Category Archives: NEWS

'Ex-Gay' Michael Glatze Says James Franco Film Gave Him 'New Life', Apologizes to Gay Youth: VIDEO

'Ex-Gay' Michael Glatze Says James Franco Film Gave Him 'New Life', Apologizes to Gay Youth: VIDEO


Michael Glatze, writer for the (now shuttered) gay twink magazine XY and the short-lived publication Young Gay America who went “ex-gay” and became a poster boy for that movement, marrying a woman in 2013, sat down for an interview with vlogger Jake Reynolds following the screening of the new movie, I Am Michael at Sundance.

I Am Michael is based on the Benoit Denizet-Lewis NYT article “My Ex-Gay Friend”. You can read it here.

Glatze (played by James Franco in the film) appeared thrilled with his portrayal and told Reynolds that it is a turning point in his life:

“Life is starting up again. It’s almost like a new life. I thank James Franco for that. I did. I sent an email for him and I said ‘thank you so much for your interest in this project’ because it has been the spark to a gigantic healing process for so many people in my world, and now we can rejoin the rest of the world.”

For those who are not familiar with Glatze’s story this requires a bit of context.

Wayne Besen, founder of Truth Wins Out, an organization that has devoted much time to exposing the “ex-gay” myth, wrote about Glatze’s story in 2013:

Mr. Glatze worked for XY Magazine and was the co-founder of a short-lived LGBT teenie-bopper mag, Young Gay America. Suddenly, he broke up with his boyfriend and had what appeared to be a nervous breakdown, where he had severe panic attacks about dying. During these disturbing episodes, he renounced his sexual orientation and temporarily converted to Mormonism. Though he had dived into the Mormon faith with gusto, he just as quixotically abandoned this faith to become an outspoken fundamentalist Christian…

…He began writing incendiary op-eds for World Net Daily where he claimed to be “repulsed by homosexuality.” He appeared on Porno Pete LaBarbera’s radio show. However, his time on the “ex-gay” circuit was short-lived and he proved to be an incompetent spokesperson. His columns were so beyond the pale, that he alienated long-time “ex-gay” activists. Eventually, Glatze was drummed out of the “ex-gay” industry after a meltdown. His demise came after he wrote a racist rant against president Barack Obama on his blog…

FrancoFranco this week reacted to the experience of meeting Glatze for the first time and said that Glatze told him the film was “healing” as well.

Franco added:

“In a way, we had to show to him we were going to have a very even-handed, non-judgmental approach, but we also had to say to ourselves, ‘We’re not telling this story just to make Michael happy, we’re telling the story to get both sides.’ The best we could do was say to him, ‘We have good intentions. We’re not going to crucify or judge you but we also need to tell the story from the other side as well as the side you’re on now.'”

However, there is only one side to the “ex-gay” story, and if the film (which I have not seen but was reviewed by our film critic here) presents being “ex-gay” as a valid option in life, it will certainly do a disservice to all of the young gay people who have been irreparably damaged by so called “conversion therapy”, “ex-gay” ministries, and so on. As time goes by, former “ex-gays” and proponents (John Paulk, Randy Thomas, Robert Spitzer, and James Stabile, and more) continue to come out and reveal that being “ex-gay” is a damaging, damaging myth.

In the new interview, Glatze is asked what he would say to the gay youth who have said they were hurt and felt betrayed by Glatze’s renunciation of his identity:

“I’m sorry, and that is one of the things I would say to anyone who has been hurt by any of the words that have come through my mouth or typed out on a computer screen…and even through video is that I’m sorry for any of the pain that I have caused. I literally feel that and have been dealing with that over the past really three or four years especially. It has just been a lot of the process of healing for me – we’ve been going through that together – and just growing in what the Buddhist teacher kind of observed was missing in me at that time was compassion…If there (are) amends to be made then to make those amends and not offend anyone on either side. We’ve got to be very careful with that.”

Watch the interview, AFTER THE JUMP

Andy Towle

Jayne Ozanne, One Of The Church Of England's Leading Evangelicals, Comes Out As A Lesbian

Jayne Ozanne, One Of The Church Of England's Leading Evangelicals, Comes Out As A Lesbian
CANTERBURY, England (RNS) One of the Church of England’s leading evangelical campaigners announced Tuesday (Feb. 3) that she is a lesbian and said she decided to be open after trying various ministries to cast out her sexual orientation.

“God is a God of surprises,” said Jayne Ozanne, 46, as she took up her new job as director of Accepting Evangelicals, a network of Christians who believe the time has come to move toward the acceptance of loving same-sex partnerships and a positive Christian ethic for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual people.

In an interview with “Christian Today,” she said: “We can never be sure of what the future may bring but what I do know is that He will always look to transform our darkest hours into something beautiful.”

Ozanne said that during her years on the Archbishops’ Council (1999-2004) — one of the highest posts in this country’s established church — she prayed for grace to be celibate and subjected herself to a form of conversion therapy where clergy tried to cast out a sexual orientation they deemed demonic.

