Awful Political Ad Compares LGBTQ People To Dollar Bills Being Flushed Down A Toilet

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Awful Political Ad Compares LGBTQ People To Dollar Bills Being Flushed Down A Toilet

Screen shot 2015-10-21 at 1.26.22 PMConservative lobbyists in Texas have sunk to a new all-time low. They just released what may be one of the most offensive anti-LGBTQ political ads in recent history.

The ad was produced by the antigay group Faith Family Freedom Fund and is in response to Houston’s Proposition 1, a non-discrimination ordinance that would ban employment and housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, two criteria not currently covered by federal anti-discrimination laws.

Related: This 5-Person Town Just Adopted An LGBT Non-Discrimination Ordinance Because, Well, Why Not?

“If Proposition 1 passes, you could be fined up to $5,000 for declining to participate in a same-sex wedding or simply objecting to a man using a woman’s bathroom,” the ad inaccurately declares.

(For the record: The new legislation will exempt religious institutions and organizations.)

The ad continues: “Don’t allow the government to flush your money or religious liberties … No person should be punished by the government because of their beliefs.”

Watch the vomit-inducing political ad below. Or don’t.

Graham Gremore

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