Category Archives: NEWS

How I Learned to Embrace the Future

How I Learned to Embrace the Future
2015-03-12-1426187833-6436157-img_93finalColcrop1_Web.jpg(Diriye Osman is photographed by Bahareh Hosseini)

In E.E Cummings poem, “Love is a Place,” he writes: “yes is a world/ & in this world of/ yes live/ (skilfully curled)/ all worlds.” It is a reminder that some of the most moving and meaningful experiences occur when we embrace new and unexpected possibilities.

I say this because saying yes to life is frightening, filled with all kinds of booby-traps, laced with rejection or indifference to one’s attempts to be daring. No-one walks around hoping to have their heart broken, no-one dreams of having their hopes invalidated: it’s simply not how we’re wired to function. Irrespective of where we’re coming from, we want to experience love and be respected. We yearn for success in our personal and professional lives. We want our realities to matter, to be validated by others.

I have been going to my doctor’s office every fortnight for the last decade to have an injection. This injection contains an anti-psychotic medication called Risperidone. Without this medicine, I struggle to see sense. Day-to-day activities assume an irrational intensity, hallucinations kick in and my appetite plummets or balloons. There is no shame in stating this because it’s simply a small fact in the larger scheme of my existence. It would have been incredibly easy for me to reject this medicine and even deny the fact that I suffer from a mental illness. The medication comes with its own long list of side-effects, but if I had declined to take it, I would have engaged in an act of denial and deliberate self-sabotage that would have harmed me and my loved ones.

By taking ownership of my life in this way, by effectively saying yes, I have gone on to achieve things that I never dreamt I was capable of. With my health in check, I have put myself through university and developed a burgeoning career as a writer and visual artist. The truth of it is that saying yes may be challenging but it’s also infinitely more rewarding than saying no. Saying yes to new friendships, to new creative paths, to new career-goals carries its own risks but it’s the equivalent of embracing one’s personhood. It’s the equivalent of developing a robust sense of pride.

My future sometimes feels hazy and, like most people, I’m afraid of failure. I say no to potentially exciting new ventures more often than not. But this is changing. I’m teaching the small, scared animal within to emerge from its burrow and greet the sun.

My last project was a collection of short stories called Fairytales For Lost Children, which focused on issues of sexuality, family, faith and freedom. Although I love the short form, after the book was published I wanted to push against my own parameters. I’m now in the planning stages of a novel that simply refused to be contained by my beloved short form. The subject matter is visceral, intimate and poignant and I love working on this project. I don’t know what will come of it. I don’t know whether it will be published or whether it will live up to my expectations. All I know is that I intend to have fun writing this book. All I know is that I intend to keep taking chances on myself. All I know is that I intend to keep saying yes to the future.

Diriye Osman is the Polari Prize-winning author of “Fairytales For Lost Children” (Team Angelica Press), a collection of critically-acclaimed short stories about queer Somali youth living in London, Nairobi and Somalia. You can purchase the book via Amazon and you can connect with Diriye via his website.

HRC Offered Testimony in Two Hearings to Support Maryland Birth Certificate Bill

HRC Offered Testimony in Two Hearings to Support Maryland Birth Certificate Bill

SB 743/ HB 862 is a vital measure that will ensure that transgender people born in Maryland are able to change their birth certificates to reflect their correct name and gender without unnecessarily expensive and invasive obstacles.

Christian College Cancels Bake Sale For Gay Youth, Students Raise $10,000 Anyway

Christian College Cancels Bake Sale For Gay Youth, Students Raise $10,000 Anyway

Screen shot 2015-03-13 at 1.31.27 PMAll students at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, MI wanted to do was hold a bake sale to help Fierce Chicago, a non-profit organization that assists homeless LGBT youth. But when college administrators learned about it, they demanded the sale be cancelled. Evidently, helping disenfranchised gay children is in direct “conflict” with the university’s “mission and practices.”

The bake sale was being organized by AULL4One, the university’s unofficial gay-straight alliance, which has approximately 80 members, but is forbidden from advertising on campus due to the school’s affiliation with the antigay Seventh Day Adventist Church.

In an e-mail to the students, AU Dean of Student Life Steve Yeagley said the university was forbidding the bake sale because “funds may be raised for non-profit organizations ‘whose mission and practices do not conflict with those of the University.’”

Yeagley continued by saying that there was “a perceived conflict between the mission and practices of Andrews University and those of Fierce Chicago — certainly not in their efforts to aid homeless youth, but in their approach to the LGBT issue, at large.”

“As a result,” the e-mail concluded, “we can and will support LGBT homeless youth through organizations whose mission and purpose clearly align with the religious mission and purpose of our university and its sponsoring church.”

In other words: Andrews University is happy to help raise money for homeless youth, just so long as they’re not gay or being served by an organization that doesn’t take a proactive stance against “the LGBT issue.”

So instead of a bake sale, students at Andrews University have created an IndieGoGo page to send donations to Fierce Chicago. They hoped to raise $2,000. So far, they have raised nearly $10,000 with 26 days to go.

Sorry, administrators, you lose.