“It was like trying to cast myself out of myself,” she said.

The experiences left her feeling there was something wrong with her.

She “came out” to a small group of friends in 2009 but is now openly gay.

Although now single, she enjoyed a five-year relationship with an unnamed woman.

“I believe that was God-given in so many ways,” she said. “It is the evangelical church more than any other that needs to hear and embrace each other.”

HRC Calls on L.A. Confidential to Stand Against Sultan of Brunei and Move Beverly Hills Hotel Event

HRC Calls on L.A. Confidential to Stand Against Sultan of Brunei and Move Beverly Hills Hotel Event

Today HRC called on Los Angeles Confidential to move its upcoming event at the Beverly Hills Hotel to a different venue.

Top Catholics And Evangelicals: Gay Marriage Worse Than Divorce

Top Catholics And Evangelicals: Gay Marriage Worse Than Divorce

Divorce is something that is roundly condemned in the Bible, and depending on the level of conservativeness of one’s place of worship, cohabitation – that is, lovers living together without being married; though sometimes even just opposite-sex individuals sharing an apartment counts, even if the two have no romantic connection – is just as taboo. So why is it that that gay marriage has church leaders worked into a froth that exceeds the other two by leaps and bounds? 

Because gay marriage is worse, of course.

6a00d8341c730253ef01761769e740970c-800wiThat’s right, even though Jesus himself has literally nothing to say about same-sex marriage but explicitly says divorce is a no-no, nearly 50 high-level Catholic and evangelical leaders (including pastor Rick Warren and former NOM Head Maggie Gallagher) signed off on a 5000-word manifesto to be released in the March edition of conservative journal First Things that says,

[W]hat the state defines as marriage no longer embodies God’s purposes in creation. An easy acceptance of divorce damages marriage; widespread cohabitation devalues marriage. But so-called same-sex marriage is a graver threat, because what is now given the name of marriage in law is a parody of marriage.

Of course, no anti-gay screed is complete without mention of the good men and women who have lost their livelihoods for standing up for what is right:

[Some people] are already being censured and others have lost their jobs because of their public commitment to marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

Of course, no one has lost their jobs because of their public commitment to heterosexual marriage; they have lost their jobs for refusing to abide by the laws of the land, which in most places now mandate recognition of civil gay marriages, which is a very different thing. But what does the truth matter? It’s not like the bible has any mandate against lying, right? At least, not a mandate that’s any more explicit and important than the nearly 20 passages about divorce?

Other than that one.

Christian Walters

Jesus, Job & … Kelvin? Fired Antigay Fire Chief Revels in ‘God-Induced Suffering’

Jesus, Job & … Kelvin? Fired Antigay Fire Chief Revels in ‘God-Induced Suffering’

The former Atlanta fire chief, fired after penning an anti-gay book, delievered a sermon comparing himself to biblical figures such as Job, Daniel and Jesus.

read more

Stevie St. John

Bruce Jenner To Come Out As Transgender In Interview With Diane Sawyer

Bruce Jenner To Come Out As Transgender In Interview With Diane Sawyer

6a00d8341c730253ef01b7c7429d1f970b-250wiBruce Jenner will discuss his transition from male to female in an interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, according to CBS News.

Just last week, multiple sources confirmed that Jenner was in fact transitioning and would come out as transgender. The news came after heavy media speculation as to Jenner’s changing appearance that included the publication of a controversial photoshopped image of Jenner on the cover of gossip rag In Touch showing Jenner with lipstick, blush and more feminine clothing. 

Jenner, 65, will also appear in a reality series that will follow his transition closely. The series will air shortly after his interview with Sawyer. From CBS:

The interview is slated to air in May, Page Six reports, with portions of it set to begin filming this week.

Jenner’s transition is also being filmed for an unscripted series to air on E!, the network home of “Keeping up with the Kardashians” and other Kardashian-Jenner family shows.

“The world will see his full transformation,” a source told Us Weekly. “It’s a docuseries featuring the Jenner family talking about Bruce ‘coming out.”

Last week, Kim Kardashian told “Entertainment Tonight” that Jenner is now “the happiest I’ve ever seen him.”

“I think everyone goes through things in life, and I think that story and what Bruce is going through, I think he’ll share whenever the time is right,” she added. “I feel like that’s his journey to talk about.”

Sean Mandell

Fabrications: Meet Queer Fashion Designer David Siferd Of GODDESS

Fabrications: Meet Queer Fashion Designer David Siferd Of GODDESS
This is the sixth installment in a miniseries that elevates the work of up-and-coming queer individuals working in the fashion world. Check back at HuffPost Gay Voices regularly to learn more about some of the designers of tomorrow and the way their work in fashion intersects with their queer identity.

