Category Archives: NEWS

The Army Just Made It A Little Easier For Transgender Troops To Serve

The Army Just Made It A Little Easier For Transgender Troops To Serve
WASHINGTON — In a sign that the U.S. Defense Department may be inching closer to lifting its ban on transgender troops, the Army announced Friday that it is elevating the level of authority required to discharge someone based on gender identity.

The authority to discharge service members because they are transgender has now been reserved for the assistant secretary of the Army, the highest level to which it has ever been raised. Previously, local unit commanders had the power to approve separation orders for transgender personnel.

The change makes it more difficult to discharge someone from the Army for being transgender. The U.S. military explicitly prohibits transgender troops, but an estimated 15,500 transgender people are serving anyway in secret, according to a 2014 Williams Institute report.

“Today’s action by the Army helps over 6,000 transgender soldiers serving in silence. It also helps their commanders, who are increasingly stymied trying to apply 1970’s medical policy to today’s Army,” said Allyson Robinson, a former Army captain and director of policy at SPARTA, a group that advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender service members.

The Army’s decision doesn’t affect discharge policies in other branches of the military like the Air Force, Navy or Marine Corps. Transgender rights groups have been urging recently confirmed Defense Secretary Ashton Carter to order a department-wide review of the ban. Last year an independent commission led by Dr. Joycelyn Elders, a former U.S. surgeon general, found no “compelling medical reason” for the policy.

“While transgender service members welcome this step, they recognize it is only a stopgap measure aimed at making a failing policy fail less,” said Robinson. “What they and their commanders need is a comprehensive, Department-level policy review.”

Defense Department spokesman Nate Christensen recently told HuffPost that there is no specific review underway regarding the transgender policy. However, the department began a review last month of its medical accession policy, which gauges a person’s neurological, vision, learning, psychological and behavioral health. That review will take 12 to 18 months.

Carter, who just took office last month, is already earning accolades from the LGBT community for declaring he’s “very open-minded” about transgender people serving.

“Are they going to be excellent service members?” Carter asked rhetorically during a Q&A with troops in Kandahar, Afghanistan. “I don’t think anything but their suitability for service should preclude them.”

Dear Erskine College, God Does Not Hate Gay People

Dear Erskine College, God Does Not Hate Gay People
Erskine College is the latest to use God’s Word to promote hatred. Wai Sallas wonders, when will love conquer hate?

This past week, Erskine College came out as an openly bigoted institution by publicly stating they do not want Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender students and those who are enrolled will be disciplined. The South Carolina supposed place of higher learning issued a statement that students are “expected to follow the teachings of scripture concerning matters of human sexuality and institutional decisions will be made in light of this position.”

I’m curious, will Erskine College stop serving pork chops or bacon since “it is unclean?” – Leviticus 11:7.

On admissions day, will Erskine College ask every male to drop his pants since “Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant?” – Genesis 17:14.

I wonder if Trustee Dody Morris is there for her looks since “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says?” – 1 Corinthians 14:34.

I did not grow up in an openly religious household. Our Sundays, however, were spent like most typical families in America. We woke up, ate breakfast and drove to church. Where my story differs is once at church, my mom would kiss me on the cheek walk me in the doors, get back in her car and drive home.

I assumed she had already met the prerequisite of Jesus stories and therefore had graduated from church. In fact, the only time I saw my mom in church was when I had a church choir recital, or my Sunday school class was putting on a play.

That all changed when my Dad and I started to explore God together. I watched the word of God and the unabashed love of Jesus sweep over my Dad and turn him from an abusive alcoholic to a God fearing, responsible human being. I grew a huge man crush on Jesus during that time. As I watched my Dad transform his life, I too looked to change mine.

For a while, my dad, mom and I were all going to church. We had all received God’s love and we were all better for it. That’s before the hate started to seep in. That was before people had the crazy notion that all people, regardless of color or sexual orientation deserved the same rights. My mom quickly soured and left church. She couldn’t understand how the God that she was now being taught was one of hate. My dad was torn, unable to find the middle ground with the people he met in everyday life and the sermons he was now preaching as pastor of his own church.


The God and religion Erskine College speaks of is not the God and religion that I follow. When Fox News and the Religious Right speak of the “War on Religion” they don’t realize they are engaging in a battle where the only casualty are the innocent followers who love God for his love, not his judgement.

