Category Archives: NEWS

Passengers Give Airplane A Jump-Start On Frozen Tarmac In Siberia: VIDEO

Passengers Give Airplane A Jump-Start On Frozen Tarmac In Siberia: VIDEO


In case weather woes are flummoxing your travel plans today, the busiest travel day of the year in the U.S., take comfort in knowing you are not in Siberia. A plane that was stuck on a frozen tarmac in the town of Igarka, Siberia had to rely on its hardy passengers to take to the tarmac and give the plane a running start as temperatures reportedly sank below negative 52 degrees Celsius (negative 66 degrees Fahrenheit)!

Someone get these poor people some hand-warmers.



Sean Mandell

Formerly Gay and for Rent

Formerly Gay and for Rent
I suppose a few falling leaves, over time, are to be expected — but when the tree is nearly bare and the wind-chill factor climbs higher than the age of that street-corner twink you’re angling to hook, change becomes something to resent.

It’s a cold day indeed when you find yourself huddled against what used to be the Rawhide bar, bitterly surveying a vanilla-speckled permafrost of banks and franchises and chain stores.


Good gravy, Mary.

Is it not enough that the pharmacies and Starbucks outnumber the sex shops and watering holes, and have for quite some time? Assimilated and defeated, many of our old-guard gays have had little choice but to “come out of the shadows and get right with the law” by trading in their whippets for wedding bands, their Boy Butter for baby carriages. It’s no wonder so many of the queer homesteaders who made Chelsea what it was have taken their balls to other playgrounds, or simply let the air out and called it a day.

If that sounds just a tad dramatic, consider this:


From 14th to 23rd Streets, three gay-centric storefront businesses with a combined presence of over nine decades on Eighth Avenue have stood empty for months — “For Rent” signs starting to weather, and no sign that what replaces chic clothing store Camouflage, (1976-2014), playful lifestyle emporium Rainbows & Triangles (1994-2014) and the reliably cruisy Rawhide bar (1980-2013) will cater to anything other than bland choices and desexualized tastes.

And who can afford the asking price that forced contemporary men’s retail store Universal Gear (2001-2014) to forego its lease renewal and move 20 blocks uptown to Hell’s Kitchen?


Just Salad, that’s who. How they’ll make their monthly rent by pimping roughage is not my concern. I’m more interested in the cold, hard fact that as more lavender-leaning merchants disappear, recent arrivals like juice joint Liquiteria and yogurt emporium 16 Handles further drain Eighth Avenue of its libido-friendly pluck.


We had another end-of-an-era scare recently when they gutted Rainbow Station — but the 24/7 sex shop was soon back: two doors down, directly across from archrival The Blue and better positioned to fight for its share of dwindling foot traffic. Three blocks away, savvy marketing has eluded Rainbow Station’s sister space.


Opened in late 2013, it briefly toyed with the name “Splash” — a nod to the West 17th Street mega-bar of the same name, whose 1991-to-2013 existence parallels Chelsea’s own shelf life as a viable gayborhood.

Sadly, Splosh has achieved only one of the promises spattered across its boastful exterior signage (“Bar & Lounge * Café * Sexy Boutique”). The dream of inserting a social/sexual business model into increasingly prudish Chelsea was deferred by vocal opposition, a liquor license that didn’t materialize, and customers who never warmed up to the notion of eating a $10 steak dinner in close proximity to lube, poppers and fetish gear.

Well, at least they tried. The Sexy Boutique’s still there, though for how long is anybody’s guess — and it’s here that an unmotivated customer base must take its place alongside skyrocketing rents when tracking the real cause of Eighth Avenue’s eroding gay integrity. That bitter truth had the co-owner of Rainbows & Triangles seeing red, shortly before closing his doors after two decades on the block.


Men who hadn’t been regulars for years, he told me, saw the “SALE” sign in the window and tried to squeeze him for an even more generous discount on top of the steals and deals he was already offering. Faced with that scenario, he decided that what remained on the final day would be put in storage or given to charity. Good for him. Chelsea may not be as gay as it was, but a few of us still have some pride.

PHOTOS: The Shower Selfie Challenge Makes Bath Time So Much Fun

PHOTOS: The Shower Selfie Challenge Makes Bath Time So Much Fun

Earlier this week we learned about a new campaign called The Shower Selfie Challenge, encouraging people to upload pictures of themselves getting sudsy and tag the shots #weareALLclean.

The idea is to challenge the notion that having HIV makes you “dirty” by contrast of the often used “clean” to describe a negative HIV status, and the hope is that participants will donate money along the way to help find a cure.

Here’s how have played out in just a couple of days:


A photo posted by dc34ever (@dc34ever) on Oct 10, 2014 at 3:50pm PDT

showing my supprt 4 the #weareALLclean ShowerSelfieChallenge 2 raise $$ 4 AIDS cure.Your turn????

