Category Archives: MISC
Agencia LGBT Dr Paulo Branco Dor Anal em Queimação
Agencia LGBT Dr Paulo Branco Dor Anal em Queimação
Dr. Paulo Branco, colunista da Agência LGBT fala sobre Dor Anal em Queimação.
LGBTube: The YouTube LGBT Documentary
LGBTube: The YouTube LGBT Documentary
Please let me know if you’re not able to view this video on YouTube. I will have a problem with it because I did use the Macklemore song as a stand in for an acoustic version a friend was suppose…
Teaser Marche des Fiertés 2014 MAG Jeunes LGBT !
Teaser Marche des Fiertés 2014 MAG Jeunes LGBT !
Venez marcher, danser, militer avec nous ! Comme chaque année, le MAG Jeunes LGBT sera présent à la Marche des Fiertés LGBT parisienne ! Notre thème cette année sera « Red is back…
Parada ponosa Povorka; Ljubljana Pride 2014
Frankel: End LGBT Discrimination
Frankel: End LGBT Discrimination
Pa. state Rep. Dan Frankel stood with faith leaders, business leaders and members of the LGBT community to advocate for the passage of S.B. 300/H.B. 300 to end discrimination in housing, employment…
Photo of the Day – June 16, 2014
Obama To Sign Order Extending LGBT Protections
Obama To Sign Order Extending LGBT Protections
President Barack Obama plans to sign an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of their sexual orientation. The move follows years of…
Notre Dame tennis player comes out, vows to help other LGBT athletes
Notre Dame tennis player comes out, vows to help other LGBT athletes