Category Archives: NEWS

Satan Demanded Equal Rights, Says Knoxville Baptist Tabernacle's Controversial Sign

Satan Demanded Equal Rights, Says Knoxville Baptist Tabernacle's Controversial Sign
A Tennessee church posted a controversial message on its billboard over the weekend that said, “Remember Satan was the first to demand equal rights.

The Knoxville Baptist Tabernacle removed the sign — and denied it was targeting any single group — but many who saw it were bothered by the implications.

It’s clearly a sign that was meant to offend a particular community — the LGBT community,” Andy Henry told WBIR. “Because of (the church’s) lack of foresight, they ended up offending everybody who had ever fought for equality or civil rights in general.”

Many also railed against the sign on social media.

“As a Christian, I find this highly offensive, these kinds of signs and messages are exactly the reason why people are turned off by Christianity,” Stephanie Settlemyre wrote on the Facebook page of local news station WATE.

“I am still trying to figure out what the message on the sign has to do with unity,” posted David Rambo. “Can someone enlighten me? And we must remember too that the Bible tells us to let our words be seasoned with salt. It doesn’t say let your words be seasoned with shock value.”

But Pastor Tony Greene told the station he wasn’t trying to offend with the sign.

Our sign referencing Satan demanding his equal rights to ascend into the heavens and be God was simply ‘I’ and all about that individual,” Greene said. “It was not a statement against any one group in particular, you know what about the rights of the unborn babies, the rights of children, the rights of everyone?”

After the outcry, the sign was changed to say: “Glad you reading, did not intend to offend, we all need Christ.”

(h/t Raw Story)

Channing Tatum And Nick Zano Have A “Cock-Talk,” Discuss Trading In Their Penises

Channing Tatum And Nick Zano Have A “Cock-Talk,” Discuss Trading In Their Penises

Screen Shot 2015-03-19 at 3.13.42 PMIn Nick Zano’s new sitcom One Big Happy, he plays heterosexual Luke who decides to make a baby with his lesbian friend Lizzy, played by Elisha Cuthbert. It’s produced by Ellen Degeneres, and you can watch the pilot episode, which aired March 17th, here.

Zano recently sat down with his good friend Channing Tatum to interview one another for Interview Magazine, and the conversation was, well, interesting.

They talked about trading their penises in for vaginas:

TATUM: If you could, today, grow a vagina, would you do it? Even if it’s just for a limited amount of time to know what it’s like to have one? You can give it back and have your own penis—not a reattached penis.

ZANO: So everything comes back?

TATUM: Yeah, everything’s back to that same old Nicky from the beginning. Would you do it?

ZANO: Sure. How do you not? Let’s do it at the same time.

TATUM: I would totally do that with you. I’d have matching vajays.

ZANO: [laughs] All I’ve got is this visual of you and I standing next to each other, looking down.

TATUM: And comparing. “Wow, yours is bigger than mine!”

ZANO: [laughs] That’s the worst thing you want to hear!

TATUM: [laughs] I think we should take that to [One Big Happy producer] Ellen [DeGeneres] as a weird reccurring dream sequence—just me and you comparing vaginas.

Engaged in some friendly bromantic “cock-talk”:

TATUM: Let’s just imagine that the rest of this interview is done behind two actual real pilots flying over Afghanistan.

ZANO: So we’re going to have a cock-talk?

TATUM: We’re going to have a little cock-talk. That’s exactly where I was going with that, glad you picked that up. So, cock-talk with Nick Zano. We’re going to do a rapid fire round, since we’re on an airplane. These are one-word answers. I’ll let you know on which other questions you’re allowed to use multiple words to answer. Quickly, where are you from?

And Tatum alerted Zano to the grossness of Abercrombie cologne:

TATUM: Abercrombie cologne or Curve?

ZANO: Abercrombie?

TATUM: Really? Wow. I’m disappointed.

ZANO: I don’t know Curve, that’s the only reason.

TATUM: Oh man, you don’t know Curve? Alright, Drakkar.

ZANO: Oh, Drakkar!

And so much more. Head here for the full interview.