— Eli Lieb (@elilieb) November 26, 2014

#weareALLclean #hiv/aidsawareness

— JerZey (@xJerZeyWilDx) November 26, 2014

I took the #HIV Shower Selfie Challenge Raise $$ for AIDS Cure #weareALLclean @jackmackenroth

— Mark S. King (@MyFabDisease) November 26, 2014

Take the HIV ShowerSelfieChallenge for an AIDS cure! #weareALLclean Share on @Moovzofficial

— Idan Matalon (@idanmat) November 24, 2014

#weareALLclean #love @jackmackenroth #inspiring #Montana

— Christopher Gehring (@stopher85) November 26, 2014

#HIV Shower Selfie Challenge raise $$ for AIDS cure #weareALLclean @left_magazine @SisterRoma

— BeBe Sweetbriar (@bebesweetbriar) November 26, 2014


— Marco Di Palma (@Marco_Di_Palma) November 26, 2014

#weareALLclean #support

— Trent Matthews (@TrentMatthewXXX) November 26, 2014


A photo posted by Joe Schmelzer (@treasurbite) on Nov 11, 2014 at 9:18am PST

???????????? Let’s get rid of the stigma… There’s a sad notion out there that people with HIV are “dirty.” In fact, ?#?WeAreAllClean?. Take a #ShowerSelfie challenge and make a donation for the #AIDSAwareness Campaign INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Take a selfie or Vine video of yourself in the shower.** NO EXPLICIT NUDITY** 2) Post your photo with the caption “Take HIV Shower Selfie Challenge raise $$ for AIDS cure #weareALLclean” 3) Challenge 3 or more other people to participate! 4) (Optional) DONATE!! Please consider a small donation if you are able. Every penny counts! 5) On World AIDS Day: Monday, December 1st, please change all your social media profile pix to your shower selfie photo and spread the word!!

A photo posted by johnjohndayz (@johnjohndayz) on Nov 11, 2014 at 11:34am PST

Dan Tracer

NEWS: Darren Wilson, Ellen's Gardner, 'Love Is Strange', Laser Watch

NEWS: Darren Wilson, Ellen's Gardner, 'Love Is Strange', Laser Watch

Darren RoadDarren Wilson talks to George Stephanopoulos about shooting and killing Michael Brown: “The reason I have a clean conscience is because I know I did my job right…I’m sorry that [Michael] lost his life. It wasn’t the intention of that day, but it’s what occurred that day. There’s nothing you can say that would make a parent feel better.”

RoadMichael Brown’s father, Michael Brown Sr., calls Wilson’s remarks “disrespectful” and “crazy”: “For one, my son, he respected law enforcement. Two, who in their right mind would rush or charge at a police officer that has his gun drawn?”

RoadA lesbian couple challenging Michigan’s same-sex marriage ban, a case that may reach the Supreme Court, just adopted their fourth child yesterday. 

RoadTaylor Swift performs “Blank Space” (a.k.a. “Lonely Starbucks Lovers”) on The Voice and makes one superfan’s day. 

RoadMeanwhile, Chris Pine croons like Sinatra for a fan on Ellen.

Billy RoadSpeaking of Ellen, her hunky (former?) gardner Billy Reilich, smolders in a new photoshoot that puts his beefcake on display. 

RoadBette Midler backs off of Ariana Grande

RoadKevin Federline says that wasn’t him

RoadThe first tiny teaser for Game of Thrones Season 5 has arrived and it’s all about Arya

RoadFormer O-Town member Ashley Parker Angel strips down for OUT Magazine, talks playing Fiyero in Wicked on Broadway.

RoadJennifer Aniston pranks a BBC radio interviewer in a cringe-worthy video.

Road“Marlene Dietrich in a top hat” may be the best one on this list. 

RoadVending machines at bathhouses will offer HIV testing.

RoadLove Is Strange, starring John Lithgow and Alfred Molina as a gay couple faced with homelessness in New York, picked up four Independent Spirit Award nominations including Best Picture.

RoadSupermodel Miranda Kerr’s gay brother is getting married. 

RoadFeeling villainous? Watch inspired by retro James Bond films has laser attached that can cut through plastic. 

RoadThe Cambridges have a new family portrait

Sean Mandell

Dear Straight, White, Male New Friend

Dear Straight, White, Male New Friend
Dear straight, white, male new friend,

When you tell me you have confidence in yourself because you are a straight, white male, I am not sure if you are being sarcastic or if this is something you actually believe.

I would caution you, though, to be careful where and how you use that term, for others might find it off-putting or be confused by it at best. I have never heard it from any other straight, white, male colleagues or friends, so this is new territory for me.

Many people associate straightness, whiteness, and maleness with the best of the world’s historical progress: explorers, conquerors, inventors, builders, wealth creators. For others the use of these descriptors to define the essence of one’s self-confidence represents the most serious of insecurities, insecurities that have bred some of the most egregious acts of human history that I won’t rehearse here. Suffice it to say, it has not always been the case that straightness, whiteness, and maleness connotes confidence. My straight, white, male executive coach believes it is a heavy weight to bear because, he says, in the end, even straight, white men know they have to die. As a human being, I get it.

