Bar Removes Homophobic Sign After Customers Destroy It On Facebook

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Bar Removes Homophobic Sign After Customers Destroy It On Facebook

homophobic signAfter a Melbourne bar slid a little homophobia onto their drinks menu, patrons were not having it and blasted them on Facebook.

For seven years, Handsome Steve’s House of Refreshment in Melbourne had a sign that read ‘No soy, no skinny, no tea… no poofter drinks’ below their drink menu.

What was even moderately socially acceptable in 2008 is clearly not in 2015, so a group of angry customers confronted owner Steve Miller, who refused to remove the sign.

They then took to Facebook to let Handsome Steve’s know their homophobia was about as current as Fame-era Gaga, and flooded the page with over 100 one-star reviews like this:

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…and this:

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Finally, Miller changed his tune and posted the following to the page:

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For what it’s worth, one protester had a conversation with the owner, and it seems to have went very well.

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The lesson here? Homophobia doesn’t pay, and gays (and our allies) are more than willing to put our money where our (big) mouths are when it comes to blatant discrimination.


Rob Smith

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