After Backlash, Saks Fifth Avenue Settles Suit with Transgender Employee
Last week, Sakes Fifth Avenue announced that is settled an employee discrimination suit with Leyth Jamal, a transgender woman in Texas.
News: Apple Watch, Bill Cosby, Black Madonna, HBO, Aaron Schock
Pricing, release date and everything else you might want to know about the Apple Watch.
The New York Times dives into a new study highlighting the different bodies and brains that develop in identical twins who share the same sports and physical activities as children but different exercise habits as adults.
An intimate look at one Vietnam gay couple’s private, symbolic marriage ceremony at the Amiana Resort in Nha Trang.
Mo’Nique talks to The Wrap about her upcoming gay-themed film Blackbird.
Bill Cosby declares he’s “far from finished” in his first video message since his multiple sexual assault allegations surfaced.
Secular and humanist organizations file brief with the Supreme Court asking it to overturn bans on same-sex marriage.
Irish Catholic Bishop Kevin Doran likens homosexuality to Down Syndrome, says gay parents “are not parents.”
The Atlantic looks at whether Joe Biden will run for president in 2016.
London police have launched an investigation after a man died hours after collapsing at a gay sauna in the city’s Waterloo district.
Finding a public restroom just got a lot easier for transgender people.
John Mayer calls himself a “recovered ego addict” in new MSNBC interview.
Vogue editor in hot water after posting Instagram photo of a homeless man reading Vogue in Paris.
NOM cofounder Robert George says the Republican Party should treat a pro-equality ruling from the Supreme Court like Dred Scott v Sanford.
The Chicago Sun-Times looks into Rep. Aaron Schock’s $10,053 taxpayer-funded trip to New York with staffers.
Wisconsin governor and 2016 GOP hopeful Scott Walker slams Hillary Clinton’s “audacity” at using her private email account as Secretary of State.
Australian Football League star Barry Hall says the league is ready for an openly gay player.
Florida Gov. Rick Scott has banned the state’s Department of Environmental Protection from using the terms “climate change” and “global warming” in any official capacity.
Male model Monday: Jordan Ver Hoeve.
A look inside the country’s first government-run marijuana store.
Madonna calls Kanye West the “black Madonna.”
HBO’s long-awaited standalone subscription service HBO Now was announced at Apple’s event today. The service will become available on April 12, the same day that the new season of Game of Thrones premieres.
Lena Dunham reiterates she won’t get married until gay couple can tie the knot.
U.S. Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD) is expected to announce tomorrow her plans to run for Barbara Mikulski’s Senate seat.
Kyler Geoffroy
More Gay Black Characters On TV Series These Days: 'Empire,' 'Being Mary Jane,' 'The Haves & The Have Nots'
FOX’s mega-successful ‘Empire’ isn’t the only prime-time series featuring a major story arc involving a gay black male character; BET’s ‘Being Mary Jane’ and Tyler Perry’s ‘The Haves And The Have Nots’ are also taking the bold leap in representing this untapped demographic in non-stereotypical ways.
Veteran entertainment journalist Karu F. Daniels shines light on the influx of such characters — portrayed by Jussie Smollett, Aaron D. Spears and Gavin Houston, respectively. Filmmaker Patrik Ian Polk (‘Noah’s Arc’), media activist Matt Kane and television programming exec Charlie Jordan Brookins also weigh in on what could be considered a new cause for celebration in the gay community.
Senator Silk, Unplugged
After supporting discrimination in a quote to the New York Times, Oklahoma state senator doubles down with new comments.
Coming Soon: Syphilis In Your Eyes. So Watch Out. (Pun Intended.)
Think twice the next time that guy you met online asks if you’d like to finish the evening off with a quick facial.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health just issued an advisory on ocular syphilis, aka syphilis of the eyes.
According to AIDS Healthcare Foundation President Michael Weinstein, as many as 15 cases of ocular syphilis have been identified in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington state since December, with many of them resulting in some level of blindness.
This sounds horrifying.
“These new cases of ocular syphilis highlight the importance of ongoing, regular checkups for sexually-active individuals who feel they may be at risk, particularly men who have sex with men,” Weinstein said.
The San Francisco Health Department is also advising physicians to test for syphilis in any patients with visual complaints, as well as those with genital, oral, or anal ulcers, or rash.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. According to clinical studies, ocular syphilis is an unusual manifestation of the disease that is becoming increasingly less unusual. Symptoms of include blurry vision, floating spots, a blue visual tinge, flashing lights, or eye pain. If untreated, ocular syphilis can attack the nervous system and cause permanent blindness, as it did for two gay men in Washington state in January.
