Bryan Fischer Flips Out Over SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling: ‘From a Moral Standpoint, 6/26 is Now Our 9/11′ – VIDEO
With the SCOTUS ruling in favor of same-sex marriage predictably comes warnings of hellfire and brimstone and a god-almighty judgement day awaiting the United States.
However, homophobic serial offender Bryan Fischer took the ire a step further than usual by comparing the ruling with 9/11.
From a moral standpoint, 6/26 is now our 9/11.
— Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) June 26, 2015
The rainbow jihadists of SCOTUS blow up twin towers of truth and righteousness
— Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) June 26, 2015
Right Wing Watch reports Fischer then compared the ruling with slavery, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and Sodom and Gomorrah.
On his radio show yesterday, Fischer had this to say:
“From a moral standpoint, 6/26 is the new 9/11 because it was on this day that five justices of the United States Supreme Court became moral jihadists. They became rainbow jihadists and they blasted the twin pillars of truth and righteousness into rubble. And they did this by imposing sodomy-based marriage on the United States through an act of judicial tyranny.
“We the people have ceased to be our own rulers. We are now serfs on a plantation that’s being run by cultural elites who wear black robes and use the gavels like the slaveholders of old used to use their whips, to beat us, as social conservatives, into abject submission.
“Today, June 26, 2015, is a date which will live in infamy. On this day, the United States became Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Fischer recently said that Caitlyn Jenner is suffering from “a mental illness that could drive [her] to self-destruction.”
The reaction to Fischer’s offensive tweet was less than positive.
Watch Fischer’s outburst below.
The post Bryan Fischer Flips Out Over SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling: ‘From a Moral Standpoint, 6/26 is Now Our 9/11′ – VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.
Michael Fitzgerald
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