Brian Brown Robocalls Against Gay GOP Candidate Carl DeMaio, Asks Voters to Consider Pro-LGBT Democrat: AUDIO
Well this is new…
So great are Brian Brown’s fears about LGBT infiltration in the Republican ranks, he is now robocalling California’s 52nd congressional district to warn that embattled, openly gay GOP candidate Carl DeMaio could “damage” the Republican Party “for decades” if he’s elected to Congress.
Said Brown:
I’m calling to urge all Republicans who support traditional marriage and human life to oppose fake Republican Carl DeMaio in the upcoming election. Having someone like Carl DeMaio in Congress would be extremely damaging, giving him a platform to advance his flawed ideas of remaking the Republican Party into a party that supports the redefinition of marriage and abortion on demand. I urge you to make sure you do not vote for Carl DeMaio and consider for voting for Democrat Scott Peters…
Listen to the full robocall, AFTER THE JUMP…
Kyler Geoffroy
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