’s room, she finishes serenading Paul and is ready for the schwanz, when he tells her there will not be schtupping this evening. He leans in for a goodbye kiss and she can smell the candy striper’s perfume on him. While it’s all coming out, he tosses out that there’s a going theory that she did something awful with the twins. Incensed that the performers would dare not trust her completely, she demands they all wake up immediately and join her in the tent.


Once they’re gathered, she launches into a big HOW DARE YOU speech about everything she’s done for them. The conclusion is basically I need you to prove you trust me, and what better way to do that than hop on this convenient wheel where I can strap you down and throw knives at you. Paul volunteers as tribute. Elsa’s first two knives miss him, but the third lands right in his gut. She “acts” as if it was an accident, but, come on, she could hardly contain the smirk when the blade sunk in. She even says she’ll call the doctor.

Later, no surprise, no doctor has arrived, BUT the candy striper is here. All the excitement is enough to arouse Jimmy’s suspicions.

Perhaps their heightened tension is what’s distracting everyone from taking a closer look at Esmerelda (Roberts). Stanley (O’Hare) wants her to lure Jimmy away so they can chop off his hands for the museum. She’s not really feeling that plan and instead offers to capture the much more portable (and less messy) Ma Petite. Too bad Ma Petite is just too damn lovable, and when it comes time to drown her in a large jar of formaldehyde, Esmerelda can’t do it. Instead, she convinces Jimmy to run away with her. He’s just got a quick errand first (more on that in a bit). None of this pleases Stanley, who tells Esmerelda in no uncertain terms that they are back to the original plan — cut off Jimmy’s hands.

That may end up preferable considering the handsome, young Darling finds himself on the doorstep of Dandy Mott. Convinced that Paul may have been on to something about the twins, he’s turned up to do some investigating. If Dandy is planning on stabbing him, can he at least strip down to his briefs with him first? Please?


Elsa’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad birthday is coming to an end back in the tent. Ethel brings her a piece of her birthday cake while Elsa tells her a sad story about her older sister who died as an infant. It destroyed her parents. Even though they may have thought Elsa would make them feel better, she just reminded them of what they lost. Now, she looks at Ethel as a sister. That’s so nice! But, Ethel reminds her, if she ever finds out Elsa has been lying to her, she will kill her with her bare hands. Great! Happy birthday, Elsa! Now make a wish! Elsa, of course, wishes to be loved, in case that wasn’t already a painfully obvious aspect of her character.

Which liar is going to get theirs first: Elsa, Stanley or Dandy?

What did you think of tonight’s episode?

Bobby Hankinson