Dan Tracer

'Big Voice', a Sort of 'Glee' in Real Life, to Premiere at American Documentary Film Festival

'Big Voice', a Sort of 'Glee' in Real Life, to Premiere at American Documentary Film Festival

In the most recent episode of Nicholas Snow Live, I welcome American Documentary Film Festival Founder and Director Theodore “Teddy” Grouya, as well as filmmakers honored to have their films selected for the 2015 fest taking place March 26-30, 2015. Named “One of the World’s Top 25 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee,” by MovieMaker magazine, and then “One of the World’s Five Coolest Documentary Film Festivals,” by the same publication later the same year, AmDocs is located in the beautiful resort community of Palm Springs, California. Ideally located 90 minutes east of Hollywood, this film mecca boasts a favorable viewing audience and a proven track record of supporting independent films.

Many LGBT-themed films are among this year’s lineup.

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Listen to this episode of Nicholas Snow Live on the BlogTalkRadio Network.

Glee in Real Life! Among this year’s lineup, Big Voice (trailer above), an inspiring feature documentary about a year in the life of a demanding high school choir director who pushes his students to become “one big voice”.

Nicholas Snow Live is produced and hosted by Nicholas Snow. Over 1.7 million downloads in just over 2-1/2 years. The show’s motto: “Connecting the Circuitry of Humanity.”

Download Nicholas Snow Live podcasts for free from iTunes.

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A Message From ‘The Bitchy Gay Community’ To The Aaron Schock Apologists

A Message From ‘The Bitchy Gay Community’ To The Aaron Schock Apologists

10371999_10152826227268545_5193274257061227715_nWith his article published on The Daily Beast titled “Hey Gays: Leave Aaron Schock Alone,” correspondent James Kirchick urges gay people to back off from ridiculing the soon-to-be-former United States Congressman.

Hey James: fat chance.

Kirchick, referring to those who’ve taken issue with Mr. Schock, his extravagant spending and antigay voting record, writes the “bitchy gay community” is up in arms because of “rumors” that Schock is a closeted gay man and that the real reason many people have disdain for the chiseled, Ken Doll-esque congressman is because we all “want him.”

Really? We all want him? That’s a little presumptuous, Mr. Kirchick. Was there a poll taken? I remember taking a poll for CrossFit and I definitely got the one for not eating carbs, but I must have clearly missed the “Who Wants To Shtook Schock” poll.

10689823_10152882423143545_361231223756072613_nOur disdain for Schock has nothing to do with his alleged good looks. It’s because of his character. Or lack of it, to be precise.   

It seems in this day and age, you can’t dislike anyone for honest reasons, such as a person’s character. You can’t dislike Kanye without being a racist, Madonna without being an ageist, or Taco Bell without being a rational-thinking human being.

John Carroll

John Carroll

Now as far as me not liking Aaron Schock because I want him — child, please. I will personally stand next to Schock in a Speedo and go muscle to muscle any day of the week (except Sunday — that’s my “cheat day”). In fact, he could have all the muscles in Chelsea and WeHo combined, but the thing Schock lacks and the thing that most resonates with the “bitchy queens” is the soon-to-be-former Congressman’s lack of ethics.

Now dare I say, that is the reason we do not like her… I mean, him.

In his article, Kirchick writes that Schock’s closetedness “isn’t hard to understand” considering, “his party remains largely unwelcome to openly gay officials (only two Republican congressmen, Steve Gunderson and Jim Kolbe, have been elected while being openly gay), and it’s doubtful that Schock’s coming out would (literally) play well in Peoria. “

10384517_10152747626483545_1210406958021515047_nAccording to Kirchick’s line of thinking, if Schock were to publicly come out and live his authentic life, he would be pushed aside, looked over and basically discriminated against by the Republican Party.

Let me tell you a story. I am opposed to Nazis. I truly am. Knowing that I do not share the same ideology as Nazis, I choose to not be associated with an organization that embraces ideals I do not agree with and has historically done things to hurt people like myself.

This leads us, in the “bitchy gay community,” to then put two thoughts together and come to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, Schock believes in his Republican constituent’s ideology when it comes to LGBT rights.

