Category Archives: NEWS

Anti-LGBT Legislation in Nevada Threatens Jobs, Economy and Minorities

Anti-LGBT Legislation in Nevada Threatens Jobs, Economy and Minorities

Today, HRC sounded the alarm on anti-LGBT legislation in Nevada – SB272 in the Senate and AB277 in the Assembly – that threatens jobs, the state economy, and undermines the state’s civil rights laws.

Dolce & Gabanna Boycott Will End Culture And Science And Cause Black Magic, Glenn Beck Says

Dolce & Gabanna Boycott Will End Culture And Science And Cause Black Magic, Glenn Beck Says

Screen shot 2015-03-19 at 11.39.31 AMGlenn Beck is totally pissed, you guys. He cannot believe the gall of Sir Elton John, who recently called for a boycott of Dolce & Gabbana after the fashion queens voiced their opposition to same-sex couples having children and IVF babies.

“We are on the path of putting Galileo back in the tower!” he warned audiences of his TV show yesterday, before launching into yet another one of his tirades about liberals who are on a not-so-secret mission to destroy anyone who challenges their beliefs. Like, for instance, Dolce & Gabbana.

“Is this the kind of freedom that we’re at?” Beck asked. “The party of progress is making progress indeed. Back to the Dark Ages! Back to the days when differing scientific views were labeled heresy and black magic!”

To be clear: No one is saying Dolce & Gabbana isn’t free to express their views. Or accusing them of practicing black magic, for the matter. But sometimes words have consequences.

“As the march toward conformity continues,” Beck continued, “America gets farther and farther away from the place where those who will change the world with art and science and music, those who will bring on the next Renaissance just might find themselves locked up in a tower and sadly never paint the next Mona Lisa.”

Hmmm. Last we checked, Dolce & Gabbana were Italian fashion designers and Sir Elton John was English. If America is being led “farther and farther away” from non-conformity, we’re going to go out on a limb and say it has very little to do with these guys.

Watch Glenn Beck’s tirade below. Or don’t.

Related stories:

Madonna Says IVF Babies Are Not Synthetic, Bitch Slaps Dolce & Gabanna

A Gay Dad’s Open Letter To Dolce & Gabbana Is Full Of Insightful Shade

Dolce & Gabbana Invoke Deadly Paris Attack As Celebrities Speak Out Against Them

Graham Gremore

I'm A Dad. So Why Do People Call Me ‘Mrs.'?

I'm A Dad. So Why Do People Call Me ‘Mrs.'?
The administrator at our children’s school recently called our house and asked if she could speak with “Mrs. Diamond.” I understood instantly — she wanted to speak to the mom. But my kids don’t have a mom. They have two dads. Sighing deeply, I replied, “This is Mrs. Diamond.”

Watch This Gay Couple Go For Gold and Get Engaged on 'Let's Make A Deal' – VIDEO

Watch This Gay Couple Go For Gold and Get Engaged on 'Let's Make A Deal' – VIDEO


On Wednesday’s Let’s Make a Deal, contestants David and Ronald, dressed in matching German lederhosen costumes, won a sizable pot of gold playing “Gold Rush,” but it was a second, surprise deal that was the real prize of the episode.

Watch the audience go nuts over the emotional proposal, AFTER THE JUMP


Kyler Geoffroy

Madonna Responds To The Dolce & Gabbana Controversy

Madonna Responds To The Dolce & Gabbana Controversy
Madonna is giving Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana a schooling in what family really means.

The pop star took to Instagram Wednesday to respond to controversy surrounding the Italian designers, who came under fire after disapproving of same-sex adoption and saying babies born through in vitro fertilization are “children of chemistry, synthetic children … semen chosen from a catalog” during a recent interview.

In her Instagram post, Madonna shared a photo from her 2010 Dolce & Gabbana campaign, in which she portrayed an Italian housewife and posed with a baby. In the caption, she wrote that the soul of any child cannot be synthetic and concluded with some advice: “Think before you speak.”

After celebrities like Elton John, Ricky Martin and Courtney Love joined the #BoycottDolceGabbana backlash, the designers responded, saying their comments stemmed from their traditional upbringings.

“I’m Sicilian and I grew up in a traditional family, made up of a mother, a father and children … This is the reality in which I grew up, but it does not imply that I don’t understand different ones. I was talking about my personal view, without judging other people’s choices and decisions,” Dolce said, in part.