VP to Meet HRC Volunteers on Friday
VP to Meet HRC Volunteers on Friday
Trevor Moore Wants To Tell You About The Apocalypse That Ensued Once 'Gays Got Married' – VIDEO
In a hilarious new video, actor, comedian and country singer Trevor Moore, spoofs all the crazy apocalyptic predictions right-wing wing-nuts make about how gay marriage will destroy the very foundations of society.
Moore, who currently has a show on Comedy Central called High In Church, released a good ole country tome about how the simple life was ruined once the gays got married. After that, “the crops dried up” and “the plant shut down.” And when “the gays started kissing”? Well, “the state said cool and they made all the kids be gay in school.”
In case that wasn’t bad enough, the gay then went airborne with gay spores that undermined all the heterosexual family units. Looks like Tony Perkins, Bryan Fischer, Mike Huckabee and their ilk were right. We stand corrected.
Watch for yourself what happens when the gays get married, AFTER THE JUMP…
Sean Mandell
Breathtaking Wedding Photos From Down Under
Same Love Photography makes lasting images that tell a moving story while advancing marriage equality awareness in Australia and beyond.
Christopher Harrity
USA Today Columnist Cal Thomas: Gay Marriage Is A Sign of the 'End Times'
Long-time conservative columnist Cal Thomas writes a syndicated column for Tribune Media, which appears in respected newspapers across the country, from the Baltimore Sun to Newsday, offering conservative positions on everything from immigration to Iran’s nuclear program. He also writes a separate column for USA Today. The subtitle of his new book, ‘What Works?” — for which Sean Hannity wrote the forward — promises “common sense solutions for a stronger America.”
Thomas also believes that gay marriage is a sign of the “end times.” For that reason he predicts that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of marriage equality and that there’s not much he can do about it because “everything is right on schedule.”
“I think it’s going to go 5-4 or even 6-3 in favor of same-sex marriage. All of these things are not the cause of our decadence, they’re a reflection of it,” he told me in an interview for SiriusXM Progress at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland on Saturday. He’d just moderated a panel that included right-wing radio host Dana Loesch and Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council and focused on what Christian conservatives view as a threat to “religious freedom,” mostly from the LGBT rights movement.
“if you read the Scriptures, as I do, in both testaments all of these things are forecast in prophesies, in the book of Daniel and what Jesus and Paul said, so I’m not worried about it,” Thomas continued, describing his surprising reaction to the Supreme Court possibly ruling in favor of marriage equality. “I say everything is right on schedule. I’m trying to shore up my own family first and, hopefully, that will be an example to other people… If you look at not only what Jesus said, but Paul the Apostle, about what things would be like in the end times, people will be lovers of lies rather than the truth. They will elevate things that are called abomination in scripture to normality… All of the prophesies up to the final one have come true. And that’s why I say that everything is right on schedule.”
Listen to the interview here:
USAID Releases Toolkit for Integrating LGBT Rights into Programming Activities
On Tuesday, February 24, the U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) presented a new toolkit for integrating LGBT rights into the Europe and Eurasia (E&E) region.
Norman Reedus Would’ve “Rocked” That Gay Daryl Storyline On “The Walking Dead”
Rumors of Daryl Dixon’s homosexuality were (not-so) greatly exaggerated, but The Walking Dead‘s resident hillbilly badass could’ve been gay for all actor Norman Reedus cared.
On last night’s Conan, Reedus discussed how fans reacted once the rumor mill started churning:
I would go to these conventions, and you’d have these little kids — ‘Man, I don’t care what’s going on, you’re awesome!’ And then you’d have guys my age, or a bit older be like, ‘Uuuhhhhhhh.’ And then you’d have women, they were like, ‘You’d better not be!’ To tell you the truth, if that’s the story they gave me, I’d rock that story. I’m not afraid.
Well, co-star Steven Yeun told O’Brien last year that he’d be down for a Glenn/Daryl romance, so as long as we’ve got two willing actors, why not scandalize this post-zombie apocalyptic land with some good old-fashioned man-loving?
There’s at least already one gay couple to light the gay way.
Check out Norman Reedus discussing Daryl’s sexuality on Conan:
Les Fabian Brathwaite, rocked by Norman Reedus.
Les Fabian Brathwaite
California Attorney Files Ballot Measure Calling For Execution Of All Gays: VIDEO
You read that headline correctly.
A California attorney has filed a proposed ballot measure with the state Attorney General’s office asking voters to criminalize homosexuality and impose the death penalty, reports LGBTQ Nation.
The “Sodomite Suppression Act” filing will allow Matthew G. McLaughlin to start the process of collecting the roughly 365,000 signatures (around 5 percent of the electorate) required to put the measure on an upcoming ballot.
McLaughlin’s unbelievable proposal states:
“The abominable crime against nature known as buggery, called also sodomy, is a monstrous evil that Almighty God, giver of freedom and liberty, commands us to suppress on pain of our utter destruction even as he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrha.
“The People of California wisely command, in the fear of God, that any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method.
“This law shall be known as ‘The Sodomite Suppression Act’ and be numbered as section 29 in Title 3 of the Penal Code, pertaining to offenses against the sovereignty of the state. The text shall be prominently posted in every public school classroom. ALL laws in conflict with this law are to that extent invalid.”
McLaughlin is on active status with the State Bar for California but the address he provides routes to a Mailbox Express store rather than a law office.
In 2004, McLaughlin filed for a ballot measure to put the King James Bible in the hands of public school students as a literary text.
The 2003 Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas ruled that same-sex sexual activity is legal. That decision cannot be overturned by a simple ballot initiative in California.
Watch a report on Lawrence v. Texas, AFTER THE JUMP…
Jim Redmond
Op-ed: How We're Asking the Supreme Court to End Bi Erasure
A bisexual person is permitted in all states to marry someone of the opposite sex but is still forbidden in 14 states to marry someone of the same sex.
Advocate Contributors
All The Irrational & Ignorant Fears About Gay Marriage Set To Country Music, Just Because
According to this parody video from Trevor Moore, once the gays get married, everything’s basically going straight to hell. But, sort of a nice hell where you get to go to nice hotels and the devil looks like Mario Lopez in jean shorts washing his car. Doesn’t sound too bad to us.
Watch below as every subconscious fear about gay people is lampooned to oblivion:
Dan Tracer
Op-ed: Mom and Dad, I'm Taking Truvada
How a party prompted a man to evaluate his health — and how others talk about HIV.
Tim Mullaney
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