Category Archives: NEWS

Perfume Genius Tour T-Shirts Feature Eminem in Drag

Perfume Genius Tour T-Shirts Feature Eminem in Drag


Perfume Genius (aka Mike Hadreas), who made his debut on The Late Show with David Letterman two weeks ago and is currently playing dates in Europe, is not the only artist on his tour who will be wearing a bit of lipstick.

Hadreas took to Twitter this week to remind folks that his tour apparel targets a rapper known for his homophobic lyrics, for those of you wanting to ‘dress up’ your t-shirt collection:

I am selling tshirts that feature an emasculated Eminem on this tour. Just a f–kin reminder

— Perfume Genius (@perfumegenius) November 11, 2014

Pretty sure I could destroy him with Just a Look, someone put us in a room together and watch Eminem slowly wither from my witch glance

— Perfume Genius (@perfumegenius) November 11, 2014

Feminem tshirts are available here as well:

— Perfume Genius (@perfumegenius) November 12, 2014

Andy Towle

We Need to be Better PrEPared

We Need to be Better PrEPared
By now, many of you may have seen the headlines or read news about what sounds like encouraging results, announced in late October, about two clinical trials of PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) in gay and bisexual men.

It’s important, however, to not make assumptions based on the preliminary findings about the PROUD and IPERGAY studies.

Before the scheduled end of the trials, the safety monitoring boards determined Truvada was effective in reducing the HIV infection rate among study participants, so they stopped the trials early and offered Truvada to all study participants.

The IPERGAY trial was especially interesting because it was testing different dosing strategies for Truvada, other than once a day. It’s important to know, however, that we don’t yet have the critical information we need to make firm conclusions about the frequency, timing or exact dose of PrEP required for protection.

Although there will be a full reporting of the data in scientific meetings and publications, it will take some time for that data to be fully analyzed. And because the trials were halted early, it’s possible there will not be enough data to answer all of the questions initially posed by the investigators.

We also don’t yet have important data regarding the risk behaviors of study participants, rates of HIV infection and adherence to the PrEP regimen.

So as we wait for more information from these and other important studies still underway, including the Center’s own study, I agree with the statement recently issued by the CDC. They “recommend the FDA-approved and proven regimen of daily oral Truvada for HIV prevention among those at substantial risk for HIV infection. Consistent daily use of PrEP (measured by a detectable level of medicine in the blood) has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV infection among MSM by as much as 92%.”

The Los Angeles LGBT Center believes PrEP is a very important component of a comprehensive strategy to reduce the number of people infected by HIV. Learn more about our position here.

Robert Bolan, M.D., is the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s medical director. A former president and chairman of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, Dr. Bolan has been caring for people with HIV since the earliest days of the epidemic and is one of the nation’s foremost experts on HIV treatment.

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy Calls for Repeal of Country's Gay Marriage Law

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy Calls for Repeal of Country's Gay Marriage Law

At a debate organized by a conservative group yesterday, former French president Nicolas Sarkozy told supporters that the country’s same-sex marriage law should be repealed.

The Guardian reports:

SarkozyReferring to the “mariage pour tous” or “marriage for all” legislation passed by France’s Socialist government last year, he said it needed “rewriting from top to bottom”.

His comments prompted catcalls from the 3,000-strong audience of the group Common Sense, and cries of “Repeal! Repeal!”. Sarkozy, appearing rattled, responded: “If you’d rather one says repeal the law and make another one … in French, that’s saying the same thing. It comes to the same result.

“But hey, if that makes you happy, then frankly, it doesn’t cost much.”

Sarkozy went on to say that he was in favour of some form of marriage for same-sex couples, but something different from that for heterosexuals, and that he opposed surrogacy for same-sex couples. […]

Sarkozy’s comment and apparent policy-making on the hoof brought angry reactions from the governing Socialist party, which accused him of “appealing to the most reactionary instincts of his core supporters”. A spokesperson said Sarkozy wanted to create “a new form of segregation” with his two-tier marriage proposal.

Sarkozy is in the midst of an attempted political comeback and is vying to lead the country’s centre-right UMP party into the 2017 presidential election. 

Back in September, during his first television interview since announcing his intention to return to politics, Sarkozy accused the socialist government of “humiliating families and humiliating people who love the family” by introducing the legislation allowing same-sex marriage. 