There is a reason more and more people are turning away from organized religion. In a recent report on NPR, one-fifth of Americans are religiously unaffiliated — higher than at any time in recent U.S. history — and those younger than 30 especially seem to be drifting from organized religion. A third of young Americans say they don’t belong to any religion.

Who wants to engage in a communion of hate? Who wants to believe in a community that persecutes friends, families and loved ones?

In our history, religion has been used in the name of war from the Crusades all the way to the terrorism that threatens our current life with Al Qaida and ISIS. Yet we still preach hate, we still detract the educated with an archaic and biased ideology that picks and chooses what biblical laws we dub as scripture and which verses we throw out and ignore.

What those who so ardently speak of being victims of their religion fail to see is they are in direct opposition of God’s Word.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another” – John 13:34

The sad part is Drew Davis and Juan Varona felt love at Erskine College. The two were volleyball players at the college had found acceptance from their teammates and the community. Davis and Varona helped lead the Flying Fleet to an NCAA tournament bid in just the program’s second year of existence.

“I have never received anything but kind treatment from everyone at this school,” he said after Erskine College released their statement.

“I feel that in the time that we are living right now,” he continued, “where even in the conservative state of South Carolina same-sex marriage is legal, the school took several steps back instead of progressing towards a future where everyone can be treated as an equal, which is a future most of the county is moving towards.”

According to UCLA’s Williams Institute review, there are over 9 million people who identify themselves as gay. That doesn’t include the millions too afraid to come out due to institutions like Erskine College that outwardly persecute gays.

It’s bad enough 20 percent of [LGBT students] fear for their physical safety due to their gender identity or their perceived sexual orientation, according to The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. They now have to deal with established institutions promoting this hate mongering.

As a Christian, I stand in embarrassment at what some in my religion deem as right and “godly.” It’s the reason I have searched for 8 years, trying to find a church that promotes God’s love without exacting man’s judgment.

The most famous bible verse is “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16. It’s plastered everywhere from sporting events to fast food drink cups. It’s a shame that for certain Christians, the world they perceive is different than the one God loves.

By: Wai Sallas, Sports Editor, The Good Men Project

This post originally ran here on Good Men Project Sports.

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HRC Delivers “People’s Brief” With Over 200,000 Signatures in Support of Marriage Equality

HRC Delivers “People’s Brief” With Over 200,000 Signatures in Support of Marriage Equality

Today, the HRC delivered its historic “People’s Brief” – with 207,551 signatories calling for full nationwide marriage equality – to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Karma Gives Russell Tovey A Crusty Butt Cheek For A Week

Karma Gives Russell Tovey A Crusty Butt Cheek For A Week

tumblr_l0n28o1Mrh1qzjcdeo1_500It looks like karma has come to bite Russell Tovey in the butt (literally!) after questionable comments he made about effeminate gay men to The Guardian earlier this week.

Tovey received heat for calling effeminate gay men “tapdancing freaks” who like to “prance around” and “sing in the street.” Many accused the Looking star of perpetuating the idea that that femme is bad and masculine is good.

He later took to Twitter to apologize for the remarks, saying he didn’t articulate himself well. But that didn’t stop self-proclaimed “professional effeminate homosexual” Alec Mepa from releasing a statement in defense of “young sissy boys” and expressing his “disappointment” with Tovey.

Well, we can all relax now. Because Mr. Tovey has been sufficiently punished for his misguided behavior.

While in Australia filming his new BBC series Banished, the 33-year-old revealed that he developed “a crusty bum cheek.”

During an interview with the U.K.’s This Morning, Tovey talked about what it was like to film Down Under during the height of summer: “I did have a grub on my tongue and I could feel it pulsating… I was retching. It was gross.”

“We had leeches,” he continued, “and there was one time we were filming in the bush and production rung me up and said, ‘Someone has got six ticks on their body that they’ve found, so can you check yourself?’ and I said I was fine and went back to the U.K.”

Turns out, he wasn’t fine. A week later, Tovey found a tick feasting on his butt cheek.

He was in the shower when he made the startling discovery, which sent him into a panic.