071810_anhq_schock_FNC_071810_14-03Kirchick writes that Schock has voted against gay marriage, against repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and against the institution of harsher criminal penalties for hate crimes. A mere two sentences later, Kirchick tries to say that, “There’s no evidence that Schock personally discriminated against gay people,” which makes one wonder if he has even read his own article. Call me crazy (I’ve been called worse), but voting against LGBT rights, is a form of discrimination.

These facts alone are enough, more than enough, actually, for the “bitchy gay community” to not like Aaron Schock.

But wait there’s more.

10491153_10152588722138545_4478406095103206588_nTake for instance, Schock’s extravagant spending. His Downton Abbey themed office, which by the way is not gay at all, sparked an ethics complaint against the congressman and he ultimately had to repay $40,000. He has taken staffers to New York on taxpayer’s money, flights worth over $40,000 on donors’ planes, and spent $24,000 on events, one of them being an out-of-state Katy Perry concert, again, not the least bit gay. Schock also billed the Federal Government for logging approximately 170,000 miles on his personal car that, when sold, had an odometer reading of 80,000 miles. So “We The People” also paid for over 90,000 miles on Aaron Schock’s car that were never driven.

Kirchick and others can try and spin this however they want. The truth is, the fall of Aaron Schock is because Aaron Schock has performed less like an United States Congressman than a privileged party boy who is all show and no substance.

This card-carrying member of the “bitchy gay community” and many others like me are not supporters of Aaron Schock because he hasn’t earned it. It doesn’t matter where on the spectrum of sexuality he falls — though evidently, it’s somewhere between rabid Downton Abbey fan and Katy Perry backup dancer.

John Carroll is a Broadway performer, writer and activist. For more information on him, go to Follow him on Twitter and Instagram @MrJohnCarroll.

Photos: Facebook

Jeremy Kinser

Andy Cohen Joins #BoycottDolceGabbana By Auctioning Off His D&G Suit to Support LGBT Families: VIDEO

Andy Cohen Joins #BoycottDolceGabbana By Auctioning Off His D&G Suit to Support LGBT Families: VIDEO


Andy Cohen is putting a creative spin on the #BoycottDolceGabbana campaign: auctioning off his D&G suit and donating the money to the Family Equality Council supporting LGBT families. 

On Watch What Happens Live! earlier this week, Cohen expressed his extreme displeasure with designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, who last week stated their beliefs that “the only family is the traditional one” and that children born through in vitro fertilization were “synthetic.”

Said Cohen:

As a gay man, I’ve seen my friends given an incredible opportunity to create very real families. There’s nothing ‘synthetic’ about any of the kids that call me Uncle Andy. So in the interest of making things a little better, I brought this from my own closet.

After pulling out his 2014 black wool Dolce and Gabbana suit (size 40R), Cohen announced he would be putting the suit up on Ebay, saying:

“Even though I love this suit, it wouldn’t be fun for me to wear it again. But it will be so much fun for me to have you wear it, knowing we were able to support an amazing cause while also screwing Dolce & Gabbana out of at least one sale.”

Watch Cohen’s Mazel of the Day, AFTER THE JUMP

And to bid on the suit yourself, visit HERE

Kyler Geoffroy

'Kimmy Schmidt' Star Tituss Burgess Says Race Controversy Is 'Ridiculous'

'Kimmy Schmidt' Star Tituss Burgess Says Race Controversy Is 'Ridiculous'
Tituss Burgess vehemently disagrees with those who see representations of Asian-Americans and Native-Americans on “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” as disrespectful.

“I just think that is so completely unbelievably ridiculous, and I think people are watching it and pulling it apart for all the wrong reasons,” Burgess told HuffPost Live in a Thursday conversation in an appearance to promote the Netflix series, in which he stars.

Viewers who watch from start to finish will see “all of these storylines come back around and make a delicious point,” he said, invoking how Kimmy’s love interest, Dong (played by Korean-American actor Ki Hong Lee) flips expected stereotypes.

“Kimmy doesn’t choose the white man, she chooses Dong,” he said, defying “the bizarre stereotype that white women don’t like Asian men.”

The fact that people have yet to catch onto this meta-narrative is something Burgess can’t help but laugh off.

“I just find it hilarious that people are trying to arrest us for doing the opposite of what everyone thinks we’re doing,” he concluded.

Watch more from Tituss Burgess’ HuffPost Live conversation here.

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