David Siferd is a queer fashion designer currently based out of Ohio, having previously lived and worked in New York City. Sold under the street wear label GODDESS, Sieferd’s designs are intended for a range of bodies and identities without limitation by an individual’s sex or gender. The target customer for GODDESS is broad, with Siferd noting that he views fashion as “the perfect platform to help people understand the entire range of human expression and identity.” Check out the interview below.


The Huffington Post: What has your journey as a queer artist and fashion designer entailed?
David Siferd: When I was in the third grade, I moved to a new school and told all the kids that I transferred from “fashion school” where I was kicked out for wearing plaid. As I grew older, I was always drawn to the world of fashion: enticing and glamorous and unlike anything I experienced in my small hometown in Ohio. Fashion seemed like a way for me to escape the pressures and anxieties of growing up. In middle school I became determined to be a fashion designer. Eventually I graduated high school and studied fashion design in college, launching my own label GODDESS after interning with Gerlan Jeans while finishing my degree.

Where have your designs appeared?
My designs for GODDESS have appeared in a number of media outlets, from BULLETT Media, LUTEFISK and GRAPE Magazine to Subjekt Magasin, Mask Magazine and The Cool Hour. My summer 2014 collection sold at the boutiques VFILES in New York and GR8 in Tokyo. Interestingly, several of my designs were used in an artwork by Bjarne Melgaard in 2013 as well.


All items produced by GODDESS are unisex. Why do you consider this to be important?
Unisex is very important to me. I don’t see clothing as only for a male or female-[identified individuals]. I think if someone likes something, they should be free to wear it regardless of their sex or gender. I think fashion is the perfect platform to help people understand the entire range of human expression and identity and, if I can help people be open to new things that way, I will feel I’ve made a positive impact.


You explicitly target queer people with your designs. Why is it important to you to create clothing for the LGBT community?
When I design, I try not to think about whether the person who buys the product and wears it identifies as male or female or trans or anything else. I simply want to create interesting designs that anyone might be interested in wearing. Certain designers and brands have an incredibly narrow and specific target customer in mind, but what’s more interesting to me is when people subvert the intentions of companies. Being appropriate is the most boring and innocuous thing, in my opinion, so playing with things like gender and class and trying to make people think about these things is very exciting to me. If my designs appeal to LGBT people, that’s awesome, but it’s just as interesting to me if I see someone I would never expect wearing my designs.


I think many people are starting to become aware of the huge range of personal expression and fashion designers, in particular, are very perceptive of the ideas of identity that people hold today. Fashion has been increasingly inclusive since its earliest days servicing a very small number of very rich women and if fashion runs on trends, it only makes sense that fashion will continue to expand its reach into the LGBT community.

Where do you draw inspiration for your work? What is your concept?
Each season has a different concept or inspiration behind it. I’m often inspired by certain people — friends or unique people — and then create a world for them to live in. One season the concept was of genderless, anime-esque angels, and another season was inspired by high-maintenance femme bros. Other times my inspirations are more abstract or simply guided by garment design. Taking a different approach at different times keeps my work fun and exciting to me.

What does it mean to you to be a queer designer? How does your queer identity intersect with your work?
Fashion has always gone hand in hand with being gay in my mind. Growing up, I somehow was aware that fashion attracted interesting, unique people, and I always imagined that becoming a fashion designer was kind of like joining the gay circus in a way. Even though I’ve matured and understand much more of the complexities of queer life and the fashion world, being queer is so much a part of me that it’s impossible to divorce that fact from my work.

What’s next for GODDESS? Where do you see the brand going?
2015 is a very exciting year for GODDESS! I can’t reveal too much yet but I have a lot of interesting surprises coming soon and I’m really looking forward to working with more talented stylists, photographers and models to help realize my vision.

Want to see more from GODDESS? Head here to check out the designer’s website. Missed the previous installments in this miniseries? Check out the slideshow below.

Iowa Couple Wins Lawsuit Against Wedding Venue That Discriminated Against Them

Iowa Couple Wins Lawsuit Against Wedding Venue That Discriminated Against Them

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Iowa man Lee Stafford and his fiancé, Jared, who were turned away from a Grimes, Iowa wedding venue because they’re gay reached a settlement two years after Stafford levied a lawsuit at the venue for discrimination reports KCCI News. The incident occurred two years ago when the couple approached Betty Odgaard and her husband, the owners of Gortz Haus where the couple hoped to wed, to host their wedding there. The Mennonite couple refused them citing that the marriage conflicted with their personal religious beliefs. Stafford then pursued the case with the Iowa Civl Rights Commission. Tom Conley with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission affirmed that Iowa law states that commercial enterprises cannot discriminate against patrons. 

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 11.22.28 AMThe settlement included paying $2,500 to both Lee and Jared along with an agreement from the owners of Gortz Haus to not discriminate in the future. However, the owners of Gortz Haus have since closed the venue to all couples and no longer offer weddings or receptions for straight or gay couples. The Haus couple states weddings were a large part of their business but Gortz Haus still offers other services. The Odgaard’s still say they stand by their convictions and faith after the results of the settlement. 

Anthony Costello