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These Are The Top U.S. Cities For Couples, According To

These Are The Top U.S. Cities For Couples, According To
Living in a big metropolis like Manhattan, Los Angeles or Chicago can an awesome experience for young lovebirds. But there are plenty of other smaller, lesser-known cities that have a lot to offer. recently compiled a list of the best U.S. cities for couples based on factors such as a high percentage of married adults, a low percentage of divorced couples and a variety of dining, entertainment and other activities available nearby. Find out if your city made the list below:

1. Newton, Massachusetts

2. Staten Island, New York

3. Edison, New Jersey

4. Fremont, California

5. Arlington Heights, Illinois

6. Sunnyvale, California

7. Troy, Michigan

8. Irvine, California

9. San Mateo, California

10. Bellevue, Washington

11. Woodbridge, New Jersey

12. Columbia, Maryland

13. Newport Beach, California

14. Farmington Hills, Michigan

15. Torrance, California considered cities with populations of at least 75,000, where more than 25 percent of households are rental properties and where the crime rate was lower or equal to the national average. All stats and demographics were provided to via Onboard Informatics, a data and technology company.

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Nick Jonas Reveals He’ll Be Nude And Possibly Gay In His New Series

Nick Jonas Reveals He’ll Be Nude And Possibly Gay In His New Series

Never let it be said that Nick Jonas doesn’t give the people what they want. Following a recent evening of flashing his abs in gay bars, the entertainer stopped by Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live to share some exciting news. Jonas revealed he’ll be naked in his new DirecTV series Kingdom and the storyline revolves around homosexuality, causing Andy Cohen, like the rest of us mere mortals, to mark the days in his calendar until the show’s premiere.

Jeremy Kinser

First Person: #WhyILeft What I First Thought Was a Consensual Leather Relationship

First Person: #WhyILeft What I First Thought Was a Consensual Leather Relationship


#WhyIStayed and #WhyILeft have gone viral on Twitter since the Ray Rice domestic violence revelations. Our friend David M posted his story of surviving domestic abuse on Facebook earlier today and has given Towleroad permission to share it.

I was helped by several wonderful people when I was a homeless boy, discarded by my LDS family. There was Jim, the leatherman who introduced me properly to the leather scene, the man from whom I earned my first leathers. And there was Miss Gladys, the Black trans sex worker who took me in and gave me a home for a time, who was to me like a mother, and who made the best fried chicken I have ever had.

Then there was Paul. He gave me a place to live, too. But it came at a price. He beat me, raped me, abused me emotionally and financially, and lent me out to his friends. All under the guise of a BDSM relationship, which I wanted desperately. He taught me I had to start out living as his slave if I wanted to be in the scene. I was young and stupid and I believed him. I thought it was normal. And I was afraid of being back on the street, where I was already being raped and abused, anyway. That’s #WhyIStayed, far too long. But one day I found the courage to leave.

We were watching tv downstairs by the pool. I locked him into the room, went upstairs and threw my clothes into a bag, and walked out the door. I had no money, no friends, nowhere to go. But I walked out. I walked 50 miles to Tampa where I knew there was a leather bar and other leathermen. That weekend, I went to the local bar, and I started telling people my story. I met Jim, who I mentioned earlier. Jim was an old school (some would say Old Guard) leatherman. He gave me a place to live, and this time there were no strings attached. I would have slept with him; I was used to sleeping with men for food or shelter. But for the  year I lived with him, he never touched me. He taught me how to have a healthy, consensual leather relationship. He taught me the difference between BDSM and abuse. But back to the story…

A few months after I had left, I was at the bar, this was the 2606 in Tampa which some of you may know. Jim was not with me, so I was alone when Paul walked in and tried to get me to leave with him. After being afraid of him for so long, I wasn’t afraid any longer. I yelled at him; I told him I was going nowhere with him.

The music kept playing, of course, but all around me men went quiet and turned toward us. The pool games stopped. The tension in the room was palpable. Paul grabbed me by the arm and began to pull me toward the door. And suddenly, something magical happened. The leathermen in that bar closed ranks in front of us. And all around us. Tampa had a small leather community, just the one bar, so I already knew these men, and they knew my story. They knew who Paul was and why he was there. As ethical leathermen, they stepped up to protect me.

