Category Archives: NEWS

State Department Condemns Severe 'Aggravated Homosexuality' Law in Gambia: VIDEO

State Department Condemns Severe 'Aggravated Homosexuality' Law in Gambia: VIDEO


The U.S. has condemned the decision of Gambia President Yahya Jammeh to approve a severe new law imposing life imprisonment for homosexual acts, reports ABC.

The law went into effect on October 9th. Homosexual acts had already been punishable with up to 14 years in prison.

The AP reported last week:

“It criminalizes ‘aggravated homosexuality’, which targets ‘serial offenders’ and people living with HIV or AIDS. Suspects can also be charged with aggravated homosexuality for engaging in homosexual acts with someone who is under 18, disabled or who has been drugged. The term also applies when the suspect is the parent or guardian of the other person or is ‘in authority over’ him or her.”

6a00d8341c730253ef01b7c70bfab2970b-300wiThe term “aggravated homosexuality” was borrowed from a Ugandan anti-gay law signed earlier this year that was eventually ruled unconstitutional.  More extreme anti-gay laws are expected to be enacted in Uganda shortly.

In a statement issued on Monday, State Department Director of Press Relations Jeff Rathke said:

“We are dismayed by President Jammeh’s decision to sign into law legislation that further restricts the rights of L.G.B.T. individuals and are deeply concerned about the reported arrests and detention of suspected L.G.B.T. individuals in The Gambia.”

Rathke also voiced concerns about reports of recent arrests in Gambia of at least four men, a 17-year-old boy and nine women accused of committing homosexual acts.

Last week, Amnesty International accused Gambian security forces of resorting to beatings and the threat of rape and other abuses if the detainees did not confess.

Gambian officials have declined to comment on the new law or the arrests.

Watch a Young Turks report on Gambia’s anti-gay law, AFTER THE JUMP

Jim Redmond

Holiday Shopping? Support These Pro-Gay Companies & Avoid These Homophobes

Holiday Shopping? Support These Pro-Gay Companies & Avoid These Homophobes

2013-12-15-santaskivviesrun-0008The Human Rights Campaign just released its 2015 Corporate Equality Index, which rates hundreds of companies on their friendliness to LGBTs. That’s handy for a whole host of reasons, whether you’re job hunting or trying to figure out where to invest. But at this time of year, it’s especially convenient for holiday-shopping.

We’ve combed through the report and compiled a list of the gay-friends stores where you should be spending tons of cash, and the homophobic stores you should avoid at all costs.




No big surprise here, but San Franciscan Levi Strauss & Co is at the top of the list, with a perfect score. Macy’s and Nike are also perfect-scorers, followed by Kenneth Cole, Ralph Lauren, and Aeropostale with nearly-perfect ranking. At the bottom of the list is L.L. Bean — you weren’t seriously considering buying from them anyway, though, were you? L.L. Bean has a couple of problems, ranging from failure to offer trans-inclusive health care and a lack of public commitment to equality.

And then there’s The Jones Group, owner of Nine West (among other labels).  They aren’t terrible — their score is 60 — but among their problems is a failure to offer cultural diversity training.

The lowest score came from Hanover Direct, which is baffling, because that’s the company that owns International Male and Undergear! Something’s screwy there. They sell to flamboyant homosexuals but barely offer any benefits to the queers they employ? Crazy.


At the Mall

gay couple and jason jones shopping at target for the daily showThis is a big category, so we’re just going to pick some of our favorites from the list. Go read the full CEI report if you want the exhaustive listing.

Perfect scorers: Barnes & Noble, GameStop, Office Depot, Sears and Target.

High-scorers: Mattel, Tiffany, CB2, Hallmark, Williams-Sonoma and L’Oreal.

Low-scorers: Harry & David, RadioShack, Men’s Warehouse and Kohl’s.


Flying Home

Good news: all major airlines have super-progressive policies when it comes to queer employees! Alaska, American, Jetblue, United and Virgin all got perfect scores of 100, with Delta, Southwest and US Air close behind at 90. (All three lost points by failing to offer trans-inclusive health coverage.)

And if you’re thinking about a cruise instead of a flight this winter, go ahead and book with Royal Caribbean. They scored 80.


Tech Toys

Tim-Cook-with-Rainbow-Apple-LogoYou probably already knew that Apple loves the gays. Dell ranked highly, too, along with some computer companies that aren’t likely to appear on your holiday list (unless you’re planning on getting someone a Xerox copier for Kwanzaa). Adobe and Microsoft nabbed scores of 100 as well. Texas Instruments and NVIDIA scored fairly well, so go ahead and get that graphing calculator and gaming machine.

