Bob The Drag Queen Wants To Ensure You are ‘PrEP’-ared: WATCH

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Bob The Drag Queen Wants To Ensure You are ‘PrEP’-ared: WATCH

Bob the Drag Queen PrEP
Fresh off a sickening season of RuPaul’s Drag Race, America’s reigning drag superstar Bob the Drag Queen is already hard at work. And she’s now serving fierce PSA realness.

greaterthan_logoIn “Oh Hey, Prepare Yourself!”, a video released Sunday, Bob the Drag Queen (not to be confused with Bob the Chiropractor) urges people to take the anti-HIV medication PrEP, short for pre-exposure prophylaxis. “Oh hey! Prepare yourself! There is a once-a-day pill called PrEP,” she starts. “And it’s been shown to lower the risk of getting HIV by more than 90 percent” she says, even making “pre-exposure prophylaxis” sound sexy.

The minute-long video has a ’90s C+C Music Factory feel and shows Bob talking to the camera and dancing around seven other dancers, all dressed in white. There is even a little voguing thrown in for good measure.

The video is part of #HIVBEATS a campaign from Greater than AIDS, a non-profit launched in 2009 by the Kaiser Family Foundation with the Black AIDS Institute, whose goal is to bring information and inspire action to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The “Purse First” legend reminds us how easy it is to be on PrEP: “Any doctor can prescribe PrEP, but not all doctors know about PrEP, darling. You can find a PrEP-friendly doctor in your neighborhood by going to”

“Are you PREPared?”, Bob asked on Twitter.
Are you PREPared? Collab with @endhiv & @GreaterThanAIDS #endhiv #hivbeats #greaterthanaids

— Bob The Drag Queen (@thatonequeen) June 5, 2016

Five other artists also released a video for #HIVBEATS this week: Gay for Play’s Todrick Hall, transgender artist Zachary Drucker and YouTube stars Catrific, Amber’s Closet, and Davey Wavey.

The post Bob The Drag Queen Wants To Ensure You are ‘PrEP’-ared: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

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