Brexiteers Bungle Attempt To Impress EU With A Hamper Of ‘British’ Goodies

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Brexiteers Bungle Attempt To Impress EU With A Hamper Of ‘British’ Goodies

Brexit campaigners have been mocked for an attempt to show Britain can thrive outside the European Union after they presented the bloc’s top negotiator with a hamper of ‘British’ goods that have a distinctly European flavour.

A delegation led by independent MEP and ex-Ukiper Steven Woolfe today met Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, and gave him the special gift so the EU could “fully grasp the powerful commercial position Britain occupies globally”.

The hamper included Cheddar cheese, English sparkling wine and Shakespeare plays in a show of British strength designed to demonstrate the UK should not be underestimated.

The group, which also included former CBI boss Lord Digby Jones, Labour Leave chairman John Mills and former British Chamber of Commerce chief John Longworth, also contained a jar of Marmite, a biography of Winston Churchill and Hendrick’s gin.

Woolfe showcased the straw-lined offering on social media.

Looking forward to giving Mr Barnier some fantastic products from Britain including some British wine and gin

— Steven Woolfe MEP (@Steven_Woolfe) January 10, 2018

And the Brexit Four posed for pictures in Brussels with their wares on display.

“The gifts will help Mr Barnier to fully grasp the powerful commercial position Britain occupies globally”

— Alex Wickham (@WikiGuido) January 10, 2018

But, as the pro-EU Open Britain group among many others pointed out, its contents were perhaps not the best choices.

Pro-Brexit campaigners present a basket of British goods to Michel Barnier. PG Tips and Marmite are made by anti-Brexit Anglo-Dutch company Unilever, Hendrick’s is produced by a business that’s concerned about Brexit hitting sales… it’s not hard to check is it.

— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) January 10, 2018

Marmite and PG Tips are brands owned by the Anglo-Dutch company Unilever, which has expressed misgivings about Brexit and expressed concern about the impact on its business. 

The firm warned recently it was delaying whether to keep its headquarters in the UK – rather than the Netherlands – because of the “political turbulence” caused by Brexit.

Hendrick’s gin is made by William Grant & Sons, which warned that sales had slumped in some markets because of “exchange rate changes since the referendum”.

Some also pointed out there were few products from Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland …

… and that the products were made with Spanish oranges, had been invented abroad or inspired by Europe and beyond.

Marmite invented by German
Tea – grown in India
Winston Churchill – half American – believer in a federal Europe
Shakespeare – sourced plays from European texts
Piccalili – English interpretation of Indian chutney
Steve Woolfe – grandson of immigrants

— Otto English (@Otto_English) January 10, 2018

Barnier’s advisor Stefaan De Rynck suggested the basket was welcomed, but pointed out some other European connections.

.@MichelBarnier liked a lot: Pinot Noir, Dorset cheese w/ #EU protected origin, marmelade w/ EU organic logo; + he just saw Darkest Hour

— Stefaan De Rynck (@StefaanDeRynck) January 10, 2018

Twitter lapped it up.

I see your dad, your dad, your dad and your dad have come in thinking they’re helping

— Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian) January 10, 2018

that’s not a hamper, that’s a trip to a petrol station when you forgot to buy a gift

— David Wyllie (@journodave) January 10, 2018

Brexit as fuck

— Mister Roger Quimbly (@RogerQuimbly) January 10, 2018

This is a joke, right? If not, it possibly the lamest gesture in modern European politics.

— Captain Haddock (@JXB101) January 10, 2018

There were suggestions of other products more British products that should have made the cut.

PICTURED: Proud patriots deliver Brexit hamper to @MichelBarnier to illustrate the power of British brands and our strong negotiating hand in trade deals.

— The DM Reporter (@DMReporter) January 10, 2018

And, as is increasingly common, there was a pararrel between a farcical political episode and a scene from The Office (US or otherwise). 

Incredibly, it’s even worse than I imagined.

— hrtbps (@hrtbps) January 10, 2018

Francis Grove-White, Deputy Director of Open Britain, said: “We have reached peak Brexit.

“Self-important charlatans marching around Brussels with hampers of quintessentially British products, many of which are owned by companies that have said they are deeply worried about the impact of Brexit, does nothing to further the national interest.   

 “Rather than wasting everyone’s time and making themselves look ridiculous, these hard-Brexit supporting extremists should have found themselves a local park, sat down with their hamper and had a picnic.

 “This is no time for ridiculous stunts: the prosperity of our country is at stake. We must protect jobs and our economy, and that means staying in the Single Market and the Customs Union on a permanent basis.”

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