Paul didn’t really understand what was going on, but for the first time I saw fear on *his* face. I experienced a sudden realization of how small and pitiful he really was. I pulled my arm from his grip. I was shaking not with fear but with anger; I leaned in close to him and I told him that these were my friends, that this was my bar, and that he was not welcome here. He should leave, and never come back. He never did.

To this day I still ask myself #WhyILeft. But I really don’t know. Why was it that one day I suddenly had the courage that I had never had before? I don’t know. I’m just glad I did. I wish I had done it much sooner.

David M. is now married to his longtime partner. He teaches and mentors young men entering the leather scene. He says the most important thing he teaches them is how to tell the difference between healthy BDSM and abuse. He recommends consulting the site Kink Abuse for more information on the topic.

From time to time Towleroad runs first person stories spotted on social media we think will be of interest to the broader community. Hat tip to Jim Landé for spotting this one. If you come across a particularly timely, moving, amazing or otherwise worthy post, please let us know through our contact form or drop us an email at tips at towleroad dot com.

Previously in this series:
How Three Restaurant Workers Restored a Gay Man’s Faith in Humanity [tlrd]

[image kyle pierce – wikimedia commons]

Michael Goff

Nev From 'Catfish' Was Kicked Out Of Sarah Lawrence For Punching A Girl

Nev From 'Catfish' Was Kicked Out Of Sarah Lawrence For Punching A Girl
In his new book, In Real Life: Love, Lies & Identity in the Digital Age, Nev Schulman — the boyish host of the MTV show Catfish — writes about the time he was “tossed out” of Sarah Lawrence College for punching a girl in the face. In the passage, Schulman explains away his behavior by saying he “hadn’t been aware of” the fact that the person he punched was a woman, because she was “short, stocky, crew-cut-styled.”

NY Radio Hosts Kimberly and Beck, Who Were Fired for Transphobic Remarks, Back on the Air: VIDEO

NY Radio Hosts Kimberly and Beck, Who Were Fired for Transphobic Remarks, Back on the Air: VIDEO


Kimberly and Beck, the Rochester, NY radio hosts who were fired from 98.9 ‘Breakfast Buzz’ show after unleashing a tirade of disturbing and offensive remarks about transgender people in a ‘discussion’ of the city’s new trans health benefits, have been hired by Clear Channel station Radio 95.1.

The radio duo apologized after being let go over the offensive segment (which you can listen to HERE), saying, in part:

We are very sorry for the hurt and pain we have caused anyone, especially those in the Transgender community and their friends and families. What we said and the manner in which we handled ourselves was wrong; we take full responsibility and we deeply apologize to any and all that we offended.

Our attempt was to discuss a controversial healthcare issue; however our lack of sensitivity and understanding of the Transgender people and their plight created 12 minutes of radio we that wish we could take back…

…It is our hope that this situation can be a time of learning and understanding about the Transgender community and not a time for additional anger and insensitivity. This is a community of individuals who struggle painfully to be themselves and find the support and comfort they deserve. We believe that this can be a chance for all of us to stop the ignorance and find our humanity.”

In an announcement released today about their new show, Kimberly says:

“We took some time to reflect and kind of figure out what went sideways and we made the statement that we were sorry and made amends to the transgender community and we’re just glad to be back.”

Kimberly and Beck say they’re doing the same kind of show they have been doing for 13 years and don’t deny they might say something else that gets them in trouble.

Says Kimberly:

“Oh we’ll probably say stupid things. I mean, there’s no doubt. We’re all human…There are things that you say that in a minute you wish you could take back. It’s the nature of the business. We never intend to hurt anyone.”

Adds Beck:

“It’s live radio. In the area where we live, once in a while we overstep our boundaries.”

Kimberly and Beck do not specify the amends they made to the trans community or how their understanding of transgender people has changed in the time since the controversy. Perhaps they will do so on their show.

Watch the duo’s announcement today, AFTER THE JUMP


Andy Towle