Related stories:

College Bans Gay Sexing Because It’s Icky And “Destructive To The Parties Involved”

Christian College Tells Lesbian Student To Go Back In The Facebook Closet

Christian College Confiscated Every Copy Of Their Newspaper For Being Pro-Gay



Graham Gremore

Tim Cook Offered Dying Steve Jobs His Own Liver According To New Biography

Tim Cook Offered Dying Steve Jobs His Own Liver According To New Biography

Cook_jobsIn the last days of his life while struggling with an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer, Steve Jobs learned that Tim Cook, who would eventually become Apple’s next CEO, was a potential blood match. That match meant that in theory Cook could have donated part of his liver to Jobs, which might have prolonged his life.

This new information is detailed in Becoming Steve Jobs, Rick Tetzeli and Brent Schlender’s new book about Jobs as he planned to hand over control of his multi-billion dollar company to Cook. Though Jobs would eventually accept another liver transplant two years later, he initially turned Cook down, resolute in his decision to ride the disease out:

“Somebody that’s selfish,” Cook continues, “doesn’t reply like that. I mean, here’s a guy, he’s dying, he’s very close to death because of his liver issue, and here’s someone healthy offering a way out. I said, ‘Steve, I’m perfectly healthy, I’ve been checked out. Here’s the medical report. I can do this and I’m not putting myself at risk, I’ll be fine.’

And he doesn’t think about it. It was not, ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ It was not, ‘I’ll think about it.’ It was not, ‘Oh, the condition I’m in . . .’ It was, ‘No, I’m not doing that!’ He kind of popped up in bed and said that. And this was during a time when things were just terrible. Steve only yelled at me four or five times during the 13 years I knew him, and this was one of them.”

Charles Pulliam-Moore

Gay Twins Face Off, Scott Eastwood Avoids Full-Frontal, Jared Leto’s Teen Stripping Revelation & More!

Gay Twins Face Off, Scott Eastwood Avoids Full-Frontal, Jared Leto’s Teen Stripping Revelation & More!

Ricky Martin drops a new track with Pitbull called Mr. Put It Down, the first single off Martin’s 11th studio album. He might be putting it down, but we’re definitely picking it up.

Jared Leto reveals he was a teenage stripper. No word yet on if he’ll be starring in Magic Mike XXXL.


In the battle of fraternal vs. identical gay twins, who will win?! The charming Monastero brother help settle the score.

Jim Parsons gets a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, due in large part to the mega success of the largely unwatchable CBS comedy The Big Bang Theory.


Transgender teen activist Jazz Jennings lands a TLC reality show, which will show her “juggling her foray into high school while navigating how a transgender teen approaches dating and sleepovers all while avoiding male puberty.”


Before Jamie Dornan spanked his way into the box office, the role of Christian Grey was offered to legacy hunk Scott Eastwood. He turned it down for a variety of reasons including full-frontal nudity. Oh, how we wish he hadn’t.

Dan Tracer

News: Charlie Hunnam, NYPD, Jussie Smollett, Jeopardy, Anonymous

News: Charlie Hunnam, NYPD, Jussie Smollett, Jeopardy, Anonymous

Road New poll shows a majority of Kentuckians continue to oppose same-sex marriage. 

CharlieRoad Charlie Hunnam says he has no problem going full frontal. 

Road The NYPD is being accused of editing the Wikipedia pages of Eric Garner, Sean Bell, and other high-profile police violence victims. 

Road Tomorrow will be a very special Pi Day. 

Road A Maryland man will spend four years and eight months behind bars after pleading guilty to stabbing a 15-year-old transgender girl on a Metro train last July. The charge was classified as a hate crime.

Road Empire star Jussie Smollett discusses his decision to come out to Ellen earlier this week. “I didn’t talk to Ellen so that people could, be like ‘oh my God, let’s see what Jussie does in his bedroom in his private life.’ But I did talk to her so that people understood that they’re not alone. That’s all.”

Road Former Florida Governor Charlie Crist considers entering the 2016 Senate race.

Road WATCH: Robert Downey Jr delivers 3D-printed Iron man prosthetic arm to seven-year-old fan. 

AnonymousRoad Is hacktivist group Anonymous threatening Kanye West?

Road The former members of Oklahoma University’s disbanded, racist Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter are considering a lawsuit against the school.

Road Kathy Griffin emailed celebrities asking them to to support her abrupt Fashion Police exit

Road Will Ferrell: 10 teams, 9 positions, 1 day.

Road Buzzfeed’s Kate Aurthur on how HBO’s new Scientology documentary “outs” John Travolta. “…though outing celebrities is still rare in mainstream storytelling, in Going Clear, a narrative about a religious organization intrusively controlling its members and aggressively spreading its message, the example of Travolta becomes both a fulcrum and an exclamation point: He has served as Scientology’s ambassador because they know every personal detail he’s ever revealed to them. The church, according to the movie, blackmails him into serving its needs.”

Road Trans teen Jazz Jennings is getting a TLC reality show

MaddenRoad Cinderella star Richard Madden cuddling with a puppy will be the icing on your TGIF. 

Road NASA confirms there’s a great big ocean under the surface of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede. 

Road Has the media already bungled Hillary Clinton’s “emailgate”?

Road Alex Trebek admits “this wasn’t not one of our greatest days” after yesterday’s Jeopardy featured the winner playing the final round all alone. 

Road San Francisco Giants unveil pride shirt for LGBT night.

Kyler Geoffroy