Autodraw, Melania Trump, Car Seat Headrest, Janet Jackson, Shrimp, Steve Bannon, Cher, United: HOT LINKS

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Autodraw, Melania Trump, Car Seat Headrest, Janet Jackson, Shrimp, Steve Bannon, Cher, United: HOT LINKS

Melania TrumpLIBEL. Daily Mail settles with Melania Trump for $3 million: “President Donald Trump’s wife, 46, had sued the publisher of the Daily Mail in Britain and also filed a $150 million (120 million pound) lawsuit against it in New York, claiming the article had cost her millions of dollars in potential business. A person familiar with the situation said the settlement was worth less than $3 million, including legal costs and damages.”

PRENUP DREAMS. Janet Jackson got her money and got out.

BannonSTEVE BANNON. Is he on the chopping block? “I like Steve, but you have to remember he was not involved in my campaign until very late,” Trump said. “I had already beaten all the senators and all the governors, and I didn’t know Steve. I’m my own strategist and it wasn’t like I was going to change strategies because I was facing crooked Hillary.”

JEFF SESSIONS. Congress will fund Trump’s Mexican wall: “I know he’s going to battle for that, and I believe he will get funding for the wall. I can’t imagine Congress to deny him that.”

AG Sessions: “The most important thing for us is to send a message to the world that the border is not open.” #Hannity

— Fox News (@FoxNews) April 12, 2017

Wikileaks Rachel MaddowRACHEL MADDOW. A “Russian connection” around every corner: “The Intercept conducted a quantitative study of all 28 TRMS episodes in the six-week period between February 20 and March 31. Russia-focused segments accounted for 53 percent of these broadcasts. That figure is conservative, excluding segments where Russia was discussed, but was not the overarching topic.”

CHER. Causing a commotion dining out in West Hollywood.

Angela MerkelGERMANY. Country will overturn convictions of gay men prosecuted after war: “Gay men convicted between 1949 and 1969 who are still alive are expected to be given financial compensation for the suffering they endured under the legislation, known as Paragraph 175, which forbade sexual relations between men. The law was first introduced in the 19th century, before being made stricter in 1935 during the Nazi era and subsequently kept on the statute books by West Germany, whose authorities avidly implemented it.”

THE FRIENDLY SKIES? The 19 best new United Airlines slogans created by Twitter.

OSCAR MUNOZ. United CEO won’t resign. “An online petition calling for Munoz to step down as CEO had more than 45,000 signatures on Wednesday morning, but he told ABC that he had no plans to resign over the incident.”

WATCH: EXCLUSIVE: “This will never happen again on a United Airlines flight.” One-on-one with United CEO:

— Good Morning America (@GMA) April 12, 2017

BROOKLYN. Teens yell anti-gay slurs and throw brick at gay couple. “They shoved us and started spitting at us calling us faggot. That’s when one of them picked up the brick.”

SYNALPHEUS PINKFLOYDII. Loud shrimp species named for Pink Floyd.

COVER OF THE DAY. Car Seat Headrest covers The Smiths’ “That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore”.

AUTODRAW. Google wants to help you draw.

HUMP DAY HOTTIE. Jazz Brooklyn.

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Autodraw, Melania Trump, Car Seat Headrest, Janet Jackson, Shrimp, Steve Bannon, Cher, United: HOT LINKS

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