Low-scorers: Acer, which makes PCs; and Seagate, which makes hard drives. McAfee, the virus-scanning company, had a dismal score of 25, due in part to lousy policies on equal employment and partner benefits. So when you go home and fix your parents’ computers, don’t install McAfee software. And if your parents have a McAfee subscription, cancel it. (It’s worth mentioning that McAfee was purchased not long ago by Intel, which scored 100, so maybe that low score will change next year.)

It pains us to say this, but Polaroid scored just 30. The company does almost nothing good for LGBTs, aside from a publicity gimmick with Lady Gaga.



Netflix's Los Angeles Premiere Of Season 4 Of "Arrested Development"Go ahead and give gift certificates to AMC theaters — they got a perfect score. So did Sony and Disney, so buy those Blu-rays with confidence. Nextflix got a score of 80 — they lost points due to a lack of spousal benefits, cultural competency training, and employee groups — but that’s still not bad.

Shockingly, News Corp scored just 15. So if you needed another reason to hate Fox News, there you go.


Online Shopping

If you’re buying from a major online retailer, you probably don’t have to worry. Groupon, eBay, Overstock and Amazon all ranked super-high. So did AOL, but we’re not sure what to do about that since what do you even buy from AOL?

Liberty Interactive got a score of zero. You might not recognize the name, but you probably know their properties: don’t do business with Evite,, QVC and Proflowers. The Home Shopping Network, on the other hand, got a score of 85.



UPSIf you have a choice between FedEx and UPS, go brown. The scores are close — 90 for UPS and 85 for FedEx. The only difference is that FedEx doesn’t do quite as well when it comes to spousal benefits.


Mining and Metals

Trying to figure out where to buy your raw iron ore? Alcoa scored 100, while Newmont Mining Corporation for a 60.

This category probably doesn’t apply to your holiday shopping. We’re just being thorough.

matt baume

This is What Dragsgiving in L.A. Looks Like: VIDEO

This is What Dragsgiving in L.A. Looks Like: VIDEO


World of Wonder’s Damiana Garcia and Tanya Roberts (played by Chloe’s Drew Droege) hit L.A.’s Griffith Park for a Thanksgiving picnic and hike. Find out what happens when two drag queens find themselves in the wilderness with no GPS, and just hope this doesn’t happen to you.



Andy Towle

PHOTOS: We’re Thankful For Colby Melvin This Year

PHOTOS: We’re Thankful For Colby Melvin This Year

Colby30This year, we want to give many thanks to Colby Melvin for constantly giving us something to look forward to, especially his latest photo shoot with Rikke Photography.

Wearing looks from Rufskin, Colby looks sensual and cute as ever, but there’s a hint of mischievousness in his photos too. Channeling Lana Del Rey, complete with floral headband, he shows off his sweet side. And, pairing the Lex wet-look sleeves with the Hutton Swim Brief, Colby is also giving off a bit of a naughty side in this photo editorial. Everything fits on him perfectly and it just goes to show why Colby is one of our favorites again this year. We can’t wait to see what work he does in 2015!

Colbyback5 SDPIXCOVER5 hisColby5-copy SDPIXCOVER28For more information, go to The Underwear Expert.

Photo credit: Rikke Photography

Underwear Expert

Phoenix Effect Offers 5 Calorie-Burning Thanksgiving Exercises: VIDEO

Phoenix Effect Offers 5 Calorie-Burning Thanksgiving Exercises: VIDEO


As our annual celebration of turkey and touchdowns draws near the online trainers of Phoenix Effect Joel Harrison and CJ Brenton present to you five intense exercises that are guaranteed to make you feel the burn in your core…possibly just from, co-watching.

I’ve been an ardent gym-goer at 3-5 workouts per week for the past 3 or 4 years, so I would argue that I’m in really good shape, but just watching these two in action with the acrobatic exercises they chose is enough to make me head back to the dinner table for a second helping of “Nope!”

You can get the workout tips served with a double-side of beef, AFTER THE JUMP…

Phoenix Effect Exercises

Christian Walters

10 Things We’re Thankful For This Thanksgiving

10 Things We’re Thankful For This Thanksgiving

first thanksgiving 2Hello, you turkeys! Thanksgiving is coming up, our annual celebration of gluttony and colonization and 2pm dinners. What are you planning to cook? Leave your favorite recipes in the comments, where absolutely everyone will read them.

