Ben Shapiro: An 81-Year-Old Dying of COVID-19 is Not the Same as a 30-Year-Old Dying of It — WATCH

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Ben Shapiro: An 81-Year-Old Dying of COVID-19 is Not the Same as a 30-Year-Old Dying of It — WATCH

ben shapiro

Daily Wire editor Ben Shapiro suggested that a 30-year-old life was worth more than an 80-year-old life in a discussion with Dave Rubin on Wednesday about when the coronavirus lockdowns should be rolled back.

Said Shapiro: “Nobody just wants to say the obvious truth, which is we’re all making actuarial deductions about what are the costs in terms of how many human lives, how many years of life, because that is an actual issue in actuarial tables. If somebody who is 81, dies of Covid-19 that is not the same thing as somebody who is 30 dying of Covid-19. … If grandma dies in a nursing home at age 81, and that’s tragic and that’s terrible, also the life expectancy in the United States is 80. So, that is not the same thing. In moral terms, you want to save every life you can. At the same time, to pretend that it is of the same, it is the same calculation, the age of the person, no public policy acts like that, not a single public policy in America acts like that.”

Ben Shapiro: “If somebody who is 81 dies of COVID-19, that is not the same thing as somebody who is 30 dying of COVID-19…If grandma dies in a nursing home at age 81, that’s tragic and it’s terrible, also the life expectancy in the United States is 80”

— Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) April 29, 2020

Writes Mediaite: “Shapiro’s notable sang froid about elderly people being struck down by the coronavirus stands in stark contrast to his tone several years ago, when wrote an anti-Obamacare piece for the far right website, Breitbart, that was not-so-subtly titled ‘The Death Panels Are Coming.’ In that piece, Shapiro railed against the prospect of the Affordable Care Act resulting in ‘rationing of care’ and listed several examples of federal healthcare guidelines that suggested curtailing preventative tests like mammographies, colonoscopies, and PSA screening for adults in their seventies and eighties as a cost-saving measure.”

The full interview:

Ben Shapiro, 2017: “A first-trimester fetus has moral value… more value than just a cluster of cells. If left to its natural processes, it will grow into a baby. The real question is, where do you draw the line?”

Ben Shapiro, 2020: Your grandmother should be dead already.

— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) April 29, 2020

There are still folks out there who truly believe Ben Shapiro is a thought leader, and it blows my fucking mind.

— Charlotte Clymer 🏳️‍🌈 (@cmclymer) April 29, 2020

Ben Shapiro draws close to his sainted grandmother’s lovely face. “This isn’t particularly sad, given your advanced age,” he whispers, closing the coffin lid.

— A.R. Moxon (@JuliusGoat) April 29, 2020

Ben Shapiro is more concerned about an unborn fetus than he is about grandma.

Let that sink in.

So much for being pro-life.

It’s telling that he’s considered to be one of the conservative movement’s “great thinkers.”

He’s basically Candace Owens with a yarmulke.

— Russell Drew (@RussOnPolitics) April 29, 2020

pretty sure 2009 Ben Shapiro and 2014 Ben Shapiro would think 2020 Ben Shapiro is full of shit

— shauna (@goldengateblond) April 29, 2020

The post Ben Shapiro: An 81-Year-Old Dying of COVID-19 is Not the Same as a 30-Year-Old Dying of It — WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Ben Shapiro: An 81-Year-Old Dying of COVID-19 is Not the Same as a 30-Year-Old Dying of It — WATCH

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