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She Inspired Me: My Tribute to Joan Rivers

She Inspired Me: My Tribute to Joan Rivers
“Life is very tough. If you don’t laugh, it’s even tougher. I’m in nobody’s circle. I’ve always been an outsider.” — Joan Rivers (Las Vegas, 2012)

And with those remarkable words from Joan Rivers, I begin my tribute to an extraordinary person.

I never met Joan Rivers; I always wanted to, but never had that special opportunity to meet her. Yet, I didn’t have to meet her in person to be inspired by her. As a gay man, I always understood her humor and struggles. I, too, am an outsider. And because I choose to see the world in all of its glory and horror through my gay eyes, I was able to appreciate her contributions as a person and as an artist. I go through bouts of sadness and depression, as do many people, but Joan Rivers was always a symbol of hope for me. She was a gay man trapped in a straight woman’s body.

Yes, I know that so many clichés and trite things have been said by so many people who have expressed their love, gratitude, and respect for her, but sometimes there is no other way to express the obvious truth. Joan Rivers inspired many of us to wake up each morning, get out of bed, live through each tough day, and fight to survive. And for all of us outsiders, she made our circle a fun, fabulous, popular, and loving one.

As I write this, my eyes are filled with tears. Who will allow me to escape the mundane with laughter? Who will allow me to forget the daily problems of the world? Who will inspire me to persevere through tough times? Who will remind me to hold on with white knuckles and fight for what I want and believe in? Who will remind me to speak my mind and say what others won’t dare to say? Who will remind me to go against the status quo? Who will welcome me as a fellow outsider? Who will inspire me to simply live? Who will make this world a funny place?

I don’t mean to seem selfish in what I am writing. I am simply trying to make sense of how fascinating humanity can be, of how one human being can impact the life of another human being, of how Joan Rivers, whom I never met, could inspire me so profoundly. And please don’t misunderstand me; unlike so many people living all over the world, my life is not filled with daily atrocities. I know that I am very fortunate; however, we all live with our own demons. And Joan Rivers helped me to battle those demons. Enough said.

Dear Ms. Rivers,

Although you didn’t know me, you were always in my circle. You will never know how much you inspired me. I am truly grateful to you. May you now rest in peace, you amazing person and fabulous diva. You will be in my consciousness forever and forever missed.

With much love and gratitude,

VOTE: Stoli Guy Fort Lauderdale Winner Michael Has The Entire Package

VOTE: Stoli Guy Fort Lauderdale Winner Michael Has The Entire Package

Michael, the Stoli Guy Fort Lauderdale winner, captivated the audience at the GayCities-produced star search with his oversized origami creation. Guest co-host TP Lords kicked off the night at Village Pub where Michael’s personality, talent and modeling skills garnered him the local Stoli Guy title.

Now Michael is getting ready to travel to New York City for the national finale. Will he be the one to claim the $10,000 prize?

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Can you give us a little teaser of what your original talent showcase will be at the finale on September 18?

Since I still haven’t mastered my psychic mind control powers, I am currently seeking ways to improve my original talent and make it even more unique and unexpected than before. I hope the viewers will be as entertained as they are surprised.

Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 1.08.00 PMHow did your friends and family react when you were crowned Stoli Guy 2014 in your hometown?

My friends were thrilled. They immediately wanted to know if there was anything they could do to help me win at the national finale.

Being an LGBT ambassador for Stoli is an exciting job. Why do you think you’d be the best at it?

I am great at making people comfortable and sharing their experiences with me and I’m alway excited to meet new people.

Why do you think being “authentic” is important in the LGBT community?

I believe authenticity is important in all communities, but especially critical to the LGBT community. So many of us spent years hiding who we truly are. Some are still doing so even now. The relief of being honest with others and more importantly yourself is paramount to mental health. I went through some very dark times when I was on the verge of coming out. Being honest didn’t fix things, but it opened the door for me to fix things myself and I’ve never looked back.

Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 1.08.29 PMWhat inspired you to participate in Stoli Guy 2014?