It’s also that time of the year when inevitably, one jerk won’t let anyone eat until everyone goes around the table and says what they’re thankful for, and everyone else goes “awww.” It’s the worst!

So don’t be caught unprepared this year! We’ve compiled a list of ten things you can be thankful for, just in case some nosy nelly asks.



1. Butts

Seriously, this is #1 on our list of things to be thankful for. And frankly, #1 on almost any other list we compile. Butts are so great, you guys. You can sit on them, or use them as pillows, or slap ‘em around, or use them to display a bouquet. That pretty much covers all of their uses, right?

Actor George Takei  (R) and partner Brad

2. Marriage equality

Oh, right, this is pretty great thing to have happened in 2014. We won approximately eight billion court cases so far this year, and now most of us live in states where we can get married. Three cheers to all the pioneering gay couples who bravely fought for equality, and to the lawyers and activists and organizers and allies who made it possible. Whether it was Frank Kameny holding protests in the ’70s, or Andrew Sullivan agitating in the pages of The New Republic in the ’80s, or Dan Foley litigating the Hawaii case in the ’90s, or Molly McKay leading parades in a wedding dress in the 2000s, or Edie Windsor prevailing at the Supreme Court just last year, we have countless heroes to thank for their work over the decades.


3. Obamacare

Sure, the Affordable Care Act isn’t perfect. There’s still plenty of work to be done before America’s health care is on par with the rest of the world. But imagine how screwed we’d be without it! Pre-Obamacare, insurers were allowed to deny coverage to you simply for being gay. Chronic conditions like AIDS were subject to lifetime limits, which meant your coverage could evaporate just when you need it most. Insurers weren’t required to provide no-cost preventative screening for conditions for which LGBTs are particularly susceptible, like depression. Thanks, Obama!


4. Packages

Special delivery! There’s nothing better than receiving a package from a special friend. Or even from a stranger. And even if it isn’t addressed to you, it’s hard to look away when you spot a nice big one. Unwrapping them is such a pleasure, whether they have a fresh newly-packed fragrance or the musty aroma of having spent long hours in storage. And just to be clear, we’re referring to getting a box of pens in the mail from Amazon.

sleeping pup play

5. Pups & Handlers

We have no idea why, but pup play seems to be having something of a surge in popularity, and we couldn’t be more thrilled.

We can’t remember a time when we’ve seen so many collars and leashes at our local gay bars, not to mention masks and mitts and the occasional tail plug. Good boys!

Lumbersexual-Pictures6. Lumbersexuals

Although this term will become stale and annoying even faster than “metrosexual,” we are delighted nonetheless to see more flannel and beards and suspenders than ever before. Don’t get us wrong: we love our fancy sissies, too. But we’re swooning over the current trend of rugged mountain men. It’s OK if you’ve never actually swung an ax, trapped an opossum, or bathed in a crick. Just grow out that facial hair, knit a chunky knit cap, and revel in your burly beefy physique.

arpad-is-love-Arpad Is Love by Jawnn Webster sissydude

7. Sissies

Hey Mary. You practically invented sissying your walk, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. You look fabulous in bright pink lipstick, your shorts are so short you’re basically a walking wedgie, and you’ll never bore us by broaching the topic of football. And most importantly, sissies were on the vanguard of LGBT liberation before RuPaul even wore her first heel. Sissies are heroes and we worship every single one of them.


8. Stephen Fry

Stephen continues to teach us everything we need to know about how to be a delightful homosexual. Funny and smart, polite but firm, he is an international treasure. America has John Hodgman, Britain has Stephen Fry. Maybe 2015 will be the year they make a baby.


stock-footage-man-in-trunks-reading-book-on-sunbed9. Tomefoolery

Have you been listening to avowed homosexual Cody Melcher’s literary podcast? Every week he and some comedian friends talk about a weird book, and it is consistently our favorite thing ever. We already love geeking out over books, but Cody has opened up a whole new world by introducing us to such bizarre tomes as A Christian Guide to the Sexual Marketplace and The Big Book of Lesbian Horse Stories and of course Pink Swastika.


10. Gay Fantasy

If you’re reading this, it means that you’ve managed to pull yourself away from Dragon Age: Inquisition, the latest in a string of masterpieces from Bioware and openly gay designer/writer David Gaider. The Dragon Age games have long featured queer content, but the newest installment features its gayest character yet: Dorian, an elemental mage who is the company’s first gay (not bi) party member. The franchise has previously featured a bisexual elf, but that’s not such a big deal because everyone knows that all elves are bisexual. Let the shipping begin!


matt baume