“I twisted it around and then went on Twitter and they were like, ‘No, you’re not meant to twist it – you’re going to get Lyme disease’,” he said. “So I called my mum who said, ‘Go down to A&E’ and it was fine. I had a crusty butt cheek for about a week which I was paranoid about.”

We’re glad that happened. The scores have been settled. Now we can go back to loving the heck out of him. (Although it might take some time to get those images of blood-sucking leeches and grubby tongues out of our heads.)

Related stories:

Wrong Message: Russell Tovey Thankful He’s Not More Femme Because Dad Didn’t Let Him “Prance Around”

‘Professional Effeminate Homosexual’ Alec Mapa Is Disappointed In Russell Tovey’s Comment About Feminine Gay Men

Russell Tovey Baffled By Becoming “Worst Gay Ever,” Half-Apologizes For Comments

Graham Gremore

Joe Biden Ties Gay Rights To Civil Rights On Selma's 50th Anniversary

Joe Biden Ties Gay Rights To Civil Rights On Selma's 50th Anniversary
WASHINGTON (AP) — Gays and lesbians are fighting for the same equal rights that African-Americans fought for decades ago, Vice President Joe Biden said Friday, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the historic march in Selma, Alabama.

An early supporter of gay marriage, Biden sought to draw parallels between civil rights for gays and African-Americans as he addressed a summit of the Human Rights Campaign, a major gay rights group. Just as he could never have imagined serving alongside a black president, Biden said, he never anticipated seeing a time when gays would serve in the military openly, the Supreme Court would strike down anti-sodomy laws and a majority of U.S. states would legalize gay marriage. “Selma and Stonewall were basically the same movement,” Biden said, invoking the 1969 Stonewall Inn riots in New York that marked the symbolic start of the modern gay rights movement.

Biden’s remarks come the day before President Barack Obama and surviving marchers were to gather at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma to commemorate half a decade since white police officers beat civil rights protesters who were fighting segregation in the South. Reflecting on the number of southern states where gay marriage is still banned, Biden said the next step for activists is to help bring gay rights to the South.

Activists responded with fervent applause when he recalled announcing his own support for gay marriage during a 2012 television interview, putting pressure on Obama, who followed suit a few months later. “I told the president I wasn’t going to change my brand,” Biden said with a grin.

Presidential politics also popped up at the summit, where a brief mention of presumptive 2016 candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton drew a warm reaction and cheers.

In his speech, Biden — another possible 2016 contender — called out potential Republican candidate Ben Carson for saying that homosexuality was a choice and citing sexual activity in prisons as evidence.

“Every ridiculous assertion from Dr. Carson on, I mean, ridiculous,” Biden said of the former neurosurgeon. He added, “I mean, Jesus, God.”


Reach Josh Lederman on Twitter at

Die Antwoord Calls Drake A “Massive Faggot” On Instagram, Then Deletes It

Die Antwoord Calls Drake A “Massive Faggot” On Instagram, Then Deletes It

Screen Shot 2015-03-06 at 10.22.47 AMNobody ever said South African musical duo Die Antwoord was supposed to be the model of political correctness, but this just seems like pushing it.

Drake and Die Antwoord are both touring Australia as part of the traveling Future Music Festival, and apparently Die Antwoord member Yolandi Visser was not a fan of Drake’s set.

So much so, in fact, that she posted a photo of Drake to her Instagram with the quote, “I’m a massive faggot” overlaid. The cation read, “Fuk. Drake was kak.”

Here’s the post, which has since been deleted:


Yolandi, for her part, doesn’t see this as homophobic. Or something.

Here is what partner Ninja had to say about word sensitivity in a previous message. DJ Hi-Tek is the group’s DJ, for clarification:

I’d like to set the record straight here once and for all. Number one: DJ Hi-Tek is gay. So there you go. Now you all know. Number two: Dj Hi-Tek says the word faggot doesn’t hold any power over him. Hi-Tek says faggot all the time cause he’s like, kind of taken that word and made it his bitch. Number three: Just to be fucking clear, the Antwoord is not homophobic… Number four: It comes across to us that some people from America are heavy sensitive about the use of certain words. But the thing is, what you need to understand is, we’re not from America. We’re from South Africa. And South Africa people aren’t so pumped up about these words.

You can see that video message below:

h/t Crave

Dan Tracer