"BARBA BRIDE : soon in Italy"
MTO (Graffiti Street art) posted a photo:
Performed on an old electrical tower in Nogarazza, Vicence district.
North ITALY.
” (…) Teachers in Venice are being pressured not to offer positive LGBT education to pupils after a vote by the regional parliament.
The motion before the Regional Council of Veneto was that teaching about LGBT people and ‘gender ideology’ is destabilising and dangerous for students. (…)
(…) Ms Stella said: “What really scares these right-wing and Catholic groups is the civil partnership bill. They are worried about what is happening in Ireland in the referendum and also about a new poll showing for the first time that the majority of people in Italy support gay marriage.”
Italy is one of nine EU countries out of a total of 28 that has no legal framework for civil unions or same-sex marriage. In June, Italy’s lower house passed a motion supporting civil unions with 204 votes in favour, 83 against and 98 abstentions. (…) “
(edit : LGBT : Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual. )
Marilyn Stowe
article from : www.marilynstowe.co.uk/…/civil-partnership-bill-spa…/
Mural Sponsored by Associazione Jeos
and located at : Via Cordano, 36057 Nogarazza.
Thanks to : Paolo Pellizzari and his family, Antonio, Federica, Micha, Marina, Ed, Denise, Gianluca
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