To be totally honest I signed up last year for a free  Stoli drink (which was delicious by the way). Although I lost in the regional competition I had so much fun I made sure to apply again in 2014. This year the judges moved me forward, and I am thrilled. The whole Stoli and GayCities family has been an incredibly welcoming and comfortable place I will always put them at the top of my list.

Favorite Stoli Guy Cocktail: Boy Next Door (Stoli Blueberi + Lemonade). I’m a sucker for both lemonade themed drinks and the boy down the street with the puppy dog eyes. Not to mention they both taste delicious.

Oscar Raymundo

Teen Wolf's Tyler Posey Admits He Has a Grindr Account: VIDEO

Teen Wolf's Tyler Posey Admits He Has a Grindr Account: VIDEO


In a sneak-peek clip for his upcoming MTV special Being Tyler Posey, the 22-year-old Teen Wolf star and his friends get into a discussion on dating apps – with Posey appearing initially uncertain about what Tinder is exactly.

“Tinder? No, what’s that? Is it like Grindr for straight people? I know what Grindr is….because I have an account”

It’s probably just a a joke – but hey, I can dream can’t I?



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Kyler Geoffroy

Egyptian Authorities Arrest Nine Men for 'Inciting Debauchery' Over 'Gay Marriage' Video

Egyptian Authorities Arrest Nine Men for 'Inciting Debauchery' Over 'Gay Marriage' Video


Egyptian authorities have arrested nine men on charges of inciting debauchery and undermining public morals for appearing in a video purporting to show the country’s first gay marriage, Reunters reports:

The footage, which was posted on YouTube, appears to show a group of men celebrating a gay wedding on a Nile riverboat.

The public prosecutor’s office said in a statement late on Saturday the party took place in April but the footage went viral in August, causing the police to take action to identify the men.

The statement said the images were “humiliating, regrettable and would anger God,” concluding that they constituted a criminal act and would be investigated.

Watch the alleged ‘gay marriage’ video, AFTER THE JUMP

AFP adds:

Prosecutors have also ordered “medical tests” of the men –  a longstanding practice in Egypt to allegedly identify homosexuals that has been denounced by human rights groups. 

Back in April, we reported on gays in Egypt observing increased rates of arrests by government officials. 


Kyler Geoffroy

Georgia Teen Disowned After 'Pray the Gay Away' Intervention Now Helping LGBT Homeless Shelter: VIDEO

Georgia Teen Disowned After 'Pray the Gay Away' Intervention Now Helping LGBT Homeless Shelter: VIDEO

Daniel Pierce, the Georgia teen who recorded disturbing video of his family’s abhorrent and violent reaction to his sexuality during a “pray the gay away” intervention last month, has stopped taking donations to his GoFundMe page and has now asked that supporters instead contribute to Atlanta’s Lost-n-Found Youth, a nonprofit organization that helps transition homeless LGBT young people into a permanent living situation.

PiercePierce’s update to his GoFundMe page:

I’ve asked my friends to discontinue donations to the GoFundMe page, but if you would still like to give money and help the LGBTQ youth homeless crisis, please visit the Lost-n-Found Youth website at for more information on how you can make a difference for the many other kids in the world like me.

The GoFundMe page was set up to cover Pierce’s living everyday expenses and has raised almost $94,000. Pierce has already donated a good chunk of that money to Lost-n-Found Youth.

GaLost-n-Found Youth is currently in the middle of a campaign with a goal of raising $500,000 to support the renovation of a building that would become the groups new home in 2015. The 100-year-old building in Atlanta would provide 18 homelss youth a place to live for up three months.

Watch a CBS46 news report about Pierce and Lost-n-Found Youth’s renovation efforts, AFTER THE JUMP.

Once Pierce’s family learned that he had published the video of their confrontation on YouTube, they left him a voicemail message asking him to remove it from the website. Since the video (also AFTER THE JUMP) was posted less than two weeks ago, it has garnered nearly 6 million views.



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Steve Pep