Bruce Springsteen, Chris Martin Step in for Bono at U2 'World AIDS Day' Concert in Times Square: FULL VIDEO

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Bruce Springsteen, Chris Martin Step in for Bono at U2 'World AIDS Day' Concert in Times Square: FULL VIDEO


U2 played a surprise World AIDS Day concert for (RED) last night in Times Square but had some last minute substitutions.

Because Bono is still recovering from a November 16 bicycle accident in Central Park, the band announced via its Facebook page at 3 pm yesterday that Adam Clayton, The Edge and Larry Mullen Jr. would be joined by Chris Martin and Bruce Springsteen, who donated their time and talents.

Martin wore a t-shirt that read ‘SUBSTITU2’.

Carrie Underwood and Kanye West performed as well. Former President Bill Clinton introduced the band.

Watch the full concert, AFTER THE JUMP


Individual clips of the U2 performances:

Andy Towle

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