So how can you avoid going blind from ocular syphilis? Easy. Get tested at least once a year, or every three to six months if you’re at elevated risk.
Related stories:
Syphilis Infections On The Rise In The Gay Community
Why Are STDs Running Rampant In The Deep South?
Dating Website For People With STDs Outs Hundreds Of Thousands Of Users
Graham Gremore
Towleroad Reader Travel Survey: What's Gay in Sin City (Las Vegas)?
Are you gay and know the scene in LAS VEGAS?
We’re betting you do, so please help us out.
A few weeks ago, we published a general travel survey. Thanks to all of you who filled it out. It was incredibly helpful in letting us know about what kinds of articles you would like to read, and also the places you are interested in. We also followed up with a survey on Miami which led to our recent deluxe travel guide.
We’re hoping we can get to know what you love about LAS VEGAS and pass it along in future posts, so help your fellow Towleroad travelers out and please fill out THIS SURVEY ON LAS VEGAS.
Thanks in advance.
Andy Towle
Jimmy Somerville Is Still My Small-Town Boy
From the legendary gay falsetto known for Bronski Beat, the Communards, and his pioneering solo work comes Homage, a disco album that keeps his political beat alive.
Diane Anderson-Minshall
Introducing the Alert Silk System to Warn Businesses of the Gay Threat to Their Religious Liberties
“It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an EMERGENCY IS HEREBY DECLARED TO EXIST!” shrieks Oklahoma State Senator Joseph Silk in his recently introduced bill, Oklahoma Religious Freedom Reformation Act of 2015. In a New York Times article, Mr. Silk explains the need for his bill: “The L.G.B.T. movement is the main thing, the primary thing that’s going to be challenging religious liberties and the freedom to live out religious convictions. And I say that sensitively, because I have homosexual friends.” Mr. Silk believes that gays “don’t have a right to be served in every single store. People need to have the ability to refuse service if it violates their religious convictions.”
I, for one, do not want to be the cause of a state of emergency. I do not want to accidentally eat a doughnut in an Oklahoma bakery and unintentionally “trample another person’s right to live out their religious beliefs in their place of business,” as Mr. Silks says on his website. I want to preserve your religious liberties, I do. In order to act as sensitively as Mr. Silk, I have cracked open a Bible and read it carefully. I want to understand the needs of straight, Christian people better. I am so glad that I did! I was completely ignorant to this section in Exodus:
I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage and into the businesses of Oklahoma.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Thou shalt not arrange flowers for gay weddings, nor shall you bake a cake that is to be consumed by any mouth that touches another mouth of the same gender.
Thou shalt not serve tacos, hamburgers or pizzas to homosexuals even if they are very hungry. Let them starve, lest ye shall anger me, the LORD thy God.
Honor your father and your mother. But not father and father, or mother and mother. I created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not issue a marriage license to the homosexuals. This action is icky and creepy to me, the LORD thy God.
How did I not know this?! No wonder Mr. Silk says that I have “zero tolerance or consideration of other peoples’ rights” and that I am a threat to “freedoms and liberties in the United States and Oklahoma” and that I am “attempting to strip other people’s individual liberties away if they hold different beliefs.”
Oh my god! [I mean, Oh your God!] I am a threat to public peace, health and safety! I feel terrible. I realize now that Mr. Silk’s Religious Freedom Reformation Act does not go far enough! Therefore, I propose an even stronger measure to solve this state of emergency: the Alert Silk System, or A.S.S. for short. It works like this:
All gay people will wear an electronic transponder on their foreheads. As a homosexual enters through a business door, the transponder will be read by a receiving antenna. This will trigger a warning [“Gay! Gay! Gay! Danger! Gay! Gay! Gay!”] alerting owners and workers that their religious liberties are about to be violated. A siren will wail and bright lights will flash. The offending homosexual should flee the premises. A.S.S. also sends a signal to police headquarters. If the homosexual is not frightened enough by the warnings and does not scamper off, local police will intervene.
I admit that this is an aggressive answer to preserve public peace, but it is necessary in this climate of emergency to America’s health and safety.
Some may say that this is too extreme. As an alternative, I suggest that businesses simply put out signs that read “We Serve Straights Only” and “Gays Keep Out.”
I wonder how Mr. Silk’s “homosexual friends” would respond?
Nick Goad: ‘It’s important to have mentors who are real truth tellers’
A Managing Director with Boston Consulting Group, Nick Goad spoke to GSN Business about his work, the value of good mentors, and how a supportive partner has helped make him happy in his career
HRC Alabama on MSNBC
On Sunday, HRC Alabama field organizer Tori Sisson, and her wife, Shante’ Wolfe, appeared on MSNBC with national host Melissa Harris-Perry to remember the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.
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