Category Archives: NEWS

Russian Senator: Lawmaker Behind Anti-Gay Propaganda Ban Should Face Criminal Charges, Psychiatric Test

Russian Senator: Lawmaker Behind Anti-Gay Propaganda Ban Should Face Criminal Charges, Psychiatric Test


St. Petersburg, Russia, lawmaker Vitaly Milonov (above) wants to put people in jail if they promote so-called gay propaganda. 

But a member of Russia’s upper house of parliament says Milonov himself should be jailed for his extremist behavior. 

DobryninRussian Senator Konstantin Dobrynin (right) has requested both a criminal investigation and psychiatric testing of Milonov — a raging homophobe who was one of the architects of the country’s anti-gay law, the St. Petersburg Times reports: 

Milonov, who is also a church sexton, has been photographed wearing a T-shirt that read “Orthodoxy or Death” — a slogan banned in Russia as extremist. He was also pictured with knives and firearms during “humanitarian missions” to pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine, Dobrynin wrote.

Additionally, the flamboyant lawmaker has denounced various nationalities, including Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars, whom he described as “crazy goats,” “pigs” and “fascist Turkish mugs,” Dobrynin said.

All of this qualifies Milonov for a total of 11 criminal charges, including promoting terrorism and illegal firearms possession, the senator said. The charges carry a combined sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

It’s not the first time Dobrynin has sought criminal sanctions against Milonov, but on two previous occasions the prosecutor general declined to pursue charges. according to Russia Today. Milonov responded to Dobrynin’s latest request by comparing the senator to Judas: 

“For him, everything in Orthodox Christianity is extremism. I don’t want to notice this man,” the politician told RSN radio. “I cannot take this seriously. I have issued a personal spiritual ban for this man. He has probably written more reports on me than Judas had on Christ,” the news site quoted Milonov as saying.

Milonov authored the St. Petersburg measure that was used as a model for Russia’s national anti-gay law — and he later called on President Vladimir Putin to enforce the law during the Sochi Olympics.  

More recently, Milonov said he was drafting a bill to close a loophole that allowed same-sex couples to marry in Russia. And after Tim Cook came out, Milonov called for the Apple CEO to be banned from Russia for life, even though he uses Apple products

In other words, he’s kind of like Russia’s version of Ted Cruz.

John Wright

News: Robert Downey Jr, Pope Francis, Shakespeare, Madonna

News: Robert Downey Jr, Pope Francis, Shakespeare, Madonna

Road Austrian lesbian politician gives Pope Francis a rainbow scarf, tells him: “It would be great if you spoke up in favor of same-sex marriage”.

DowneyRoad Robert Downey Jr. stumbled upon Iron Man/Loki slash fiction while Googling himself. 

Road Shia LeBeouf clams he was raped during his infamous art show performance piece.

Road Westboro gets pranked by satirical website – causing numerous people to call up the hate church to inquire about whether or not their Thanksgiving turkey was infected with avian flu.

Road One equality activist is channeling discontent with the bigoted Duggar clan by raising funds for Lucie’s Place – a small Little Rock charity that assists homeless LGBT youth.

Road French lawmakers are debating a nonbinding motion to recognize a Palestinian state. 

ShakespeareRoad The Guardian ponders whether William Shakespeare might have been gay (and whether or not it really matters). 

Road Bloomberg examines how the .01 celebrate Thanksgiving. “Americans will eat 235 million turkeys this year, about 46 million of them on Thanksgiving. Almost all will be factory farm behemoths bred for maximum white meat and minimum cost. But if you’re willing to pay—really pay—you can grace your table with a purebred heritage turkey. These free-range birds, which are growing in popularity among chefs, well-heeled home cooks, and the farm-to-table crowd, can cost six times as much as a conventional turkey.”

Road A look at how evangelicals with gay children are challenging the way churches handle homosexuality. 

Road Pope Francis urges an end to fundamentalism.

Road Independence Day 2 gets a release date, but Will Smith won’t be returning.  

1DRoad The boys of One Direction confess: “We’re just as insecure as other guys our age.” 

Road Jake Gyllenhaal has a Thanksgiving stroll in NYC with his favorite pooch.  

Road FIRST LISTEN: A snippet of Madonna’s new song “Rebel Heart”

Road 17 adorable celebrity families to be thankful for this holiday season.

Kyler Geoffroy

Golden Retriever and German Shepherd Face Off in Epic Spaghetti Eating Contest: VIDEO

Golden Retriever and German Shepherd Face Off in Epic Spaghetti Eating Contest: VIDEO


As you heat up your (hopefully delicious) Thanksgiving leftovers, see if you can predict which of these two dogs will emerge victorious in this epic spaghetti eating contest.

It’s an old video, but a good one. 



Kyler Geoffroy

'True Trans' Episode Eight Premieres On AOL

'True Trans' Episode Eight Premieres On AOL
What is it like to navigate the dating world after coming out as transgender?

In this eighth episode of AOL’s docuseries “True Trans,” Against Me!’s Laura Jane Grace talks to a number of transgender and gender-variant individuals about the changing nature of relationships after transition — both romantic and platonic. Transition affects every facet of an individual’s life and is often not an easy process for anyone involved.

“I found that it’s easier to date people who don’t really identify — period,” Our Lady J discusses in the above video. “There’s just a fluidity that has to be there. And I think if you have a rigid definition of your sexuality you’re going to have a hard time being open to someone who breaks that definition.”

Check out the video above to hear more transgender and gender-variant people discuss their changing relationships after transition. Missed the previous episodes in “True Trans”? Head here.

PHOTOS: Zac Posen And John Varvatos Team For Fashion for Action

PHOTOS: Zac Posen And John Varvatos Team For Fashion for Action

Fashion For Action 2014Designers Zac Posen and John Varvatos brought a crowd back to their roots at the newly renovated Housingworks Thift Shop in Chelsea followed by a star-studded crowd of fashion designers, icons, movers, and shakers at the Rubin Museum of Art. J. Alexander, Samantha Black, Fabio Costa, Sonjia Williams, Mike Ruiz, Carmen Bicondova, Jack Mackenroth, Aiden Leslie and Isis King are just a few of the names who hit the racks at an exclusive VIP shopping hour at the Thrift Store. All proceeds to the event go to Housing Works’ Youth Outreach programming, which provides dedicated HIV-prevention and treatment services for young people living with HIV/AIDS or at risk of infection. The Silent Action runs through December 4 and features jewelry, theater tickets, vacations, spa treatments, fashion experiences, and more!

Photography by Getty Images, Gary Gershoff


Fashion For Action 2014Fashion For Action 2014Fashion For Action 2014Fashion For Action 2014Fashion For Action 2014Fashion For Action 2014 Fashion For Action 2014 Fashion For Action 2014 Fashion For Action 2014 Fashion For Action 2014 Fashion For Action 2014Fashion For Action 2014



10 Ways Facebook Creeps All Up In Your Private Business: VIDEO

10 Ways Facebook Creeps All Up In Your Private Business: VIDEO


Did you know Facebook can collect information on you based on which wireless network you connect to? Or that it can predict your sexual orientation? Although, to be fair, if you’re “like” section has pages like “Tom Daley”, “RuPaul’s Drag Race”, and “The Official Donna Summer,” it probably doesn’t take a shady data mining company to figure out you might just be gay.

Watch the video, AFTER THE JUMP


Kyler Geoffroy