Sarkozy is on his third marriage. 

Kyler Geoffroy

AOL's 'True Trans' Series Explores Coming Out And Transition As A Trans Person

AOL's 'True Trans' Series Explores Coming Out And Transition As A Trans Person
Episodes four and five of AOL’s compelling series “True Trans” takes an intimate look at the individual stories of several individuals who came out as a trans and then transitioned. Each person’s experience is unique to their own life journey, and Laura Jane Grace sits down with a number of transgender and gender-variant people in these episodes to give them the chance to tell their stories.

“I said to my parents that I really needed to get help,” transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox shares in the above episode. “And I told my father, I was like ‘I want to transition.’ He said, ‘OK, son, we’re going to get you the help you need.’ And a couple of months later I ended up in a gay reversion therapist’s office. They took me in there and they were trying to turn me gay to straight — when I wasn’t gay in the first place.”

Check out the video above to hear more coming out stories or the video below to hear these individuals discuss their own unique paths to living as their authentic selves. Missed the previous episodes of “True Trans”? Head here to watch them.

The Bizarre World Of Gay Dinosaur Erotica Is Very Much A “Thing”

The Bizarre World Of Gay Dinosaur Erotica Is Very Much A “Thing”

81DuIqhNa9L._SL1500_“The year is 2014 and dinosaurs have gained control of the world economy due to exceptionally accurate stock predictions. After graduating from NYU with a business degree, John is hired to be the assistant for one of the largest trading firms on Wall Street. His boss, the CEO of the company is highly regarded as the best businessman of the century. Only difference is that he is a dinosaur.”

So goes the synopsis of A Billionaire Dinosaur Forced Me Gay, one of prolific erotic novelist Hunter Fox’s massive collection.

Romance novels are cheesy by definition. That’s their job — to present a fantasy version of idealized eroticism. It’s escapism pure and simple.

So we’re still trying to wrap our heads around this new subset of erotic fiction that features dinosaurs, robots and sea monsters having their way with hunky men.

Is it supposed to be funny? Is anyone actually turned on by it? Not having taken the time to actually read one, perhaps one of you will feel inspired to do some further investigation.

The titles are a bit tempting, to be frank. Here’s your potential new reading list:

gay_dino_porn_books_232312Punished by the Dark Unicorn
Gay Android Attack
Tamed by T-Rex
Ravaged by a Unicorn
Forced Gay by Aliens
Tentacles Made Me Gay
Transforming Robot Punished Me
Forced Gay by the School Mascot
Yetti Forced Me Gay
Sphinx Forced Me Gay
Nailed by Dragons
Ravaged by the Saber Tooth Tiger
Turned Gay by an Orc
T-Rex Forced Me Gay
Brachiosaurus Made Me Gay
Slayed by Dragons
Cyclops Forced Me Gay

h/t Dangerous Minds

Dan Tracer

North Carolina Man Who Was Beaten, Robbed, Set on Fire By Man He Met At Bar Dies

North Carolina Man Who Was Beaten, Robbed, Set on Fire By Man He Met At Bar Dies

WhiteStephen Patrick White, the Army veteran who was savagely attacked and burned by a man he met at a gay bar last weekend, has died in the hospital as a result of his injuries, The Jamestown Sun reports.

White had met Garry Joseph Gupton at Chemistry Nightclub, a gay bar in Greensboro, and the two proceeded to leave the bar and travel to a hotel early Sunday morning. At around 4:30 am, an employee at the hotel called 911 after he heard screaming and a fire alarm go off. Qnotes reports White was found naked, robbed and beaten – with burn injuries on over 52 percent of his body. White remained in critical condition until he died of the injuries yesterday.

GuptonGupton, a crew member in the city of Greensboro’s Water Resources Department, is being held on a $250,000 bond and charged with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury with intent to kill. Authorities say he will now be charged with first-degree murder but not a hate crime, according to Qnotes:

“He (Gupton) never verbalized to us that he intended to kill somebody,” said Susan Danielsen, a Greensboro police spokeswoman, according to N.C. Policy Watch. “There’s absolutely no evidence to indicate that this is a hate crime.”

She added: “We’re not sure what caused Mr. Gupton to act so violently. This is not a crime motivated by hate.”

Kyler Geoffroy