I have had many, many straight, white, male colleagues and have straight, white, male friends. Most have talked of their insecurities and their confidences — insecurities and confidences born of how they were raised, their faith (or lack of it) in God, their natural disposition, a love (or not) of life — the list goes on. I have heard the same from transgender youth of color — confidence expressed and shown in spite of the fact they are not white or male, or even straight in some cases. And I have heard them talk of insecurities that don’t always have to do with being transgender youth of color.

As we continue this journey together, and as you continue to grow, you may want to think about what it means for others to hear you say that you have no lack of confidence because you are a straight, white male. It could suggest just the opposite.

We are all children of the same creative source, fellow travelers on this journey, often feeling our way in the dark, who celebrate confidence when it is born of moments of clarity, of acts of charity, of genuine compassion for our creator, our neighbors, and ourselves.

You are a smart, caring, compassionate soul. That gives me confidence enough.


Pat Robertson Channels Your Bigoted Uncle With His Heart-Freezing Thanksgiving Message

Pat Robertson Channels Your Bigoted Uncle With His Heart-Freezing Thanksgiving Message

cbn_700club_media_141015c-800x430The holiday season is upon us, and families everywhere will gather around the table tomorrow and give thanks for one another.

But maybe there’s someone in your family who you’d really rather just not hear speak.

In Pat Robertson’s clan, that’d have to be Pat Robertson.

His show The 700 Club did a story about the religious faith of the pilgrims, and warned viewers that the progression of gay rights threatens everything they worked blood, sweat and tears for.

Funny how he doesn’t mention native genocide — what does Jesus think about that one, Pat?

He said:

“Ladies and gentlemen, our warning should be today, we can’t lose that. And when you have courts that are taking away the very essence of our democracy, the ground from which this great country came, when courts are saying that is unconstitutional, when they’re exulting aberrant lifestyles and saying that’s constitutional, when they’re defying the very essence of this nation, they are sowing the seeds, not of a new, prosperous nation but the destruction of the one that’s already here.”

Oh Pat, shut up and pass the string beans.

Here’s the clip:

Dan Tracer

Mississippi Says It Will Appeal Marriage Ruling As AFA Calls for Governor To Defy It

Mississippi Says It Will Appeal Marriage Ruling As AFA Calls for Governor To Defy It


Not surprisingly, and having barely waited for the ink to dry, Mississippi officials announced Wednesday they’ll appeal a federal judge’s decision striking down the state’s same-sex marriage bans to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. 

Jim-hoodMississippi Attorney General Jim Hood (right) also said he’ll ask the appeals court for a permanent stay of Tuesday’s decision from U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves, which Reeves put on hold for 14 days. 

From The Clarion Ledger

“The Office of Attorney General has a statutory duty to argue the constitutionality of our laws. We will appeal the decision to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and ask for a stay until that court decides the cases presently pending before it,” Hood said. 

The 5th Circuit is already scheduled to hear oral arguments in marriage cases from Texas and Louisiana on Jan. 9, but it’s unclear whether the Mississippi case will be heard on the same day.

Reeves’ 72-page decision has garnered praise from LGBT advocates, but isn’t going over well with the state’s Republican elected leaders: 

“One federal judge appointed by President Obama should not be allowed to overrule the will of the people of Mississippi,” Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves said. “I believe the Attorney General should appeal this decision to defend the 86 percent of Mississippians who voted for the Constitutional amendment in 2004.”‘

Speaker of the House Philip Gunn said today that he plans to work with Gov. Bryant and other state leaders to appeal Reeves’ decision to set aside Mississippi’s gay marriage ban.

“It is unfortunate that one judge has decided to ignore the will of the people of Mississippi,” Gunn said. “On Nov. 2, 2004, 86 percent of the citizens of our state voted to support the legislative amendment on the ballot defining marriage as occurring between one man and one woman. Judge Reeves has willfully defied this law. I will fight to uphold the rights of Mississippians to determine this issue.”

State Rep. Alyce Clarke, D-Jackson, who has a gay son, praised Reeves’ decision. Another Democratic state legislator, Rep. Steve Holland of Plantersville, said simply, “You can’t usurp a federal judge.” 

But Bryan Fischer (above), a spokesman for the Mississippi-based American Family Association, is calling for Gov. Phil Bryant to do just that:

Gov. Bryant should say, “I will fulfill oath I took before God. No same-sex marriage licenses issued on my watch. Period.”

— Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) November 26, 2014


Watch Fischer’s rant today on AFA’s Focal Point here.

Read the state of Mississippi’s notice of appeal and request for a stay, AFTER THE JUMP … 

#31 on Scribd”>3:14-cv-00818 #31 by Equality Case Files

14-60837 – Motion for Stay by Equality Case Files

John Wright